There are probably bugs here, don't use this!
A more in-depth description of this repo is here, or here if github pages is down.
When the rp2040 goes into boot-mode it'll show up as a disk.
Keyboard put into boot mode, shows up as /dev/sdb:
.local/ r h
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/rp2040 && cp code/rust/rp2040-kbd/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/lto/rp2040-kbd.uf2 /mnt/rp2040 && umount /mnt/rp2040
Build left side (for example) in debug.
Creates a picocom connection to interface with the kbd.
.local/ l d
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/rp2040 && cp code/rust/rp2040-kbd/target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/lto/rp2040-kbd.uf2 /mnt/rp2040 && umount /mnt/rp2040
picocom -b 115200 -l /dev/ttyACM0