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Command Line Interface

Martin Drab edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 7 revisions

Command Line Interface

Accessing IRPMon functionality through the GUI IRPMon.exe application is nice for those who like the manual approach, or are just used to programs like Process Monitor from SysInternals. Others may take advantage of the command-line interface implemented as the irpmonc.exe console application. Its functionality matches the GUI application with exception of request filters; they are simply not present.

More precisely, the console application is capable of the following tasks:

  • hooking and unhooking drivers and devices,
  • registering and unregistering driver name watches,
  • reading and modifying global driver settings,
  • retrieving requests (from the driver or a file) and sending them to other places (standard output or a file) in different formats (binary, text or JSON),
  • loading and unloading the driver,
  • stopping another irpmonc instances,
  • alter debug symbol settings.

Specifying Input

The input is a place from where the application can retrieve requests in order to process them further. This can be a control device of the IRPMon driver (usually named \\.\IRPMon), an IP address and port where the IRPMon server service listents, or a binary log file generated previously. In the first two cases, it is also possible to hook or unhook drivers and devices, register or unregister driver name watches etc. If the file is specified, irpmonc just reads requests stored there and processes them.

Exactly one input must be specified. To do that, use the --input argument in one of the following ways:

  • --input=D:\\.\IRPMon connects to the IRPMon driver running on the local machine.
  • --input=N:IP:port attempts to connect to an instance of the IRPMon server listening at IP:port. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are protocols supported.
  • --input=L:C:\log\irpmon.log opens a log file C:\log\irpmon.log.

Specifying Outputs

irpmonc is capable of writting processed requests into multiple areas, called outputs, at the same time. Use the --output argument repeatedly to define all outputs. The syntax is


The output format is determined by the letter before the colon:

  • B stands for the IRPMon binary request format. Such a file can later be specified either as an input to another irpmonc instance, or can be opened in the IRPMon graphics application. No other format can do that.
  • T is a simple text format where each line contains one name-value pair. This format is easily readable by human users, however, is hardly useful for anything also.
  • J instructs irpmonc to output each request as a JSON object. One request is printed per line. This format is expected to be useful in some automatic post-processing.

To output to the standard output, specify - as file name. If no output is specified, irpmonc just does operations, such as driver (un)hooking and driver name watch (un)registration; it does not processes requests from the input.

Hooking Drivers and Devices

Hooking drivers can be done via the --hook-driver commands. As shown below, its capabilities are rather broad.


Drivers are always hooked by their object names. Multiple letters may be specified before the colon, allowing to alter the following monitoring options:

  • IRPs (I),
  • IRP completions (C),
  • Fast I/O callbacks (F),
  • AddDevice callbacks for PnP drivers (A),
  • StartIo callback (S),
  • driver unload (U).
  • associate extra data with requests, i,e. bytes being read or written (D).

Use a to hook all devices currently managed by the target driver. To monitor only devices newly created by the driver in the future, specify N. The E character causes a device extension-based hook, rather than standard IRP one which may bypass Patchguard.

If the target driver is not loaded yet, you may specify W. In that case, a driver name watch is registered and the driver is hooked when its presence is detected.

Use the --unhook-driver command to unhook a driver. To unregister a driver name watch, specify the W character.


Commands for hooking and unhooking individual devices have the same syntax. You must specify either A or N to determine whether irpmonc should search for the target device by its name or address.


Keep in mind that it is possible to hook a device object only if its parent driver is also hooked. irpmonc always hooks drivers before attempting to hook any device directly. Also, when a driver is unhooked, all its devices are automatically unhooked as well.

Global Driver Settings

Most of the global settings are of boolean type. To change a setting, specify the following on the command line:


Use 1, yes or true to change the boolean value to true and 0, no or false to set it to false. The following table lists all available settings. They are specified without the -- prefix.

Setting Description
clear-on-disconnect Clear the driver event queue after disconnecting it.
collect-disconnected Instruct the driver to collect events even if no one is connected ti its device.
process-events Report process creating, terminating and PE image loads.
snapshot-events Report new driver and device objects detected by the driver.
file-object-events Report mappings between file objects and their names in order to track file names accross multiple operations.
process-emulate Emulate process creation and image load events after successful connection to the driver. This allows the appplication to enumerate running processes and their modules
snapshot-emulate Emulate driver and device detection events in order to comforably enumerate all existing device and driver objects.
strip-data Truncate data associated with individual requests up to a limit specified by the --strip-threshold=<sizeinbytes> parameter.
boot-log Enable boot logging. You also may need to change the start type of the driver service (irpmndrv) to appropriate value. irpmonc does not do that.
save-settings Instructs the driver to save new settings into registry to preserve them accross system reboots or driver unloads.

It is also possible to change the maximum amount of data that can be associated with each request. Use --strip-threshold=<number> to do that. By default, the threshold is set to 1024 (bytes).

Global driver settings are automatically displayed by irpmonc on the standard error output during its startup, unless a file-based input is specified.

Loading and Unloading Driver

irpmonc is also capable of loading or unloading the IRPMon driver through starting or stopping its service. The load attempt is made just after the command-line is parsed (thus, before any other action); the driver may be then unloaded as one of the last actions performed by the application before its termination.

Use one of the following switches to manipulate with the driver:

  • --load[=<service>] to load the driver on application startup. You may optionally specify driver service name, irpmndrv is the default.
  • --unload[=<service>] to unload the driver on application exit. You may optionally specify driver service name, irpmndrv is the default.

Stopping Other Instances

When an instance of irpmonc is connected to the driver (either locally, or via a network), it starts collecting events in sort of an infinite loop. Since irpmonc is a console application, the CTRL+C key combination can be used to stop it. The application handles the signal, so it exits in an orderlz fashion.

Another possibility of a nice termination is implemented through the --stop[=<PID>] command. When irpmonc sees it on its command-line, it either

  • sends a termination signal to all existing irpmonc instances if no PID is specified, or
  • sends the termination signal to an instance specified by the PID argument.



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