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Trinium API

The Minetest Lua API, sfinv and cmsg functions are not listed here.

Table helpers

  • table.copy(tbl) Copies table, needed for editing it. The table cannot store userdata, e.g. ItemStacks or NodeMetaRefs.
  • table.count(tbl)
  • table.filter(tbl, func(value, key)) Returns table with fields that return true when func is called with them. Fields keys are unchanged, as is the given table. func is called with value as a first argument and key as the second. Has the same restrictions as table.copy.
  • table.exists(tbl, func(value, key)) Returns true if table has a field that returns true when func is called. Table iteration is stopped when such element is found.
  • table.every(tbl, func(value, key)) Returns true if all table fields return true when func is called. Table iteration is stopped when element returning false is found.
  • table.walk(tbl, func(value, key), condition()) Runs func on all table elements. If condition returns true, iteration stops. Condition argument is optional.
  •, func(value, key)) Replaces each element of table with function result and returns resulting table. Given table is unchanged. Has the same restrictions as table.copy.
  • table.remap(tbl) If tbl is a table with integer keys, some of which are shifted, this function returns a list with same values. Given table is unchanged. All non-integer keys are ignored.
  • table.keys(tbl) Returns list of keys of table. Given one is unchanged.
  • table.asort(tbl, func(a, b)) Returns iterator going through all table elements in order their values are sorted with func. Useful with associative tables. If func is not given, sorts a table normally.
  • table.sum(tbl)
  • table.tail(tbl) Returns table with first element stripped. Given table is unchanged.
  • table.mtail(tbl, multiplier) Returns table with first multiplier elements stripped.
  • trinium.sort_by_param(x) Returns sorting function comparing elements' fields with key x.
  • trinium.weighted_avg(table) Table is composed like this: {{a1, b1}, {a2, b2}, ...} Then, this function returns weighted average of a_i where weights are b_i. Example: trinium.weighted_avg({{5, 2}, {8, 1}}) => 6
  • vector.stringify(vec) Returns x,y,z string which can be used in nodemeta ans as more compact storage of coordinates.
  • vector.destringify(str) Reverse of previous one.
  • trinium.recipe_stringify(arr) Stringifies recipe. The same format is used in recipes' inputs_string field. Can be used if item order matters.
  • trinium.initialize_inventory(inv, arr) Initializes inventory: for all (K,V) pairs from arr inventory list K size is set to V.
  • trinium.weighted_random(mas, func) - func is math.random by default

String helpers

  • trinium.adequate_text(str) Returns string capitalized as it was a sentence.
  • trinium.adequate_text2(str) The same but all underscores are also replaced by spaces.
  • trinium.formspec_restore(str) Reverse of minetest.formspec_escape.
  • trinium.get_item_identifier(stack) Stack is of type ItemStack. Similar to stack:to_string(), but also cuts item amount.
  • trinium.roman_number(num)

Recipes, Multiblocks, etc

  • trinium.register_recipe(type, inputs, outputs, data)
  • trinium.register_recipe_handler(id, def) Registers new recipe method (see Recipe Methods).
  • trinium.can_perform(player_knowledge_crystal, id, method) Basically a wrapper to method's can_perform. id is obtained from recipe registry.
  • trinium.valid_recipe(pattern, method, data) Checks whether the recipe with given pattern exists. Returns its ID on success and false on failure.
  • trinium.has_inputs_for_recipe(pattern, inv, list) Checks whether all items needed for recipe are in the given inventory list.
  • trinium.draw_inputs_for_recipe(pattern, inv, list, id) Takes inputs from given inventory list and returns output list concatenated by semicolon.
  • trinium.register_multiblock(id, def) Registers new multiblock (see Multiblocks).
  • trinium.mbcr(node_id, multiblock_map) Changes node_id description to have multiblock components there.
  • trinium.recolor_facedir(pos, n)
  • trinium.get_color_facedir(pos)
  • trinium.try_craft(player) - sets output for player's detached workbench
  • trinium.absolute_draw_recipe(table, num) - draws numth recipe from table Returns formspec_str, width, height, amount_of_recipes, current_id
  • trinium.draw_recipe(item, player, id, tbl, method) Draws recipe available to player. Returns the same as function above. tbl is usually or method can be abscent.
  • trinium.draw_research_recipe(item, num) - draws recipe for research book

Material API

  • trinium.materials.register_mattype(name, callable(def)) Registers a material type. callable should register the needed items. def is a table with following fields:
    • id
    • name - the material description
    • color - color formatted as '#RRGGBBAA' (hex string)
    • color_tbl - color formatted as {R, G, B} (R, G, B are numbers)
    • formula - line wrap followed by formula string colored to gray
    • formula_tbl - formula formatted as {{'compound1', count1}, ...}
    • data
    • types - list of types material has. No need to check this most time.
  • trinium.materials.register_interaction(name, def) Register an interaction between material types, can be used for e.g. setting up recipes. def is a table with following fields:
    • requirements - list of material types
    • apply(name, data) - function which is fired when all requirements are satisfied. name is material id and data is its data
  • trinium.materials.new_material(name, def) - registers material def is a table with following fields:
    • formula - formula formatted as {{'compound1', count1}, ...}
    • types - list of material types
    • color - color formatted as {R, G, B} (R, G, B are numbers)
      • If abscent, automatically generates from compounds' colors
    • description
    • data - optional material data Returns object with following methods:
    • generate_data(id) - generates data (see mat.add_data_generator)
    • generate_recipe(id) - generates recipes (see mat.add_recipe_generator)
    • get(id) - shortcut for writing "trinium:materials_""_" All methods return object so they can be chained
  • trinium.materials.register_element(name, def) - registers elementary material def is a table with following fields:
    • formula - string like "Si", "H" (not "H2") or "Nq"
    • color - color formatted as {R, G, B} (R, G, B are numbers)
    • Other data fields include:
      • melting_point - melting point in Kelvins, -1 where not applicable
  • trinium.materials.add_data_generator(name, callback(material_name)) When object:generate_data(name) is called on material object, generates name data field using callback return value
  • trinium.materials.add_recipe_generator(name, callback(material_name)) Same as above, except that callback returns nothing and name can not be recipe method ID

Research System

  • trinium.research.register_chapter(name, def) Registers research chapter. def is a table with following fields:
    • texture - itemstring
    • x - horizontal coordinate, from 0 to 7
    • y - vertical coordinate, from 0 to 7
    • name
    • tier - integer from 1 to 4
    • create_map - optional, if present creates a map to use in Enlightener
  • trinium.research.register_research(name, def) Registers research. def is a table with following fields:
    • pre_unlock - either true or not present/false. If true research is unlocked from beginning.
    • texture - itemstring
    • x - horizontal coordinate, from 0 to 7
    • y - vertical coordinate, any integer
    • name
    • text
    • Following fields are required when pre_unlock is false or not present:
      • color - either {R, G, B} or '#RRGGBB'
      • map - table of objects with following keys:
        • x and y - coordinates of the aspect from 1 to 7
        • aspect
      • requires_lens - table with following keys:
        • requirement - if lens is required, false by default
        • core - if lens is required, this shows its core material
        • band_material - same with band material
        • core and band_material can be abscent, in that case any material can be used
        • band_tier - minimal lens tier, 1 by default
        • band_shape - needed lens shape, any shape can be used by default
  • trinium.research.grant(pn, name) - gives player research if all requirements are satisfied
  • trinium.research.grant_force(pn, name) - gives player research and all its requirements
  • trinium.research.register_aspect(name, def) Registers an aspect. def is a table with following fields:
    • texture - not an itemstring, but a texture!
    • name
    • req1 - one of the requirements, aspect is basic if this is not present
    • req2 - same as above

Tool System

  • trinium.tool_system.register_tool_material(name, def) Registers a tool head material. def is a table with following fields:
    • name
    • durability - note that durability decrease is calculated as 1/(d * 3^l)
    • level
    • time_mult - material speed, tools made from stone and sticks only have time_mult value of 10, speed scales linearly with this name is an itemstring.
  • trinium.tool_system.register_tool_rod(name, def) Similar to the method above, except for following:
    • This item can be used as a tool rod, not a tool head material
    • Final item properties are calculated as material_stats * rod_stats
  • trinium.tool_system.register_template(name, def) Registers a tool template. name is a alphanumeric string. Item texture is tool_<name>.png. def is a table with following fields:
    • name(inputs) - inputs is some list of given materials
    • schematic - string describing tool scheme:
      • This is a string which has spaces inside it, 1 word = 1 crafting line.
      • All non-space symbols can be either _, R or M.
      • _ means that no item should be put there.
      • R is for Rod and M is for Material.
    • apply(stack, capabilities) - function which sets tool capabilities stack is a ItemStack. capabilities is a table with following fields:
      • time_mult
      • durability
      • level


  • trinium.S(string, ...) - a general translator
  • trinium.dump(...) - logs all inputs, which can be tables but without Userdata
  • trinium.modulate(num, mod) This function is close to num % mod, with the only difference being this function returning mod when num is fully divisible by mod.
  • trinium.setting_get(name, default)
  • trinium.lograndom(min, max) Should return normal-distributed number between min and max, both sides included. Not well tested though.
  • trinium.get_data_pointer(player_name, file) - per-world per-player storage
  • trinium.register_fluid(source_name, flowing_name, source_desc, flowing_desc, color, def) Registers a fluid. source_name and flowing_name are IDs of source and flowing variants; source_desc and flowing_desc are their descriptions; def can have any of the fields minetest.register_node can get, however some of them will be overridden.
  • trinium.register_vein(name, params) Registers an ore vein. name is an ID which is not used for now, params is a table with following fields:
    • ore_list - list of nodenames to generate
    • ore_chances - list of relative chances of the nodes
    • density - percentage to change a stone node to ore
    • weight - relative weight of node. Generally 1-3 for very rare, 10 for rare, 50 for common, 100 for very common
    • min_height
    • max_height
  • trinium.pulsenet.import_to_controller(pos) - puts controller internal item to network.
  • trinium.advanced_search(begin, serialize(item), vertex(current_item)) Performs BFS on graph whose vertices connected to vertice A are in list vertex(A). serialize is a function that returns item in string/etc form. Returns list of {element, step}, where step >= 2 - distance from begin. Beginning element is not in the list.
  •, serialize(item), vertex(item)) Same as previous function, but returns list of element instead of pairs.

Recipe Method

Recipe Method is a table with following keys:

  • input_amount
  • output_amount
  • get_input_coords(n) - should return coords of nth input.
  • get_output_coords(n)
  • formspec_width
  • formspec_height
  • formspec_name
  • formspec_begin(data) Can be used to set background/show data/etc. Should return string, returns empty one by default.
  • can_perform(player_name, data) Returns true if player can perform the recipe. Always is true if abscent. Usually used for checking player's research.
  • test(recipe_data, actual_data) Returns true if non-input requirements - pressure, temperature, catalyst, time of day, phase of moon, etc. - are satisfied.
  • callback(inputs, outputs, data) With this key, the recipe can be redirected to other method. Should return string if method changes and any other value in the other case.
  • process_inputs(inputs) - used by wizards, returns actual inputs table. Can also return -1 to stop recipe registration.
  • process_outputs(outputs) - can also return -1
  • process_data(data) - can also return -1
  • recipe_correct(data) - called during init phase


Multiblock Definition is a table with following keys:

  • controller
  • map A table with values with x, y, z, and name fields. x is offset to the right, y is to the top, and z is to the back. name is needed name of the node. These can be any nodes except air/ignore. The multiblock will be tested having these nodes around if field is present. Also multiblock recipes will be generated in this case.
  • activator(region) Called in case map isn't present. Region is a table of objects with following keys:
    • x - offset relative to controller
    • y
    • z
    • name
    • actual_pos
  • height_d - bottom offset to check
  • height_u - top offset to check
  • width - this is both to the right and left
  • depth_b - backwards offset
  • depth_f - front offset
  • after_construct(pos, is_constructed, region) This function is called when multiblock checking tick is done. is_constructed is a boolean which is true if map is checked. region format is the same as with activator.


DataMesh is a table that can have chained methods. The possible methods are:

  • new()
  • data() - gets data
  • data(smth) - sets data
  • filter(func(v, k))
  • map(func(v, k))
  • forEach(func(v, k))
  • exists(func(v, k))
  • serialize()
  • copy()
  • push(element)