This Changelog references the relevant changes done in 0.5.x versions
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
Fixed code style (mmoreram)d72cbee
Some fixes suggested by Scrutinizer (mmoreram)2c2577c
Naming convention fixes (Aldo Chiecchia)6cfd005
Removed implicit dependant Bundle (Aldo Chiecchia)c8b81e1
Multiple coupons can now be stacked (Aldo Chiecchia)bd0495a
Fix for Service and Class names (Aldo Chiecchia)b4561bd
Formalized what a Wrapper is (mmoreram)da795e0
Added attr into plugin field definition (mmoreram)1deeb28
Refactored Plugin entity methods (mmoreram)9577b27
Updated menu/nodes relations fetching to EAGER (mmoreram)123a0be
Fixed changers appliance (mmoreram)e8e40d1
Fixed namespace when collecting Plugins (mmoreram)84e020e
Added some menu tests (mmoreram)1926436
Added all "return null" instad of "return" (mmoreram)2aa68dc
Refactored Plugins and Menus (mmoreram)
Update BannerManager.php (Germán Figna)8d2891f
update gush settings (Luis Cordova)afdd92c
extract listener with autologin after registration (Berny Cantos)3a05abb
Product category event listeners (Roger Gros)eb8b577
Revert "type hinting fix" (Marc Morera)4be012c
type hinting fix (Joan Galvan)a121974
Some small fixes given by Scrutinizer (mmoreram)f7d76aa
Improved some methods and fixed some code (mmoreram)20813a5
Fixed some code according scrutinizer issues (mmoreram)
Added Metrics Load Command (mmoreram)d4c14a4
Added respositories methods needed to get subcategories products (Roger Gros)25ba2a4
Fixed template dependencies (Roger Gros)4d8de2b
zone is satisfied by empty address (Berny Cantos)a06d3a6
Added coupons to orders when converting from cart (Roger Gros)81ed406
fix menu children processing after event (Berny Cantos)7753837
Added getSortedImages method (Roger Gros)36bab78
Add identificable interface to order (Roger Gros)
Refactored Page Component and routes (mmoreram)8d2fc24
utilizing same shortcut for all fixtures (Luis Cordova)a777121
Fixed unwanted change of routing context hostname (Aldo Chiecchia)23e92f3
Refactored Menu engine (mmoreram)
Travis uses bin/phpunit for right PHPUnit version (mmoreram)edcd301
Added all bin-dir in component composer.json (mmoreram)c33342f
Updated .gitignore files in all packages (mmoreram)9ff51cf
Added phpunit in require-dev block (mmoreram)91981fc
Fixed Elcodi/Core composer dependencies (mmoreram)106e949
Added User/Password EventDispatcher (mmoreram)6cf2469
Added back overridable host in image url routes (Aldo Chiecchia)
Fixed some code (mmoreram)d7cb96d
fix hhvm error with abstract mocks (Berny Cantos)4f112d9
test menu events (Berny Cantos)01997ae
fix menu tests (Berny Cantos)a7d9eb5
remove disabled entries from menu (Berny Cantos)4fae7a5
allow to add new nodes in MenuEvent (Berny Cantos)7f0ed6d
activate menu from request listener (Berny Cantos)cd79ae0
add events to MenuManager (Berny Cantos)c6ef121
filter out disabled menu nodes (Berny Cantos)efb4e50
refactor MenuManager (Berny Cantos)
Added last-login-date and datetime factory (mmoreram)7c5261e
define location api prefix parameter as an extension parameter (Luis Cordova)d2aade7
Fixed api locations route (Roger Gros)
Updated SimpleDoctrineMapping dep to ~1.0 (mmoreram)35eabdc
Fixed some symfony deps to ~2.6 (mmoreram)90eb76e
Updated doctrine/orm dependency to ~2.5 (mmoreram)88add29
Updated doctrine/common dependency to ~2.5 (mmoreram)9f9e798
Updated CHANGELOG with 0.5.9 (mmoreram)
Fixed composer.json files (mmoreram)d4342a6
Refactored a Sitemap block (mmoreram)5da3daa
move to proper factory notation as elcodi supports symfony 2.6 (Luis Cordova)9128a50
Fixed test for disabled menus (Roger Gros)7b7e50b
fix docblock for test (Luis Cordova)c3ba90b
using the right configuration interface (Luis Cordova)
Hide disabled menu options (Roger Gros)0d59379
Added basepath into all Sitemap workflow (mmoreram)5ce8314
add memory cache for PluginManager (Berny Cantos)a589916
add plugin extension (Berny Cantos)3e709ff
Check for not complete lines (Roger Gros)e69144d
remove replacements in composer.json (Berny Cantos)d1f9919
remove elcodi/plugin from gitsplit (Berny Cantos)c1358f0
remove plugin subtree (Berny Cantos)d45ba66
improve docblocks (Luis Cordova)a73f2b9
fixing docblock for abstract class (Luis Cordova)97744b2
improve wording of error message (Luis Cordova)087caa6
refactor stab to single router loader (Luis Cordova)4157fb9
Changed dependency on wizard bundle (Roger Gros)bff408b
Added possibility to disable payment methods (Roger Gros)
Fixed service definition (mmoreram)
Updated README contributing doc (mmoreram)e94ec5c
Fixed namespace name in service definition (mmoreram)c91bcd3
Fixed cart manager service name (mmoreram)40c7a3a
remove classes.yml for all components, bundles and plugins (Luis Cordova)9e5a491
Added constraints to translable fields (Roger Gros)db2838d
make uniform the namespacing for fqcn passed around (Luis Cordova)49290d9
Refactored Sitemap and SitemapBundle (mmoreram)8fdb407
eliminate keys on yaml when passing array of arguments (Luis Cordova)c92cfec
update configuration commands to start with elcodi.command.* (Luis Cordova)c8dcfb0
rename service from elcodi.cart.manager to elcodi.manager.cart (Luis Cordova)fdd1bb4
simplify gush (Luis Cordova)9c552b5
create only one command for all sitemaps (Luis Cordova)50ced78
perhaps improve readability (Luis Cordova)fc3f6e2
prevent tracking pixels to display whenever they fail to load (Luis Cordova)f02f6a9
Elcodi Currency component version updated (Francisco J Moreno)5e396f3
Update sebastianbergman/money library & code format (Francisco J Moreno)3c892b2
make code consistent a bit according to the rules in documentation (Luis Cordova)65f585d
adding songs to list (Luis Cordova)4229b94
remove bamboo bundle in replace keyword (Luis Cordova)332a468
change authentication success event listener to UpdateCartWithUser Listener (Luis Cordova)e77480d
remove randomized based url sharding for assets (images) fix #621 (Luis Cordova)9259e1b
Improved AddressManager class (mmoreram)8325c2f
Minimized travis resources in components (mmoreram)f5382bb
Updated PHPDoc from Director object (mmoreram)d763e9f
Removed message from Exception assertion (mmoreram)0624632
fix typehint of translator (Luis Cordova)41d9904
another typehint KernelInterface (Luis Cordova)7fe4349
extend EntityRepository rather than extending an interface (Luis Cordova)5542218
fixed Kernel Typehint (Luis Cordova)c03adb2
fix error in variable name (Luis Cordova)9d83c84
Updated UPGRADE file with v0.5.5 (mmoreram)c1beef3
removing bamboo bundle to be moved to bamboo rather than here (Luis Cordova)5c7c7da
minor arrangements for components and plugins (Luis Cordova)0ce3126
Reverse composer money update (Francisco J Moreno)37a8d8e
getConvertedAmount method added (Francisco J Moreno)4d74546
bootstrap directors usage (Luis Cordova)b4b4e9a
allow calls to php-cs-fixer with paths (Berny Cantos)d29269a
Sebastian/Money update (Francisco J Moreno)
Added factory trait (mmoreram)fa7f6c0
Fixed entity name (mmoreram)bbc782e
Fixed coding standard (mmoreram)10660b8
Reduced mapping code complexity with trait (mmoreram)e1238a0
bootstrap changes for simplifying the long names (Luis Cordova)f41058b
Updated Sebastian Bergman Money lib dependency (mmoreram)d1be30a
Add symfony/console to bundle dependencies (Philipp Wahala)877db0c
adding missing directors.yml (Luis Cordova)ec7632c
Updated all CONTRIBUTING files in subpackages (mmoreram)90dd593
Updated year from all PHP Headers (mmoreram)6939883
minor changes updates on gush and on year of .formatter.yml (Luis Cordova)1c534ea
Removed Contributors, edited Contributing (mmoreram)aef7f06
Fixes for the Newsletter component (Javier Eguiluz)2539c0b
remove reference to NullMoney (Luis Cordova)324bcf6
Correct @var argument order (Philipp Wahala)e97bdcf
Disable default registerCommands method as all commands are registered as tagged services (Philipp Wahala)
Added v0.5.x changelog (mmoreram)af6b712
add comment documentation (Berny Cantos)bcab28f
Removed ReferralProgram Bundle and Component (mmoreram)8c2f851
Added fixer to blacklist (mmoreram)2a6bdbf
Removed NullMoney and StubMoney (mmoreram)32586dd
Updated LICENSE year (mmoreram)64fb42e
Added default value for elcodi_config (mmoreram)2033742
Use config instead of configuration manager (Roger Gros)c2fba3f
Fixed error with infinite stock getting offers (Roger Gros)e1ea82f
Fixed format for AbstractElcodiKernel (mmoreram)f59cfbc
ElcodiCoreBundle does not require any dependency (mmoreram)ec97878
Removed BambooBundle from Bundles (mmoreram)66df1de
Added bundles dependencies (mmoreram)5cc8d51
Fixed error while uploading images (Roger Gros)e25ddcd
Fixes applied (Roger Gros)09e6742
CS fixer config (Roger Gros)fcc80eb
Fixed some EN translations in the setup wizard (Aldo Chiecchia)6e649c9
Fixed outbound crop resize (Roger Gros)34a3f82
Fixed typos (Pascal Borreli)465f26b
fix Symfony CS link for codesniffer (Berny Cantos)
Fixed CS Style of a test (mmoreram)8cd05c5
Fixed typos (Roger Gros)be401d5
Request shipping range (Roger Gros)06bb43b
Fixed mapping (mmoreram)8b9cbb1
Fixed location_inheritance definition (mmoreram)1aed98b
Added dev-version text in README (mmoreram)45c5a03
Removed SLInsight badge. It has become useless (mmoreram)53b65dd
Removed store social facebook from config (Roger Gros)ca1df60
Fixes on facebook name and tweet escape (Roger Gros)2e0f0cf
Added facebook plugin to composer.json (Roger Gros)0153569
Facebook plugin (Roger Gros)d0223cf
Tweet on thanks order page (Roger Gros)c559640
Twitter plugin (Roger Gros)d27c7d6
Issue 623: Manage images with MIME application/octet-stream (Gonzalo Míguez)cbbc7c0
Obtain source currency outside the for (Arkaitz Garro)de8e974
Fixed tests (mmoreram)851fae1
Typo fixes (Roger Gros)607ccce
Fixed error when populating existing country (Roger Gros)a9176cc
Prevent fixtures command from always returning 1 (Philipp Wahala)331ce0e
Add missing use statement for AddressInterface (Philipp Wahala)cb5546d
Add CurrencyConverter typehint to MinimumPriceCouponListener constructor (Philipp Wahala)92b276f
PhpDoc: Fix type inconsistencies, put |null last for better readability (Philipp Wahala)e8479c4
PhpDoc: Fix type inconsistencies (Philipp Wahala)22e8025
PhpDoc: Add missing types & correct incorrect types (Philipp Wahala)36f2d07
PhpDoc: Don’t use FQCN if not needed (Philipp Wahala)71895c8
PhpDoc: Change wording & fix typos (Philipp Wahala)a1b2ceb
Fix small CS mistake (Philipp Wahala)d0ba0ce
Fix stdClass inconsistency (Philipp Wahala)def1071
Refer to Symfony2 as Symfony (Philipp Wahala)68db1cc
Replace links to deprecated Bamboo projects (Philipp Wahala)e832597
Make variable names camelCase (Philipp Wahala)c373351
Fix database fixtures bug (Philipp Wahala)a48fea1
Fixed some typos and minor issues in the Core bundle (Javier Eguiluz)5484095
Message on settings to disable under construction mode (Roger Gros)4d6c26b
Fix phpdoc typo (Arkaitz Garro)d1ace86
Fixed fallback translation (mmoreram)322e0e2
Fixed doc typos (Roger Gros)13f9872
Fixed configuration for all documentation (Roger Gros)9b94a3f
Use strict comparisons for boolean values (Javier Eguiluz)1bd170f
Updated install/configuration info (Roger Gros)46ad038
Pages documentation (Roger Gros)b28ecdb
Improved documentation descriptions (Roger Gros)ad11eaa
add CartCoupon bundle README (Berny Cantos)077aceb
add CartCoupon component README (Berny Cantos)90a5d59
set OrderCoupon in listener with priority 0 (Berny Cantos)6cc9ca1
fix currency c&p errors in Currency docs (Berny Cantos)c87cf55
Small fixes found during documentation (Roger Gros)b35a75c
Menu documentation (Roger Gros)c4f5921
Added bundle documentation (Roger Gros)b1e187b
Currency component documentation (Roger Gros)d727599
Imrpoved attribute documentation (Roger Gros)c0b8d5f
Added attribute component (Roger Gros)6b50106
Bundle readme (Roger Gros)459b935
Improved cart documentation (Roger Gros)242c6a3
Added bundle documentation (Roger Gros)6644b17
Cart component documentation (Roger Gros)ffa1423
Improved GEO doc (Roger Gros)ea004fa
Fixed links and added more links to components (Roger Gros)52f0282
added display none to tracking pixels (Joan Galvan)
Fixed documentation to redirect to component (Roger Gros)977a3ad
fix typo (David Romaní)a06a1f2
Readme fixes (Roger Gros)245119a
Added GeoBundle documentation (Roger Gros)f9e78d4
Added controllers and commands doc (Roger Gros)9b7beb1
Added geo documentation (Roger Gros)50b2169
Fixed test names (Roger Gros)98c15c7
New field active urls (Roger Gros)789e9bb
Fixed product amount in CartLine (Aldo Chiecchia)