Interact and monitor a Raspberry Pi Pico W remotely from your PC using Python. It is similar to Arduino Firmata but explicitly written for the Raspberry Pi Pico W.
You have a choice of two client APIs. One uses Python threading for concurrency, and the other uses Python asyncio.
A complete User's Guide is available online.
The Pico W server code is available to be viewed here.
The following functionality is implemented in this release:
- Analog Input
- Digital Input, Digital Input Pullup, Digital Input Pulldown
- PWM output
- Loopback (for client/server link debugging)
- I2C Support
- SPI Support
- NeoPixel Support
- Servo Support
- HC-SR04 Type Sonar Distance Sensor Support
- Stepper Motor Support
- DHT 11 and 22 Humidity/Temperature Sensor Support
- Automatic board reset of the PICO W using the watchdog timer when an application exits.
pip install telemetrix-rpi-pico-w
pip install telemetrix-rpi-pico-w --upgrade
Follow the instructions in the User's Guide.
Download, save, and uncompress the telemetrix-rpi-pico-w Github repository. There is a directory for threaded examples as well as asyncio examples.
Open the examples directory and run any of the examples using Python3. You may modify them to suit your needs.