FileReloader is a plugin for Sublime Text that allows you to reload all open files using a hotkey.
Installation through Package Control is recommended.
- Bring up the Command Palette (Command+Shift+P on OS X, Control+Shift+P on Linux/Windows).
- Select
Package Control: Install Package
- Search for and select
The default key binding is F5
To add a key binding, open "Preferences / Key Bindings - User" and add:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "reload_cur_file" }
With this setting, pressing ctrl + shift + r will reload all open files! For OSX users, quoting wbond: "When porting a key binding across OSes, it is common for the ctrl key on Windows and Linux to be swapped out for super on OS X" (eg. use "super+shift+r" instead).
Beware: the binding from this example overrides the default ST's mapping
for goto_symbol_in_project
. You can look at the default bindings in
"Preferences / Key Bindings - Default".