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JohnRDOrazio committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent 8bbd948 commit bc4d20c
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Showing 10 changed files with 3 additions and 93 deletions.
13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions data/LITURGY__anniversaries.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -599,19 +599,6 @@
"area": "rome",
"calendar": "universal"
"event_idx": 50,
"event_key": "StJosephWorker",
"anniversary": "other",
"event_date": null,
"event_year": 1981,
"event_month": null,
"event_day": null,
"memorial_month": 5,
"memorial_day": 1,
"area": null,
"calendar": "universal"
"event_idx": 51,
"event_key": "StAthanasius",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basilika Santa Maria Maggiore, Rom"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "Heiliger Josef der Arbeiter",
"places": "Bethlehem (Palästina), Nazareth (Israel)",
"place_of_death": "Nazareth (Israel)",
"place_of_birth": "Bethlehem (Palästina)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazareth (Israel)",
"notes": "Josef, Ehemann der Jungfrau Maria und Ziehvater Jesu, wird in den Evangelien als „Zimmermann“ (Mt 13, 55) vorgestellt. Es war Pius XII., der 1955 dieses Gedenken einführte, um dem weltlichen Feiertag des 1. Mai, der seit dem 19. Jahrhundert in vielen Ländern als symbolisches Datum für die Kämpfe um die Anerkennung der Rechte der Arbeiter verbreitet ist, einen „christlichen Anstrich“ zu geben. Diese liturgische Feier soll die große Würde der menschlichen Arbeit hervorheben, die das Werk des Schöpfers fortsetzt und vom Mensch gewordenen Sohn Gottes geteilt wurde, der in den Evangelien ebenfalls „Zimmermann“ genannt wird (Mk 6, 3). Laborem Exercens ist eine Enzyklika, die von Papst Johannes Paul II. am 14. September 1981 veröffentlicht wurde. Sie behandelt die menschliche Arbeit zum 90. Jahrestag der Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Kirche der Ernährung (Nazareth, Israel)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Heiliger Athanasius, Bischof und Kirchenlehrer",
"places": "Alexandrien, Ägypten",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "Saint Joseph the Worker",
"places": "Bethlehem (Palestine), Nazareth (Israel)",
"place_of_death": "Nazareth (Israel)",
"place_of_birth": "Bethlehem (Palestine)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazareth (Israel)",
"notes": "Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and putative father of Jesus, is presented in the Gospels as a \"carpenter\" (Mt 13, 55). It was Pius XII, in 1955, who introduced this memory, to give a \"Christian chrism\" to the secular recurrence of the first of May, widespread since the 19th century in many countries as a symbolic date of the struggles for the recognition of workers' rights. This liturgical celebration intends to recall the great dignity of human work that continues the work of the Creator and was shared by the Son of God made man, also called, in the Gospels, \"carpenter\" (Mc 6, 3). Laborem Exercens is an encyclical published by Pope John Paul II on September 14, 1981. It deals with human labor on the 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Church of the Nutrition (Nazareth, Israel)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Saint Athanasius, bishop and doctor",
"places": "Alexandria of Egypt",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basílica de Santa María la Mayor, Roma"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "San José Obrero",
"places": "Belén (Palestina), Nazaret (Israel)",
"place_of_death": "Nazaret (Israel)",
"place_of_birth": "Belén (Palestina)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazaret (Israel)",
"notes": "José, esposo de la Virgen María y padre putativo de Jesús, es presentado en los Evangelios como «carpintero» (Mt 13, 55). Fue Pío XII, en 1955, quien introdujo esta memoria, para dar un «crisma cristiano» a la conmemoración laica del primero de mayo, difundida desde el siglo XIX en muchos países como fecha simbólica de las luchas por el reconocimiento de los derechos de los trabajadores. Esta celebración litúrgica pretende recordar la gran dignidad del trabajo humano que continúa la obra del Creador y fue compartido por el Hijo de Dios hecho hombre, también llamado, en los Evangelios, «carpintero» (Mc 6, 3). Laborem Exercens es una encíclica publicada por el papa Juan Pablo II el 14 de septiembre de 1981. Trata del trabajo humano en el 90º aniversario de la Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Iglesia de la Nutrición (Nazaret, Israel)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "San Atanasio, obispo y doctor",
"places": "Alejandría de Egipto",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/fr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basilique Sainte-Marie-Majeure, Rome"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "Saint Joseph Travailleur",
"places": "Bethléem (Palestine), Nazareth (Israël)",
"place_of_death": "Nazareth (Israël)",
"place_of_birth": "Bethléem (Palestine)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazareth (Israël)",
"notes": "Joseph, époux de la Vierge Marie et père putatif de Jésus, est présenté dans les Évangiles comme « charpentier » (Mt 13, 55). C'est Pie XII qui, en 1955, a introduit cette mémoire, pour donner un « chrême chrétien » à la fête laïque du premier mai, répandue depuis le XIXe siècle dans de nombreux pays comme date symbolique des luttes pour la reconnaissance des droits des travailleurs. Cette célébration liturgique entend rappeler la grande dignité du travail humain qui continue l'œuvre du Créateur et fut partagé par le Fils de Dieu fait homme, lui aussi appelé, dans les Évangiles, « charpentier » (Mc 6, 3). Laborem Exercens est une encyclique publiée par le pape Jean-Paul II le 14 septembre 1981. Elle traite du travail humain à l'occasion du 90e anniversaire de la Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Église de la Nutrition (Nazareth, Israël)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Saint Athanase, évêque et docteur",
"places": "Alexandrie d'Égypte",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "San Giuseppe Lavoratore",
"places": "Betlemme (Palestina); Nazaret (Israele)",
"place_of_death": "Nazaret (Israele)",
"place_of_birth": "Betlemme (Palestina)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazaret (Israele)",
"notes": "Giuseppe, sposo della Vergine Maria e padre putativo di Gesù, viene presentato nei Vangeli come «falegname» (Mt 13, 55). Fu Pio XII, nel 1955, a introdurre questa memoria, per dare un «crisma cristiano» alla ricorrenza laica del primo maggio, diffusa dal secolo XIX in molti paesi quale data simbolica delle lotte per il riconoscimento dei diritti dei lavoratori. Questa celebrazione liturgica intende richiamare la grande dignità del lavoro umano che continua l’opera del Creatore e fu condiviso dal Figlio di Dio fatto uomo, anch’egli chiamato, nei Vangeli, «falegname » (Mc 6, 3). Laborem Exercens è una enciclica pubblicata dal papa Giovanni Paolo II il 14 settembre 1981. Tratta del lavoro umano nel 90º anniversario della Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Chiesa della Nutrizione (Nazaret, Israele)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Sant'Atanasio, vescovo e dottore",
"places": "Alessandria d'Egitto",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/la.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basilica Sanctae Mariae Maioris, Roma"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "Sanctus Ioseph Opifex",
"places": "Bethlehem (Palaestina), Nazareth (Israël)",
"place_of_death": "Nazareth (Israel)",
"place_of_birth": "Bethlehem (Palaestina)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazareth (Israel)",
"notes": "Ioseph, sponsus Virginis Mariae et putativus pater Iesu, in Evangeliis «faber lignarius» (Mt 13, 55) praesentatur. Pius XII, anno 1955, hanc memoriam introduxit, ut «chrisma christianum» daret laicae celebrationi primi Maii, quae a saeculo XIX in multis nationibus ut data symbolica certaminum pro recognitione iurium operariorum diffusa erat. Haec celebratio liturgica magnam dignitatem laboris humani, qui opus Creatoris continuat et a Filio Dei homine facto, etiam in Evangeliis «faber lignarius» (Mc 6, 3) appellato, participata est, revocare intendit. Laborem Exercens est encyclica a papa Ioanne Paulo II die 14 Septembris 1981 edita. De labore humano in 90º anniversario Rerum Novarum tractat.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Ecclesia Nutritionis (Nazareth, Israel)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Sanctus Athanasius, episcopus et doctor",
"places": "Alexandria Aegypti",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/nl.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basiliek van Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "Sint-Jozef Arbeider",
"places": "Bethlehem (Palestina), Nazareth (Israël)",
"place_of_death": "Nazareth (Israël)",
"place_of_birth": "Bethlehem (Palestina)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazareth (Israël)",
"notes": "Jozef, echtgenoot van de Maagd Maria en pleegvader van Jezus, wordt in de Evangeliën voorgesteld als \"timmerman\" (Mt 13, 55). Het was Pius XII die in 1955 deze herdenking invoerde om een \"christelijke zegen\" te geven aan de seculiere viering van 1 mei, die sinds de 19e eeuw in veel landen wordt gevierd als symbolische datum voor de strijd om erkenning van de rechten van arbeiders. Deze liturgische viering wil de grote waardigheid van menselijk werk benadrukken, dat het werk van de Schepper voortzet en werd gedeeld door de Zoon van God die mens werd, ook wel \"timmerman\" genoemd in de Evangeliën (Mc 6, 3). Laborem Exercens is een encycliek gepubliceerd door paus Johannes Paulus II op 14 september 1981. Het behandelt menselijk werk op de 90e verjaardag van de Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Kerk van de Voeding (Nazareth, Israël)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Heilige Athanasius, bisschop en kerkleraar",
"places": "Alexandrië, Egypte",
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10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions data/i18n/pt.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,16 +459,6 @@
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Basílica de Santa Maria Maior, Roma"
"StJosephWorker_50": {
"subject": "São José Operário",
"places": "Belém (Palestina), Nazaré (Israel)",
"place_of_death": "Nazaré (Israel)",
"place_of_birth": "Belém (Palestina)",
"place_of_burial": "Nazaré (Israel)",
"notes": "José, esposo da Virgem Maria e pai adotivo de Jesus, é apresentado nos Evangelhos como \"carpinteiro\" (Mt 13, 55). Foi Pio XII, em 1955, que introduziu esta memória, para dar um \"crisma cristão\" à comemoração laica do primeiro de maio, difundida desde o século XIX em muitos países como data simbólica das lutas pelo reconhecimento dos direitos dos trabalhadores. Esta celebração litúrgica pretende recordar a grande dignidade do trabalho humano que continua a obra do Criador e foi compartilhado pelo Filho de Deus feito homem, também chamado, nos Evangelhos, de \"carpinteiro\" (Mc 6, 3). Laborem Exercens é uma encíclica publicada pelo papa João Paulo II em 14 de setembro de 1981. Trata do trabalho humano no 90º aniversário da Rerum Novarum.",
"patronage": "",
"main_shrine": "Igreja da Nutrição (Nazaré, Israel)"
"StAthanasius_51": {
"subject": "Santo Atanásio, bispo e doutor",
"places": "Alexandria do Egito",
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/AnniversaryCalculator/Enums/AnnivType.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class AnnivType
public const APPARITION = "apparition";
public const PONTIFICAL_INCORONATION = "pontifical_incoronation";
public const ECUMENICAL_COUNCIL = "church_council";
public const ENCYCLICAL = "encyclical";
public const OTHER = "other";
private array $GTXT;

Expand All @@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ class AnnivType

Expand All @@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ public function __construct()
self::APPARITION => strtoupper(_("apparition")),
self::PONTIFICAL_INCORONATION => strtoupper(_("pontifical incoronation")),
self::ECUMENICAL_COUNCIL => strtoupper(_("ecumenical council")),
self::ENCYCLICAL => strtoupper(_("encyclical")),
self::OTHER => strtoupper(_("other"))
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