The Python Banyan Framework is a lightweight, reactive framework used to create flexible, non-blocking, event driven, asynchronous applications.
Python Banyan comes with full documentation that includes a User's Guide with hands-on examples, as well documentation for the OneGPIO Project that allows you to quickly and easily build reusable GPIO projects for the Arduino, ESP-8266, and Raspberry Pi.
It is being used by Palace Games to concurrently monitor hundreds of real-time sensors and actuators.
- Based on a network connected Publish/Subscribe model, Banyan components publish user defined protocol messages in the form of Python dictionaries.
- A Banyan protocol message may contain Numpy data.
- Applications may reside on a single computer or be distributed across multiple computers without having to change source code.
- Compatible Banyan Frameworks are available for JavaScript, Ruby, and Java. Components written in any of these languages can interact with components of a differing language without modification.
- Runs on Python 2 or Python 3 (recommended).
To install, view the full installation instructions.
A Simple Banyan Echo Server:
import sys
from python_banyan.banyan_base import BanyanBase
class EchoServer(BanyanBase):
This class is a simple Banyan echo server
def __init__(self, ):
# initialize the parent
super(EchoServer, self).__init__(process_name='EchoServer')
# subscribe to receive 'echo' messages from the client
# wait for messages to arrive
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def incoming_message_processing(self, topic, payload):
Process incoming messages from the client
:param topic: message topic
:param payload: message payload
# republish the message with a topic of reply
self.publish_payload(payload, 'reply')
# extract the message number from the payload
print('Message number:', payload['message_number'])
A Simple Banyan Echo Client:
import sys
from python_banyan.banyan_base import BanyanBase
class EchoClient(BanyanBase):
This is a simple echo client derived from the BanyanBase class.
It sends out a series of messages and expects an
echo reply from the server.
def __init__(self):
# initialize the parent
super(EchoClient, self).__init__(process_name='EchoClient')
# accept banyan messages with the topic of reply
# sequence number of messages and total number of messages to send
self.message_number = self.number_of_messages = 10
# send the first message - make sure that the server is already started
self.publish_payload({'message_number': self.message_number}, 'echo')
# get the reply messages
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def incoming_message_processing(self, topic, payload):
Process incoming messages received from the echo client
:param topic: Message Topic string
:param payload: Message Data
# When a message is received and its number is zero, finish up.
if payload['message_number'] == 0:
print(str(self.number_of_messages) + ' messages sent and received. ')
input('Press enter to exit.')
# bump the message number and send the message out
self.message_number -= 1
if self.message_number >= 0:
self.publish_payload({'message_number': self.message_number}, 'echo')