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MaynardMiner edited this page Apr 13, 2019 · 18 revisions


Swarm has different strategies or methods this article is to give users a quick rundown of what approaches they can take.

Auto Algo

SWARM will always have auto algorithm switching activated. Auto-Algorithm will gather data from the pools you have specified for algorithms, and calculated which algorithm is best to mine on. The design of the pools in SWARM are created in a manner that when you switch to that pools algorithm, the pool will automatically distribute blocks for your rig to work on, which is usually calculated to be the most profitable.


  • It is the most traditional method to profit switch.
  • All pools in SWARM support this method.
  • Most known miners who use profit switching are using this method.


  • Pools distribute blocks, and you are unsure what exactly you are mining.
  • Most known miners who use profit switching are using this method. It is a pro, but also a con as you compete for shares.
  • Data is based on averages, and 5 minute historical. May not actually reflect best option, but usually does.

Auto Coin

By using the argument -Auto_Coin Yes you will enable auto_coin switching. Auto_Coin switching is a method in which SWARM will gather data on individual coins, and then self-determine what you should be mining, specific to a coin and not an algorithm switching port.


  • Data is asynchronous in design to algorithms, but is more accurate / up to date.
  • This enforces mining on a single coin, allowing to fine-target a specific coin, increasing your potential share
  • Prices are often more realistic in returns, not being factored by averages.
  • Allows fine tuning of ASIC switching, where they are only able to mine a single algorithm (usually).


  • If coins has issues, you will be the first to suffer.
  • Algo-switching ports "live" switch to the most profitable item in that bracket.
  • Since you are targeting specific coins rather than a set of coins on an algorithm- You suffer from market backlash more.
  • Not all Pools support this.

Stat Time Frames


You can specify a target time frame, which will utilize pricing based on that time frame, rather than live pricing.


Same as algo, but for auto_coin switching.

The pros and cons are fairly clear- The longer the time frame, the more consistent the returns, but the maximum ceiling of potential returns is lowered.

There are a lot of pools...What should I use?

This is the most highly asked question I receive. My answer to that is, I won't answer.

I, as a developer wish to remain impartial as to which pools to use, and which to not use, and offer no bias to any single pool. The advice I can give is this:

-Don't judge a pool on its site.

-Read very carefully into the payment structures.

-Join the pool discord channels, and search for users which may have complaints.

-Research Yiimp pools, and how they operate.

-Research your cards, the algorithms they are best at vs. the algorithms on the pools.

-Limit the total number of pools you utilize, and conduct trials.

-Join SWARM discord channel, ask fellow users.