A grants program to support the development of the ecosystems by aragon and placeholder.vc.
The goal of the program is to attract talent to research and build the necessary tooling for developing solutions around Aragon and Ethereum.
- Tools for making the ecosystem sustainable, such as open source repositories run by governance tokens using Aragon.
- Developer tools for building applications on Aragon.
- Better communication tools for effective governance, possibly using Whisper and other messaging protocols, by having an app which locks an action in time until there has been significant discussion.
- Complex governance mechanisms with off-chain components, to achieve scalability.
- Aragon UI developer tools and implementations in different frameworks.
- Funding: From $50,000 up to $100,000 in ETH, split into chunks paid out over achieved deliverables.
- Success reward: Up to $50,000 in ANT, given out when all deliverables are ready.