D7.1.1 Dissemination Plan Actions.pdf
D7.1.1 Dissemination Plan Actions.xlsx
D7.1.1 Dissemination Plan.docx
D7.1.1 Dissemination Plan.pdf
D7.1.1 DisseminationPlan-V1.0 (OLD VERSION).docx
D7.2.1 Exploitation And Marketing Plan (OLD VERSION).docx
D7.2.1 Exploitation And Marketing Plan.docx
D7.2.1 Exploitation And Marketing Plan.pdf
D7.5.1 Technical-oriented Talk.docx
D7.5.1 Technical-oriented Talk.pdf
D7.5.1-Technical-oriented talk about the principles and benefits of the ModelWriter-ITEA approach and tooling-V1.0 (OLD VERSION).docx
D7.5.2 Research-oriented Talk.docx
D7.5.2 Research-oriented Talk.pdf
D7.5.2 Research-oriented Talk_MPM4CPS_20160915.pdf
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D7.1.1 - Dissemination Plan Document
Milestone M6 => 20150301
Lead by Obeo
Contributed by Obeo, Airbus, Loria, Unit, Mantis and KoçSistem
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