A Link to the deployed version: https://nc-news-luke-riches.netlify.app
A link to the relating backend repository: https://github.com/LukeRiches/Northcoders-News-API
What this project is? This project is an on going showcase of my frontend development through a forum style site which incorporates my backend project, through calls to my hosted API with axios. Initalised with Vite and built in React, making use of react-router, react-router-dom and react spinners. It has been deployed through Netlify and tested with lighthouse.
To use the app head to the url and begin to explore topics and their related articles which you can comment and vote on once signed or simply view if not signed in.
Instructions to clone my project and run it locally:
- To clone, run "git clone https://github.com/LukeRiches/NC-News"
- Then open the repository through, "cd NC-News"
- Open in your selected code editor
- Once opened install dependencies through running, "npm install"
- To run it locally, run "npm run dev" and open the url in your selected browser
Minimum Version requiremnt: Node.js v20.3.1
A link to my trello board for planned future features: https://trello.com/b/uS1j2ENf/personal-project-nc-news