👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
- Please search the github issues to see if it has been reported before.
- If it has then please feel free to add to the issue ticket or 👍 to let us know it's an issue for you too.
- If the issue hasn't been reported before then please raise a bug report
- Please search the github issues to see if has been requested before.
- If it has then please feel free to add to the issue ticket or 👍 to let us know you want this provider too.
- If the provider hasn't been requested before then please suggest a provider
- Please search the github issues to see if it has been reported before.
- If it has then please feel free to add to the issue ticket or 👍 to let us know you want this feature too.
- If the issue hasn't been reported before then please raise a feature request
- Thank you! Please feel free to submit a pull request and we'll take a look.