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Helpers and Extensions

Aaron Wieland edited this page May 5, 2015 · 24 revisions

A collection of extensions to vanilla Mithril that you might find useful.

View Helpers

Helpers that can make your view more succinct.

m.withValue = function (callback) {
  return m.withAttr('value', callback)

Component helpers

Helpers that deal with components.


This helper allows you to create an instance of a component and manage it yourself. Useful for when you want explicit control over your component's lifecycle, e.g. you want to control when your controller gets initialized.

m.initComponent = function (component, options, content) {
  var controller = new component.controller(options)
  controller.render = function (options2, content2) {
    return component.view(controller, options2 || options, content2 || content)
  return controller

Example use:

var UserList = {
  controller: function () { ... }
  view: function () { ... }
var App = {
  controller: function () {
    var ctrl = this
    ctrl.userList = m.initComponent(UserList, { users: [...] })
  view: function (ctrl) {
    return m('.app', [
      m('h1', "My App"),

Network extensions

Helpers that deal with AJAX requests and the like.


This simple helper allows you to mock a promise with a successful value. Useful for AJAX cache layers and mocking server responses.

m.deferred.resolve = function (value) {
  var deferred = m.deferred()
  return deferred.promise


This simple helper allows you to mock a rejected promise. Useful for mocking server responses.

m.deferred.reject = function (value) {
  var deferred = m.deferred()
  return deferred.promise
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