diff --git a/src/internal/HtmlColor.cpp b/src/internal/HtmlColor.cpp index 43750d6a..a921089c 100644 --- a/src/internal/HtmlColor.cpp +++ b/src/internal/HtmlColor.cpp @@ -25,389 +25,455 @@ License along with NeoPixel. If not, see -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "HtmlColor.h" +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// HtmlColorPair represents an association between a name and a HTML color code +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +struct HtmlColorPair +{ + PGM_P Name; + uint32_t Color; +}; + /* HTML4 color names */ -static const char name_aqua[] PROGMEM = "aqua"; -static const char name_black[] PROGMEM = "black"; -static const char name_blue[] PROGMEM = "blue"; -static const char name_fuchsia[] PROGMEM = "fuchsia"; -static const char name_gray[] PROGMEM = "gray"; -static const char name_green[] PROGMEM = "green"; -static const char name_lime[] PROGMEM = "lime"; -static const char name_maroon[] PROGMEM = "maroon"; -static const char name_navy[] PROGMEM = "navy"; -static const char name_olive[] PROGMEM = "olive"; -static const char name_orange[] PROGMEM = "orange"; -static const char name_purple[] PROGMEM = "purple"; -static const char name_red[] PROGMEM = "red"; -static const char name_silver[] PROGMEM = "silver"; -static const char name_teal[] PROGMEM = "teal"; -static const char name_white[] PROGMEM = "white"; -static const char name_yellow[] PROGMEM = "yellow"; +static const char c_HtmlNameAqua[] PROGMEM = "aqua"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBlack[] PROGMEM = "black"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBlue[] PROGMEM = "blue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameFuchsia[] PROGMEM = "fuchsia"; +static const char c_HtmlNameGray[] PROGMEM = "gray"; +static const char c_HtmlNameGreen[] PROGMEM = "green"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLime[] PROGMEM = "lime"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMaroon[] PROGMEM = "maroon"; +static const char c_HtmlNameNavy[] PROGMEM = "navy"; +static const char c_HtmlNameOlive[] PROGMEM = "olive"; +static const char c_HtmlNameOrange[] PROGMEM = "orange"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePurple[] PROGMEM = "purple"; +static const char c_HtmlNameRed[] PROGMEM = "red"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSilver[] PROGMEM = "silver"; +static const char c_HtmlNameTeal[] PROGMEM = "teal"; +static const char c_HtmlNameWhite[] PROGMEM = "white"; +static const char c_HtmlNameYellow[] PROGMEM = "yellow"; #if defined(USE_CSS3_COLORS) /* Additional CSS3 color names */ -static const char name_aliceblue[] PROGMEM = "aliceblue"; -static const char name_antiquewhite[] PROGMEM = "antiquewhite"; -static const char name_aquamarine[] PROGMEM = "aquamarine"; -static const char name_azure[] PROGMEM = "azure"; -static const char name_beige[] PROGMEM = "beige"; -static const char name_bisque[] PROGMEM = "bisque"; -static const char name_blanchedalmond[] PROGMEM = "blanchedalmond"; -static const char name_blueviolet[] PROGMEM = "blueviolet"; -static const char name_brown[] PROGMEM = "brown"; -static const char name_burlywood[] PROGMEM = "burlywood"; -static const char name_cadetblue[] PROGMEM = "cadetblue"; -static const char name_chartreuse[] PROGMEM = "chartreuse"; -static const char name_chocolate[] PROGMEM = "chocolate"; -static const char name_coral[] PROGMEM = "coral"; -static const char name_cornflowerblue[] PROGMEM = "cornflowerblue"; -static const char name_cornsilk[] PROGMEM = "cornsilk"; -static const char name_crimson[] PROGMEM = "crimson"; -static const char name_cyan[] PROGMEM = "cyan"; -static const char name_darkblue[] PROGMEM = "darkblue"; -static const char name_darkcyan[] PROGMEM = "darkcyan"; -static const char name_darkgoldenrod[] PROGMEM = "darkgoldenrod"; -static const char name_darkgray[] PROGMEM = "darkgray"; -static const char name_darkgreen[] PROGMEM = "darkgreen"; -static const char name_darkgrey[] PROGMEM = "darkgrey"; -static const char name_darkkhaki[] PROGMEM = "darkkhaki"; -static const char name_darkmagenta[] PROGMEM = "darkmagenta"; -static const char name_darkolivegreen[] PROGMEM = "darkolivegreen"; -static const char name_darkorange[] PROGMEM = "darkorange"; -static const char name_darkorchid[] PROGMEM = "darkorchid"; -static const char name_darkred[] PROGMEM = "darkred"; -static const char name_darksalmon[] PROGMEM = "darksalmon"; -static const char name_darkseagreen[] PROGMEM = "darkseagreen"; -static const char name_darkslateblue[] PROGMEM = "darkslateblue"; -static const char name_darkslategray[] PROGMEM = "darkslategray"; -static const char name_darkslategrey[] PROGMEM = "darkslategrey"; -static const char name_darkturquoise[] PROGMEM = "darkturquoise"; -static const char name_darkviolet[] PROGMEM = "darkviolet"; -static const char name_deeppink[] PROGMEM = "deeppink"; -static const char name_deepskyblue[] PROGMEM = "deepskyblue"; -static const char name_dimgray[] PROGMEM = "dimgray"; -static const char name_dimgrey[] PROGMEM = "dimgrey"; -static const char name_dodgerblue[] PROGMEM = "dodgerblue"; -static const char name_firebrick[] PROGMEM = "firebrick"; -static const char name_floralwhite[] PROGMEM = "floralwhite"; -static const char name_forestgreen[] PROGMEM = "forestgreen"; -static const char name_gainsboro[] PROGMEM = "gainsboro"; -static const char name_ghostwhite[] PROGMEM = "ghostwhite"; -static const char name_gold[] PROGMEM = "gold"; -static const char name_goldenrod[] PROGMEM = "goldenrod"; -static const char name_greenyellow[] PROGMEM = "greenyellow"; -static const char name_grey[] PROGMEM = "grey"; -static const char name_honeydew[] PROGMEM = "honeydew"; -static const char name_hotpink[] PROGMEM = "hotpink"; -static const char name_indianred[] PROGMEM = "indianred"; -static const char name_indigo[] PROGMEM = "indigo"; -static const char name_ivory[] PROGMEM = "ivory"; -static const char name_khaki[] PROGMEM = "khaki"; -static const char name_lavender[] PROGMEM = "lavender"; -static const char name_lavenderblush[] PROGMEM = "lavenderblush"; -static const char name_lawngreen[] PROGMEM = "lawngreen"; -static const char name_lemonchiffon[] PROGMEM = "lemonchiffon"; -static const char name_lightblue[] PROGMEM = "lightblue"; -static const char name_lightcoral[] PROGMEM = "lightcoral"; -static const char name_lightcyan[] PROGMEM = "lightcyan"; -static const char name_lightgoldenrodyellow[] PROGMEM = "lightgoldenrodyellow"; -static const char name_lightgray[] PROGMEM = "lightgray"; -static const char name_lightgreen[] PROGMEM = "lightgreen"; -static const char name_lightgrey[] PROGMEM = "lightgrey"; -static const char name_lightpink[] PROGMEM = "lightpink"; -static const char name_lightsalmon[] PROGMEM = "lightsalmon"; -static const char name_lightseagreen[] PROGMEM = "lightseagreen"; -static const char name_lightskyblue[] PROGMEM = "lightskyblue"; -static const char name_lightslategray[] PROGMEM = "lightslategray"; -static const char name_lightslategrey[] PROGMEM = "lightslategrey"; -static const char name_lightsteelblue[] PROGMEM = "lightsteelblue"; -static const char name_lightyellow[] PROGMEM = "lightyellow"; -static const char name_limegreen[] PROGMEM = "limegreen"; -static const char name_linen[] PROGMEM = "linen"; -static const char name_magenta[] PROGMEM = "magenta"; -static const char name_mediumaquamarine[] PROGMEM = "mediumaquamarine"; -static const char name_mediumblue[] PROGMEM = "mediumblue"; -static const char name_mediumorchid[] PROGMEM = "mediumorchid"; -static const char name_mediumpurple[] PROGMEM = "mediumpurple"; -static const char name_mediumseagreen[] PROGMEM = "mediumseagreen"; -static const char name_mediumslateblue[] PROGMEM = "mediumslateblue"; -static const char name_mediumspringgreen[] PROGMEM = "mediumspringgreen"; -static const char name_mediumturquoise[] PROGMEM = "mediumturquoise"; -static const char name_mediumvioletred[] PROGMEM = "mediumvioletred"; -static const char name_midnightblue[] PROGMEM = "midnightblue"; -static const char name_mintcream[] PROGMEM = "mintcream"; -static const char name_mistyrose[] PROGMEM = "mistyrose"; -static const char name_moccasin[] PROGMEM = "moccasin"; -static const char name_navajowhite[] PROGMEM = "navajowhite"; -static const char name_oldlace[] PROGMEM = "oldlace"; -static const char name_olivedrab[] PROGMEM = "olivedrab"; -static const char name_orangered[] PROGMEM = "orangered"; -static const char name_orchid[] PROGMEM = "orchid"; -static const char name_palegoldenrod[] PROGMEM = "palegoldenrod"; -static const char name_palegreen[] PROGMEM = "palegreen"; -static const char name_paleturquoise[] PROGMEM = "paleturquoise"; -static const char name_palevioletred[] PROGMEM = "palevioletred"; -static const char name_papayawhip[] PROGMEM = "papayawhip"; -static const char name_peachpuff[] PROGMEM = "peachpuff"; -static const char name_peru[] PROGMEM = "peru"; -static const char name_pink[] PROGMEM = "pink"; -static const char name_plum[] PROGMEM = "plum"; -static const char name_powderblue[] PROGMEM = "powderblue"; -static const char name_rosybrown[] PROGMEM = "rosybrown"; -static const char name_royalblue[] PROGMEM = "royalblue"; -static const char name_saddlebrown[] PROGMEM = "saddlebrown"; -static const char name_salmon[] PROGMEM = "salmon"; -static const char name_sandybrown[] PROGMEM = "sandybrown"; -static const char name_seagreen[] PROGMEM = "seagreen"; -static const char name_seashell[] PROGMEM = "seashell"; -static const char name_sienna[] PROGMEM = "sienna"; -static const char name_skyblue[] PROGMEM = "skyblue"; -static const char name_slateblue[] PROGMEM = "slateblue"; -static const char name_slategray[] PROGMEM = "slategray"; -static const char name_slategrey[] PROGMEM = "slategrey"; -static const char name_snow[] PROGMEM = "snow"; -static const char name_springgreen[] PROGMEM = "springgreen"; -static const char name_steelblue[] PROGMEM = "steelblue"; -static const char name_tan[] PROGMEM = "tan"; -static const char name_thistle[] PROGMEM = "thistle"; -static const char name_tomato[] PROGMEM = "tomato"; -static const char name_turquoise[] PROGMEM = "turquoise"; -static const char name_violet[] PROGMEM = "violet"; -static const char name_wheat[] PROGMEM = "wheat"; -static const char name_whitesmoke[] PROGMEM = "whitesmoke"; -static const char name_yellowgreen[] PROGMEM = "yellowgreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameAliceBlue[] PROGMEM = "aliceblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameAntiqueWhite[] PROGMEM = "antiquewhite"; +static const char c_HtmlNameAquamarine[] PROGMEM = "aquamarine"; +static const char c_HtmlNameAzure[] PROGMEM = "azure"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBeige[] PROGMEM = "beige"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBisque[] PROGMEM = "bisque"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBlanchedAlmond[] PROGMEM = "blanchedalmond"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBlueViolet[] PROGMEM = "blueviolet"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBrown[] PROGMEM = "brown"; +static const char c_HtmlNameBurlyWood[] PROGMEM = "burlywood"; +static const char c_HtmlNameCadetBlue[] PROGMEM = "cadetblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameChartreuse[] PROGMEM = "chartreuse"; +static const char c_HtmlNameChocolate[] PROGMEM = "chocolate"; +static const char 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"lawngreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLemonChiffon[] PROGMEM = "lemonchiffon"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightBlue[] PROGMEM = "lightblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightCoral[] PROGMEM = "lightcoral"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightCyan[] PROGMEM = "lightcyan"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightGoldenrodYellow[] PROGMEM = "lightgoldenrodyellow"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightGray[] PROGMEM = "lightgray"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightGreen[] PROGMEM = "lightgreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightGrey[] PROGMEM = "lightgrey"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightPink[] PROGMEM = "lightpink"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightSalmon[] PROGMEM = "lightsalmon"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightSeaGreen[] PROGMEM = "lightseagreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightSkyBlue[] PROGMEM = "lightskyblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightSlateGray[] PROGMEM = "lightslategray"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightSlateGrey[] PROGMEM = "lightslategrey"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightSteelBlue[] PROGMEM = "lightsteelblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLightYellow[] PROGMEM = "lightyellow"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLimeGreen[] PROGMEM = "limegreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameLinen[] PROGMEM = "linen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMagenta[] PROGMEM = "magenta"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumAquamarine[] PROGMEM = "mediumaquamarine"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumBlue[] PROGMEM = "mediumblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumOrchid[] PROGMEM = "mediumorchid"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumPurple[] PROGMEM = "mediumpurple"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumSeagreen[] PROGMEM = "mediumseagreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumSlateBlue[] PROGMEM = "mediumslateblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumSpringGreen[] PROGMEM = "mediumspringgreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumTurquoise[] PROGMEM = "mediumturquoise"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMediumVioletRed[] PROGMEM = "mediumvioletred"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMidnightBlue[] PROGMEM = "midnightblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMintCream[] PROGMEM = "mintcream"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMistyRose[] PROGMEM = "mistyrose"; +static const char c_HtmlNameMoccasin[] PROGMEM = "moccasin"; +static const char c_HtmlNameNavajoWhite[] PROGMEM = "navajowhite"; +static const char c_HtmlNameOldLace[] PROGMEM = "oldlace"; +static const char c_HtmlNameOliveDrab[] PROGMEM = "olivedrab"; +static const char c_HtmlNameOrangeRed[] PROGMEM = "orangered"; +static const char c_HtmlNameOrchid[] PROGMEM = "orchid"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePaleGoldenrod[] PROGMEM = "palegoldenrod"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePaleGreen[] PROGMEM = "palegreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePaleTurquoise[] PROGMEM = "paleturquoise"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePaleVioletRed[] PROGMEM = "palevioletred"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePapayaWhip[] PROGMEM = "papayawhip"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePeachPuff[] PROGMEM = "peachpuff"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePeru[] PROGMEM = "peru"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePink[] PROGMEM = "pink"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePlum[] PROGMEM = "plum"; +static const char c_HtmlNamePowderBlue[] PROGMEM = "powderblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameRosyBrown[] PROGMEM = "rosybrown"; +static const char c_HtmlNameRoyalBlue[] PROGMEM = "royalblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSaddleBrown[] PROGMEM = "saddlebrown"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSalmon[] PROGMEM = "salmon"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSandyBrown[] PROGMEM = "sandybrown"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSeaGreen[] PROGMEM = "seagreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSeaShell[] PROGMEM = "seashell"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSienna[] PROGMEM = "sienna"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSkyBlue[] PROGMEM = "skyblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSlateBlue[] PROGMEM = "slateblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSlateGray[] PROGMEM = "slategray"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSlateGrey[] PROGMEM = "slategrey"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSnow[] PROGMEM = "snow"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSpringGreen[] PROGMEM = "springgreen"; +static const char c_HtmlNameSteelBlue[] PROGMEM = "steelblue"; +static const char c_HtmlNameTan[] PROGMEM = "tan"; +static const char c_HtmlNameThistle[] PROGMEM = "thistle"; +static const char c_HtmlNameTomato[] PROGMEM = "tomato"; +static const char c_HtmlNameTurquoise[] PROGMEM = "turquoise"; +static const char c_HtmlNameViolet[] PROGMEM = "violet"; +static const char c_HtmlNameWheat[] PROGMEM = "wheat"; +static const char c_HtmlNameWhiteSmoke[] PROGMEM = "whitesmoke"; +static const char c_HtmlNameYellowGreen[] PROGMEM = "yellowgreen"; #endif -const HtmlColorName HtmlColor::ColorNames[] PROGMEM = { +const HtmlColorPair c_ColorNames[] PROGMEM = { #if defined(USE_CSS3_COLORS) - { name_aliceblue, 0xf0f8ff}, - { name_antiquewhite, 0xfaebd7}, - { name_aqua, 0xffff}, - { name_aquamarine, 0x7fffd4}, - { name_azure, 0xf0ffff}, - { name_beige, 0xf5f5dc}, - { name_bisque, 0xffe4c4}, - { name_black, 0x0}, - { name_blanchedalmond, 0xffebcd}, - { name_blue, 0xff}, - { name_blueviolet, 0x8a2be2}, - { name_brown, 0xa52a2a}, - { name_burlywood, 0xdeb887}, - { name_cadetblue, 0x5f9ea0}, - { name_chartreuse, 0x7fff00}, - { name_chocolate, 0xd2691e}, - { name_coral, 0xff7f50}, - { name_cornflowerblue, 0x6495ed}, - { name_cornsilk, 0xfff8dc}, - { name_crimson, 0xdc143c}, - { name_cyan, 0xffff}, - { name_darkblue, 0x8b}, - { name_darkcyan, 0x8b8b}, - { name_darkgoldenrod, 0xb8860b}, - { name_darkgray, 0xa9a9a9}, - { name_darkgreen, 0x6400}, - { name_darkgrey, 0xa9a9a9}, - { name_darkkhaki, 0xbdb76b}, - { name_darkmagenta, 0x8b008b}, - { name_darkolivegreen, 0x556b2f}, - { name_darkorange, 0xff8c00}, - { name_darkorchid, 0x9932cc}, - { name_darkred, 0x8b0000}, - { name_darksalmon, 0xe9967a}, - { name_darkseagreen, 0x8fbc8f}, - { name_darkslateblue, 0x483d8b}, - { name_darkslategray, 0x2f4f4f}, - { name_darkslategrey, 0x2f4f4f}, - { name_darkturquoise, 0xced1}, - { name_darkviolet, 0x9400d3}, - { name_deeppink, 0xff1493}, - { name_deepskyblue, 0xbfff}, - { name_dimgray, 0x696969}, - { name_dimgrey, 0x696969}, - { name_dodgerblue, 0x1e90ff}, - { name_firebrick, 0xb22222}, - { name_floralwhite, 0xfffaf0}, - { name_forestgreen, 0x228b22}, - { name_fuchsia, 0xff00ff}, - { name_gainsboro, 0xdcdcdc}, - { name_ghostwhite, 0xf8f8ff}, - { name_gold, 0xffd700}, - { name_goldenrod, 0xdaa520}, - { name_gray, 0x808080}, - { name_green, 0x8000}, - { name_greenyellow, 0xadff2f}, - { name_grey, 0x808080}, - { name_honeydew, 0xf0fff0}, - { name_hotpink, 0xff69b4}, - { name_indianred, 0xcd5c5c}, - { name_indigo, 0x4b0082}, - { name_ivory, 0xfffff0}, - { name_khaki, 0xf0e68c}, - { name_lavender, 0xe6e6fa}, - { name_lavenderblush, 0xfff0f5}, - { name_lawngreen, 0x7cfc00}, - { name_lemonchiffon, 0xfffacd}, - { name_lightblue, 0xadd8e6}, - { name_lightcoral, 0xf08080}, - { name_lightcyan, 0xe0ffff}, - { name_lightgoldenrodyellow, 0xfafad2}, - { name_lightgray, 0xd3d3d3}, - { name_lightgreen, 0x90ee90}, - { name_lightgrey, 0xd3d3d3}, - { name_lightpink, 0xffb6c1}, - { name_lightsalmon, 0xffa07a}, - { name_lightseagreen, 0x20b2aa}, - { name_lightskyblue, 0x87cefa}, - { name_lightslategray, 0x778899}, - { name_lightslategrey, 0x778899}, - { name_lightsteelblue, 0xb0c4de}, - { name_lightyellow, 0xffffe0}, - { name_lime, 0xff00}, - { name_limegreen, 0x32cd32}, - { name_linen, 0xfaf0e6}, - { name_magenta, 0xff00ff}, - { name_maroon, 0x800000}, - { name_mediumaquamarine, 0x66cdaa}, - { name_mediumblue, 0xcd}, - { name_mediumorchid, 0xba55d3}, - { name_mediumpurple, 0x9370d8}, - { name_mediumseagreen, 0x3cb371}, - { name_mediumslateblue, 0x7b68ee}, - { name_mediumspringgreen, 0xfa9a}, - { name_mediumturquoise, 0x48d1cc}, - { name_mediumvioletred, 0xc71585}, - { name_midnightblue, 0x191970}, - { name_mintcream, 0xf5fffa}, - { name_mistyrose, 0xffe4e1}, - { name_moccasin, 0xffe4b5}, - { name_navajowhite, 0xffdead}, - { name_navy, 0x80}, - { name_oldlace, 0xfdf5e6}, - { name_olive, 0x808000}, - { name_olivedrab, 0x6b8e23}, - { name_orange, 0xffa500}, - { name_orangered, 0xff4500}, - { name_orchid, 0xda70d6}, - { name_palegoldenrod, 0xeee8aa}, - { name_palegreen, 0x98fb98}, - { name_paleturquoise, 0xafeeee}, - { name_palevioletred, 0xd87093}, - { name_papayawhip, 0xffefd5}, - { name_peachpuff, 0xffdab9}, - { name_peru, 0xcd853f}, - { name_pink, 0xffc0cb}, - { name_plum, 0xdda0dd}, - { name_powderblue, 0xb0e0e6}, - { name_purple, 0x800080}, - { name_red, 0xff0000}, - { name_rosybrown, 0xbc8f8f}, - { name_royalblue, 0x4169e1}, - { name_saddlebrown, 0x8b4513}, - { name_salmon, 0xfa8072}, - { name_sandybrown, 0xf4a460}, - { name_seagreen, 0x2e8b57}, - { name_seashell, 0xfff5ee}, - { name_sienna, 0xa0522d}, - { name_silver, 0xc0c0c0}, - { name_skyblue, 0x87ceeb}, - { name_slateblue, 0x6a5acd}, - { name_slategray, 0x708090}, - { name_slategrey, 0x708090}, - { name_snow, 0xfffafa}, - { name_springgreen, 0xff7f}, - { name_steelblue, 0x4682b4}, - { name_tan, 0xd2b48c}, - { name_teal, 0x8080}, - { name_thistle, 0xd8bfd8}, - { name_tomato, 0xff6347}, - { name_turquoise, 0x40e0d0}, - { name_violet, 0xee82ee}, - { name_wheat, 0xf5deb3}, - { name_white, 0xffffff}, - { name_whitesmoke, 0xf5f5f5}, - { name_yellow, 0xffff00}, - { name_yellowgreen, 0x9acd32}, + { c_HtmlNameAliceBlue, 0xf0f8ff}, + { c_HtmlNameAntiqueWhite, 0xfaebd7}, + { c_HtmlNameAqua, 0xffff}, + { c_HtmlNameAquamarine, 0x7fffd4}, + { c_HtmlNameAzure, 0xf0ffff}, + { c_HtmlNameBeige, 0xf5f5dc}, + { c_HtmlNameBisque, 0xffe4c4}, + { c_HtmlNameBlack, 0x0}, + { c_HtmlNameBlanchedAlmond, 0xffebcd}, + { c_HtmlNameBlue, 0xff}, + { c_HtmlNameBlueViolet, 0x8a2be2}, + { c_HtmlNameBrown, 0xa52a2a}, + { c_HtmlNameBurlyWood, 0xdeb887}, + { c_HtmlNameCadetBlue, 0x5f9ea0}, + { c_HtmlNameChartreuse, 0x7fff00}, + { c_HtmlNameChocolate, 0xd2691e}, + { c_HtmlNameCoral, 0xff7f50}, + { c_HtmlNameCornflowerBlue, 0x6495ed}, + { c_HtmlNameCornsilk, 0xfff8dc}, + { c_HtmlNameCrimson, 0xdc143c}, + { c_HtmlNameCyan, 0xffff}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkBlue, 0x8b}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkCyan, 0x8b8b}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkGoldenrod, 0xb8860b}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkGray, 0xa9a9a9}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkGreen, 0x6400}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkGrey, 0xa9a9a9}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkKhaki, 0xbdb76b}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkMagenta, 0x8b008b}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkOliveGreen, 0x556b2f}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkOrange, 0xff8c00}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkOrchid, 0x9932cc}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkRed, 0x8b0000}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkSalmon, 0xe9967a}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkSeaGreen, 0x8fbc8f}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkSlateBlue, 0x483d8b}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkSlateGray, 0x2f4f4f}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkSlateGrey, 0x2f4f4f}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkTurquoise, 0xced1}, + { c_HtmlNameDarkViolet, 0x9400d3}, + { c_HtmlNameDeepPink, 0xff1493}, + { c_HtmlNameDeepSkyBlue, 0xbfff}, + { c_HtmlNameDimGray, 0x696969}, + { c_HtmlNameDimGrey, 0x696969}, + { c_HtmlNameDodgerBlue, 0x1e90ff}, + { c_HtmlNameFirebrick, 0xb22222}, + { c_HtmlNameFloralWhite, 0xfffaf0}, + { c_HtmlNameForestGreen, 0x228b22}, + { c_HtmlNameFuchsia, 0xff00ff}, + { c_HtmlNameGainsboro, 0xdcdcdc}, + { c_HtmlNameGhostWhite, 0xf8f8ff}, + { c_HtmlNameGold, 0xffd700}, + { c_HtmlNameGoldenrod, 0xdaa520}, + { c_HtmlNameGray, 0x808080}, + { c_HtmlNameGreen, 0x8000}, + { c_HtmlNameGreenYellow, 0xadff2f}, + { c_HtmlNameGrey, 0x808080}, + { c_HtmlNameHoneydew, 0xf0fff0}, + { c_HtmlNameHotPink, 0xff69b4}, + { c_HtmlNameIndianRed, 0xcd5c5c}, + { c_HtmlNameIndigo, 0x4b0082}, + { c_HtmlNameIvory, 0xfffff0}, + { c_HtmlNameKhaki, 0xf0e68c}, + { c_HtmlNameLavender, 0xe6e6fa}, + { c_HtmlNameLavenderBlush, 0xfff0f5}, + { c_HtmlNameLawnGreen, 0x7cfc00}, + { c_HtmlNameLemonChiffon, 0xfffacd}, + { c_HtmlNameLightBlue, 0xadd8e6}, + { c_HtmlNameLightCoral, 0xf08080}, + { c_HtmlNameLightCyan, 0xe0ffff}, + { c_HtmlNameLightGoldenrodYellow, 0xfafad2}, + { c_HtmlNameLightGray, 0xd3d3d3}, + { c_HtmlNameLightGreen, 0x90ee90}, + { c_HtmlNameLightGrey, 0xd3d3d3}, + { c_HtmlNameLightPink, 0xffb6c1}, + { c_HtmlNameLightSalmon, 0xffa07a}, + { c_HtmlNameLightSeaGreen, 0x20b2aa}, + { c_HtmlNameLightSkyBlue, 0x87cefa}, + { c_HtmlNameLightSlateGray, 0x778899}, + { c_HtmlNameLightSlateGrey, 0x778899}, + { c_HtmlNameLightSteelBlue, 0xb0c4de}, + { c_HtmlNameLightYellow, 0xffffe0}, + { c_HtmlNameLime, 0xff00}, + { c_HtmlNameLimeGreen, 0x32cd32}, + { c_HtmlNameLinen, 0xfaf0e6}, + { c_HtmlNameMagenta, 0xff00ff}, + { c_HtmlNameMaroon, 0x800000}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumAquamarine, 0x66cdaa}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumBlue, 0xcd}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumOrchid, 0xba55d3}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumPurple, 0x9370d8}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumSeagreen, 0x3cb371}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumSlateBlue, 0x7b68ee}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumSpringGreen, 0xfa9a}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumTurquoise, 0x48d1cc}, + { c_HtmlNameMediumVioletRed, 0xc71585}, + { c_HtmlNameMidnightBlue, 0x191970}, + { c_HtmlNameMintCream, 0xf5fffa}, + { c_HtmlNameMistyRose, 0xffe4e1}, + { c_HtmlNameMoccasin, 0xffe4b5}, + { c_HtmlNameNavajoWhite, 0xffdead}, + { c_HtmlNameNavy, 0x80}, + { c_HtmlNameOldLace, 0xfdf5e6}, + { c_HtmlNameOlive, 0x808000}, + { c_HtmlNameOliveDrab, 0x6b8e23}, + { c_HtmlNameOrange, 0xffa500}, + { c_HtmlNameOrangeRed, 0xff4500}, + { c_HtmlNameOrchid, 0xda70d6}, + { c_HtmlNamePaleGoldenrod, 0xeee8aa}, + { c_HtmlNamePaleGreen, 0x98fb98}, + { c_HtmlNamePaleTurquoise, 0xafeeee}, + { c_HtmlNamePaleVioletRed, 0xd87093}, + { c_HtmlNamePapayaWhip, 0xffefd5}, + { c_HtmlNamePeachPuff, 0xffdab9}, + { c_HtmlNamePeru, 0xcd853f}, + { c_HtmlNamePink, 0xffc0cb}, + { c_HtmlNamePlum, 0xdda0dd}, + { c_HtmlNamePowderBlue, 0xb0e0e6}, + { c_HtmlNamePurple, 0x800080}, + { c_HtmlNameRed, 0xff0000}, + { c_HtmlNameRosyBrown, 0xbc8f8f}, + { c_HtmlNameRoyalBlue, 0x4169e1}, + { c_HtmlNameSaddleBrown, 0x8b4513}, + { c_HtmlNameSalmon, 0xfa8072}, + { c_HtmlNameSandyBrown, 0xf4a460}, + { c_HtmlNameSeaGreen, 0x2e8b57}, + { c_HtmlNameSeaShell, 0xfff5ee}, + { c_HtmlNameSienna, 0xa0522d}, + { c_HtmlNameSilver, 0xc0c0c0}, + { c_HtmlNameSkyBlue, 0x87ceeb}, + { c_HtmlNameSlateBlue, 0x6a5acd}, + { c_HtmlNameSlateGray, 0x708090}, + { c_HtmlNameSlateGrey, 0x708090}, + { c_HtmlNameSnow, 0xfffafa}, + { c_HtmlNameSpringGreen, 0xff7f}, + { c_HtmlNameSteelBlue, 0x4682b4}, + { c_HtmlNameTan, 0xd2b48c}, + { c_HtmlNameTeal, 0x8080}, + { c_HtmlNameThistle, 0xd8bfd8}, + { c_HtmlNameTomato, 0xff6347}, + { c_HtmlNameTurquoise, 0x40e0d0}, + { c_HtmlNameViolet, 0xee82ee}, + { c_HtmlNameWheat, 0xf5deb3}, + { c_HtmlNameWhite, 0xffffff}, + { c_HtmlNameWhiteSmoke, 0xf5f5f5}, + { c_HtmlNameYellow, 0xffff00}, + { c_HtmlNameYellowGreen, 0x9acd32}, #else - { name_aqua, 0xffff}, - { name_black, 0x0}, - { name_blue, 0xff}, - { name_fuchsia, 0xff00ff}, - { name_gray, 0x808080}, - { name_green, 0x8000}, - { name_lime, 0xff00}, - { name_maroon, 0x800000}, - { name_navy, 0x80}, - { name_olive, 0x808000}, - { name_orange, 0xffa500}, - { name_purple, 0x800080}, - { name_red, 0xff0000}, - { name_silver, 0xc0c0c0}, - { name_teal, 0x8080}, - { name_white, 0xffffff}, - { name_yellow, 0xffff00}, + { c_HtmlNameAqua, 0xffff}, + { c_HtmlNameBlack, 0x0}, + { c_HtmlNameBlue, 0xff}, + { c_HtmlNameFuchsia, 0xff00ff}, + { c_HtmlNameGray, 0x808080}, + { c_HtmlNameGreen, 0x8000}, + { c_HtmlNameLime, 0xff00}, + { c_HtmlNameMaroon, 0x800000}, + { c_HtmlNameNavy, 0x80}, + { c_HtmlNameOlive, 0x808000}, + { c_HtmlNameOrange, 0xffa500}, + { c_HtmlNamePurple, 0x800080}, + { c_HtmlNameRed, 0xff0000}, + { c_HtmlNameSilver, 0xc0c0c0}, + { c_HtmlNameTeal, 0x8080}, + { c_HtmlNameWhite, 0xffffff}, + { c_HtmlNameYellow, 0xffff00}, #endif }; #ifndef pgm_read_ptr -// ESP8266 doesn't define this macro, but it doesn't need it either. +// ESP8266 doesn't define this macro #define pgm_read_ptr(addr) (*reinterpret_cast(addr)) #endif -bool HtmlColor::Parse(const char* name, size_t namelen) +#ifndef countof +#define countof(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])) +#endif + +size_t HtmlColor::Parse(const char* name, size_t nameSize) { - if (name[0] == '#') + if (nameSize > 0) { - // Parse an hexadecimal notation "#rrbbgg" or "#rgb" - if (namelen != 4 && namelen != 7) + if (name[0] == '#') { - return false; - } + // Parse an hexadecimal notation "#rrbbgg" or "#rgb" + // + uint8_t temp[6]; // stores preconverted chars to hex values + uint8_t tempSize = 0; - uint32_t color = 0; - for (uint8_t i = 1; i < namelen; ++i) - { - char c = name[i]; - if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') - { - c -= '0'; - } - else + for (uint8_t indexChar = 1; indexChar < nameSize && indexChar < 8; ++indexChar) { - // Convert a letter to lower case (only for ASCII letters) - // It's faster & smaller than tolower() - c |= 32; - if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') + char c = name[indexChar]; + if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { - c = c - 'a' + 10; + c -= '0'; } else { - return false; + // Convert a letter to lower case (only for ASCII letters) + // It's faster & smaller than tolower() + c |= 32; + if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') + { + c = c - 'a' + 10; + } + else + { + // we found an non hexidecimal char + // which could be null, deliminator, or other spacing + break; + } } + + temp[tempSize] = c; + tempSize++; } - color = color * 16 + c; - if (namelen == 4) + + if (tempSize != 3 && tempSize != 6) { - // 3 digit hexadecimal notation can be supported easily - // duplicating digits. - color = color * 16 + c; + // invalid count of numerical chars + return 0; } - } - Color = color; - return true; - } + else + { + uint32_t color = 0; + for (uint8_t indexChar = 0; indexChar < tempSize; ++indexChar) + { + color = color * 16 + temp[indexChar]; + if (tempSize == 3) + { + // 3 digit hexadecimal notation can be supported easily + // duplicating digits. + color = color * 16 + temp[indexChar]; + } + } - for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ColorNames)/sizeof(ColorNames[0]); ++i) - { - const HtmlColorName* cptr = &ColorNames[i]; - PGM_P cname = (PGM_P)pgm_read_ptr(&cptr->Name); - if (strncasecmp_P(name, cname, namelen) == 0 && strlen_P(cname) == namelen) + Color = color; + return tempSize; + } + } + else { - Color = pgm_read_dword(&cptr->Color); - return true; + // parse a standard name for the color + // + + // the normal list is small enough a binary search isn't interesting, + for (uint8_t indexName = 0; indexName < countof(c_ColorNames); ++indexName) + { + const HtmlColorPair* colorPair = &c_ColorNames[indexName]; + PGM_P searchName = (PGM_P)pgm_read_ptr(&colorPair->Name); + size_t str1Size = nameSize; + const char* str1 = name; + const char* str2P = searchName; + + uint16_t result; + + while (str1Size > 0) + { + char ch1 = tolower(*str1++); + char ch2 = tolower(pgm_read_byte(str2P++)); + result = ch1 - ch2; + if (result != 0 || ch2 == '\0') + { + if (ch2 == '\0' && !isalnum(ch1)) + { + // the string continues but is not part of a + // valid color name, + // ends in white space, deliminator, etc + result = 0; + } + break; + } + result = -1; // have not reached the end of searchName; + str1Size--; + } + + if (result == 0) + { + Color = pgm_read_dword(&colorPair->Color); + return nameSize - str1Size; + } + } } } - return false; + + return 0; } static inline char hexdigit(uint8_t v) @@ -415,41 +481,46 @@ static inline char hexdigit(uint8_t v) return v + (v < 10 ? '0' : 'a' - 10); } -size_t HtmlColor::ToString(char* buf, size_t buflen) const +size_t HtmlColor::ToString(char* buf, size_t bufSize) const { - for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ColorNames) / sizeof(ColorNames[0]); ++i) + // search for a color value/name pairs first + for (uint8_t indexName = 0; indexName < countof(c_ColorNames); ++indexName) { - const HtmlColorName* cptr = &ColorNames[i]; - if (pgm_read_dword(&cptr->Color) == Color) + const HtmlColorPair* colorPair = &c_ColorNames[indexName]; + if (pgm_read_dword(&colorPair->Color) == Color) { - PGM_P name = (PGM_P)pgm_read_ptr(&cptr->Name); - size_t namelen = strlen_P(name); - if (buflen-- > 0) - { - buflen = min(buflen, namelen); - memcpy_P(buf, name, buflen); - buf[buflen] = 0; - } - return namelen; + PGM_P name = (PGM_P)pgm_read_ptr(&colorPair->Name); + strncpy_P(buf, name, bufSize); + return strlen_P(name); } } - if (buflen-- > 0) + // no color name pair match, convert using numerical format + return ToNumericalString(buf, bufSize); +} + +size_t HtmlColor::ToNumericalString(char* buf, size_t bufSize) const +{ + size_t bufLen = bufSize - 1; + + if (bufLen-- > 0) { - if (buflen > 0) + if (bufLen > 0) { buf[0] = '#'; } + uint32_t color = Color; - for (uint8_t i = 6; i > 0; i--) + for (uint8_t indexDigit = 6; indexDigit > 0; indexDigit--) { - if (buflen > i) + if (bufLen > indexDigit) { - buf[i] = hexdigit(color & 0x0000000f); + buf[indexDigit] = hexdigit(color & 0x0000000f); } color >>= 4; } - buf[min(buflen, 7)] = 0; + + buf[min(bufLen, 7)] = 0; } return 7; } diff --git a/src/internal/HtmlColor.h b/src/internal/HtmlColor.h index 2bf743f1..51a132b8 100644 --- a/src/internal/HtmlColor.h +++ b/src/internal/HtmlColor.h @@ -28,20 +28,9 @@ License along with NeoPixel. If not, see #include #include "RgbColor.h" -#if defined(USE_CSS3_COLORS) -#define MAX_HTML_COLOR_NAME_LEN 21 -#else -#define MAX_HTML_COLOR_NAME_LEN 8 -#endif - -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// HtmlColor represents an association between a name and a HTML color code -// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -struct HtmlColorName -{ - PGM_P Name; - uint32_t Color; -}; +// Due to Arduino's lack of Project settings for symbols, library code (c,cpp) +// files can't react to defines in sketch, so this must be defined here +// #define USE_CSS3_COLORS 1 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // HtmlColor represents a color object that is represented by a single uint32 @@ -93,7 +82,13 @@ struct HtmlColor // Parse a HTML4/CSS3 color name // // name - the color name - // namelen - length of the name string + // nameSize - the max size of name to check + // + // returns - zero if failed, or the number of chars parsed + // + // It will stop parsing name when a null terminator is reached, + // nameSize is reached, no match is found in the name/color pair table, or + // a non-alphanumeric is read like seperators or whitespace. // // It accepts all standard HTML4 names and, if USE_CSS3_COLORS macro is // defined, the extended color names defined in CSS3 standard also. @@ -103,27 +98,48 @@ struct HtmlColor // // See https://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#SRGB // - // Name MUST be stripped of any leading or tailing whitespace. + // name must point to the first non-whitespace character to be parsed + // parsing will stop at the first non-alpha numeric // // Name MUST NOT be a PROGMEM pointer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - bool Parse(const char* name, size_t namelen); - bool Parse(const char* name) { return Parse(name, strlen(name)); } - bool Parse(String const &name) { return Parse(name.c_str(), name.length()); } + size_t Parse(const char* name, size_t nameSize); + + size_t Parse(const char* name) + { + return Parse(name, strlen(name) + 1); + } + + size_t Parse(String const &name) + { + return Parse(name.c_str(), name.length() + 1); + } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Converts this color code to its HTML4/CSS3 name // - // buf - array of at least MAX_HTML_COLOR_NAME_LEN chars to store the name - // len - actual length of buf array + // buf - buffer to write the string + // bufSize - actual size of buf array // - // It returns the space needed to write the color name not including the - // final NUL char. + // It returns the number of chars required not including the NUL terminator. // // If there is not enough space in the buffer, it will write as many // characters as allowed and will always finish the buffer with a NUL char // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - size_t ToString(char *buf, size_t len) const; + size_t ToString(char *buf, size_t bufSize) const; + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // Converts this color code to its HTML4/CSS3 numerical name + // + // buf - buffer to write the string + // bufSize - actual size of buf array + // + // It returns the number of chars required not including the NUL terminator. + // + // If there is not enough space in the buffer, it will write as many + // characters as allowed and will always finish the buffer with a NUL char + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + size_t ToNumericalString(char* buf, size_t bufSize) const; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // BilinearBlend between four colors by the amount defined by 2d variable @@ -151,12 +167,5 @@ struct HtmlColor // 0x0000ff is blue // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ uint32_t Color; - -private: - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - // Array with all color names and its corresponding color codes - // The array ends with a NULL color name. - // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - static const HtmlColorName ColorNames[] PROGMEM; };