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HungryForFood edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 32 revisions


Return Method (arguments) Description
void AddMessage(string sMessage)


Return Method (arguments) Description
bool CanAdoptIdeology(PolicyBranchType iIdeologyBranch)
bool CanAdoptTenet(PolicyType iTenetPolicy, opt bool bIgnoreCost) Functionally the same as CanAdoptPolicy.
bool CanRequestCoopWar(PlayerID iAlly, PlayerID iTarget) Can the player request an ally to join a coop war against a target player?
void ChangeCityWorkingChange(int iChange) Change how much change to the city working range the player has.


Return Method (arguments) Description
void DismissNotification(int iIndex, bool bUserInvoked)
void DoForceDefPact(PlayerID iOtherPlayer)
void DoSwapGreatWorks(YieldType iFocusYield)


Return Method (arguments) Description
void EspionageCreateSpy()
void EspionagePromoteSpy(int iSpyIndex)
void EspionageSetOutcome(int iSpyIndex, int iSpyResult, bool bAffectsDiplomacy) Forces an outcome of an external espionage activity. For iSpyResult, 0 = Undetected, 1 = Detected, 2 = Identified, 3 = Killed, 4 = Eliminated.
void EspionageSetPassive(int iSpyIndex, bool bPassive) Passive spies will not attempt to rig elections or steal technology.


Return Method (arguments) Description
table GetBeliefsInPantheon() If the player has founded a religion, will return all beliefs from the religion instead.
int GetBuyPlotDistance()
int GetCityWorkingChange() What is the player
int GetGreatDiplomatRateModifier() Player
int GetHappinessFromVassals()
int GetJerk() Returns the City State 'forced peace' duration if you attack a City State without provocation
int GetJONSCulturePerTurnFromVassals()
int GetLeagueCultureCityModifier()
int GetMaxStockpile()
int GetMilitaryAggressivePosture(PlayerID iOtherPlayer) Returns a number between 0 and 4, a higher number means a more aggresive posture.
int GetNumDenouncements() How many players has the current player denounced?
int GetNumDenouncementsofPlayer() How many of the other players have denounced the current player?
int GetNumPoliciesPurchasedInBranch(PolicyBranchType iPolicyBranch) How many policies of a policy branch type does this player have?
int GetPlayerMoveTroopsRequestCounter(PlayerType iOtherPlayer) The number of turns remaining before the other player's request to move troops from its borders expires.
int GetPolicyConversionModifier(PolicyType iPolicyType) The religious conversion modifier due to the specified Policy.
int GetPolicyGreatDiplomatRateModifier()
table GetPotentialInternationalTradeRouteDestinationsFrom(Unit pUnit, City pCity)
int GetScienceFromVassalTimes100()
int GetScienceRateFromLeagueAid()
int GetScienceRateFromMinorAllies()
int GetScoreFromVassals()
int GetSpecificBuildingType(string sBuildingClass) Given a building class, get the player's specific building of that class.
int GetSpecificUnitType(string sUnitClass) Given a unit class, get the player's specific unit of that class.
int GetVassalGoldMaintenance()
int GetWorkPlotDistance() Returns the plot working range player's cities.


Return Method (arguments) Description
bool HasAnyDomesticTradeRoute()
bool HasAnyHolyCity()
bool HasAnyInternationalTradeRoute()
bool HasAnyNaturalWonder()
bool HasAnyReligion()
bool HasAnyTradeRoute()
bool HasAnyTradeRouteWith(PlayerID iPlayer)
bool HasAnyWonder()
bool HasBuilding(BuildingType iBuildingType)
bool HasBuildingClass(BuildingClassType iBuildingClassType)
bool HasBelief(BeliefType iBeliefType)
bool HasCapturedHolyCity(ReligionType iReligionType)
bool HasEmbassyWith(PlayerID iOtherPlayer) Does this player has an embassy at the other player's capital?
bool HasEnhancedReligion() Is the player's majority religion enhanced?
bool HasHolyCity(ReligionType iReligionType)
bool HasIdeology(PolicyBranchType iPolicyBranchType) Functionally the same as HasPolicyBranch.
bool HasNaturalWonder(FeatureType iFeatureType)
bool HasPantheon()
bool HasPolicyBranch(PolicyBranchType iPolicyBranchType)
bool HasProject(ProjectType iProjectType)
bool HasReachedEra(EraType iEraType)
bool HasReligion(ReligionType iReligionType) Is the specified religion the player's majority religion?
bool HasSpecialist(SpecialistType iSpecialistType)
bool HasSpecialistSlot(SpecialistType iSpecialistType)
bool HasTech(TechType iTechType)
bool HasTenet(PolicyType iPolicyType) Functionally the same as HasPolicy.
bool HasTrait(TraitType iTraitType)
bool HasUnit(UnitType iUnitType)
bool HasUnitClass(UnitClassType iUnitClassType)
bool HasWonder(BuildingType iBuildingType) Functionally the same as HasBuilding.


Return Method (arguments) Description
bool IsAtPeace() Excludes Barbarians.
bool IsAtPeaceAllMajors()
bool IsAtPeaceAllMinors() Excludes Barbarians.
bool IsAtPeaceWith(PlayerID iPlayer)
bool IsAtWar() Excludes Barbarians.
bool IsAtWarAnyMajor()
bool IsAtWarAnyMinor() Excludes Barbarians.
bool IsAtWarWith(PlayerID iPlayer)
bool IsCityNameValid(string sName, opt bool bTestDestroyed) Name is valid if no other city on the map has the exact same name. Set bTestDestroyed to true to include destroyed cities as well.
bool IsCivilization(CivilizationType iCivilizationType)
bool IsConnectedTo(PlayerID iPlayer) Connected via road or rail.
bool IsDenounceMessageTooSoon(PlayerID iPlayer) Is it too soon for this player to be denounced by the other player?
bool IsInEra(EraType iEraType)
bool IsPlotConnectedToPlot(Plot pFromPlot, Plot pToPlot) Connected via road, rail, or sea.
bool IsTraitAnyBelief() Does the player's civilization have a trait that allows it to pick beliefs, even if they are already in another religion?
bool IsVassalageAcceptable(PlayerID iOtherPlayer) Does the current player want to become the other player's voluntary vassal? If the current player is human, this will always return false.


Return Method (arguments) Description
bool MoveRequestTooSoon(PlayerID iOtherPlayer) Is it too soon for the current player to ask the other player to move its troops from the current player's borders?


Return Method (arguments) Description
void SetPersonality(int iPersonality) Set the city state player's personality. 0 = friendly, 1 = neutral, 2 = hostile, 3 = irrational.