and DIVAnd
have been adapted to accept file and variable names with white spaces. However it is recommended to avoid them, for example by substituting the white spaces with underscores.
Sea water temperature → Sea_water_temperature
Note that issues can arise from the white spaces when using Thredds data server.
and DIVAnd
offer a large amount of tools and sophisticated options (variable correlation length, detrending, advection) that can improve the final results.
However it is recommended to always start with a simple application (constant parameters, no advection, no data transformation etc) to ensure things are working as expected and the results make sense.
- Final users tend to prefer simple, rectangular domains, i.e. delimited by lines of constant longitudes or latitudes.
- If merged products have to be created, it is necessary to ensure that we can have a smooth transition between them.
If there is a need for a domain delimitation following the irregular shapes, it may be relevant to have post-processing tools provided to the interested users.