diff --git a/(2) Vox Populi/Database Changes/Text/en_US/WorldMap/NewImprovementText.xml b/(2) Vox Populi/Database Changes/Text/en_US/WorldMap/NewImprovementText.xml
index c28c23f5f8..9aa9d06907 100644
--- a/(2) Vox Populi/Database Changes/Text/en_US/WorldMap/NewImprovementText.xml
+++ b/(2) Vox Populi/Database Changes/Text/en_US/WorldMap/NewImprovementText.xml
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
- Embassies can only be built in City-State territory by Great Diplomats, and cannot be built on top of Resources.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The first player (and only the first!) to construct an Embassy in a City-State's land [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]earns an extra vote in the World Congress[ENDCOLOR]. No player will receive additional votes for Embassies beyond the first one placed in a City-State's territory.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]An Embassy cannot be pillaged - once built, they can never be removed, and they will always grant their additional World Congress vote to the original builder. If, however, the original builder is conquered, the conqueror will take ownership of their Embassies, and their votes!
+ Embassies can only be built in City-State territory by Great Diplomats.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The first player (and only the first!) to construct an Embassy in a City-State's land [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]earns an extra vote in the World Congress[ENDCOLOR]. No player will receive additional votes for Embassies beyond the first one placed in a City-State's territory.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]An Embassy cannot be pillaged - once built, they can never be removed, and they will always grant their additional World Congress vote to the original builder. If, however, the original builder is conquered, the conqueror will take ownership of their Embassies, and their votes!
- Unit will be consumed.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]This Great Tile Improvement cannot be built on top of Strategic or Luxury Resources. Grants [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]1 World Congress Vote[ENDCOLOR] when constructed. Gain +1 [ICON_RES_PAPER] Paper.
+ Unit will be consumed.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Grants [COLOR_POSITIVE_TEXT]1 World Congress Vote[ENDCOLOR] when constructed. Gain +1 [ICON_RES_PAPER] Paper.