Resurrection for this very useful drag scroll plugin from YuTingtao. Original repo:
I dont' know how to use GitHub and I am not going to maintain this plugin. It helped me a lot, so I just want it to exist to help others.
Another jQuery based drag to scroll plugin which allows users to move content in a scrollable area horizontally or vertically using mouse drag (desktop) or touch swipe events (mobile).
I suggested a new feature on the original repo. So I reposted my "issue" in the issues of this one to let you know. Please see: #1 (comment) Modifications already in the JS files provided here.
1. Add your long content to a scrollable container. In this example, we're going to apply a panning functionality to an image.
<div class="drag-box">
<!-- draggable content -->
<div class="drag">
<img src="">
2. Load the JavaScript file jquery.dragscroll.min.js after loading jQuery library.
<script src=""
<script src="./jquery.dragScroll.js"></script>
3. Attach the plugin to the draggable content and done.
4. Limit the direction of scrolling: horizontal or vertical. Default: both.
direction: 'scrollLeft'
direction: 'scrollTop'
5. Trigger functions on start/end/move.
onStart: function($this) {
onMove: function($this) {
onEnd: function($this) {
Special thank to: