Unibridge is a program that allows transmissions to be added to trunk player from a unitrunker system.
- Add EDACS, and Unitrunker supported systems to Trunk player
- Shared Storage between Trunkplayer System and Unitrunker system
- Unitrunker v1 or v2
- Trunking Recorder
- Visual Studio
Unibridge requires nuget packages
- ssh.net
- Newtonsoft.Json
Next you will need shared storage
Dir tree
Radio - Main Radio Trans Dir
New - Trunking recorder output
I have Trunking recorer recored to v:\NAS\Radio\NEW
I have Trunkplayer symlinked to V:\NAS/Radio <- From my windows system
I have a symlink on my trunkplayer system
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jan 3 14:22 audio_files -> /media/Mount/NAS/Radio
I have this mounted as a network disk on windows
Next setup unitrunker and trunking recorder
Next set trunking recorder settings to
EXAMPLE: unitrunker.exe --host --user radio --pass Password1 --trpath V:\NAS\NewAudio\ --tplayerpath V:\NAS\FinalAudioFolder
--host Trunkplayer SSH HOST OR IP
--user TrunkPlayer SSH User
--pass TrunkPlyer SSH Password
--trpath "V:\NAS\Truning Recorder Output Folder\"
--tplayerpath "V:\NAS\trunk player symlinked dir\"