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LinuxForHealth HL7 to FHIR Converter Templating Guide


The converter converts a given HL7 message to a FHIR bundle resource using yaml message templates. Each message template defines the FHIR resources generated from a specific HL7 meesage and triggering event.

HL7 Message Template Structure

A HL7 message template maps one or more HL7 segments to a FHIR resource using the following structure:

      resourceName: [REQUIRED]
      segment: [REQUIRED]
      resourcePath: [REQUIRED]
      repeats:  [DEFAULT false]
      isReferenced: [DEFAULT false]
      additionalSegments: [DEFAULT empty]
Template Property Required/Default Description
resourceName Required Name of the FHIR resource. Example: Patient
segment Required Primary HL7 segment the FHIR resource is sourced from. Example: A Patient FHIR resource is sourced from the HL7 PID segment. If this value is not provided, the FHIR resource will not be generated.
resourcePath Required Relative path to the resource template. Example: resource/Patient
repeats Default: false Indicates if a repeating HL7 segment will generate multiple FHIR resources.
isReferenced Default: false Indicates if the FHIR Resource is referenced by other FHIR resources.
group Default: empty Base group from which the segment and additionalSegments are specified.
additionalSegments Default: empty List of additional HL7 segment names required to complete the FHIR resource mapping.

FHIR resources are generated in the order listed. FHIR resources with references should follow the resources they reference.

Example of a HL7 message template:

# FHIR Resources to extract from ADT_A01 message
    - resourceName: Patient
      segment: PID
      resourcePath: resource/Patient
      repeats: false
      isReferenced: true

    - resourceName: Encounter
      segment: PV1
      resourcePath: resource/Encounter
      repeats: false
      isReferenced: true
             - PV2
             - EVN
    - resourceName: Observation
      segment: OBX
      resourcePath: resource/Observation
      repeats: true
      isReferenced: true

    - resourceName: AllergyIntolerance
      segment: AL1
      resourcePath: resource/AllergyIntolerance
      repeats: true

Structure of a FHIR resource template

A FHIR resource template represents a FHIR resource. The FHIR resource template specifies how FHIR resource field values are generated from HL7 segments or expressions. FHIR Resource templates are stored in: src/main/resources/hl7/resource.

Sample resource template:

# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2020
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# Represents data that needs to be extracted for a Patient Resource in FHIR
# reference:
resourceType: Patient
  type: STRING
  valueOf: "GeneralUtils.generateResourceId()"
  expressionType: JEXL

    valueOf: datatype/Identifier
    generateList: true
    expressionType: resource
    specs: PID.3
    valueOf: datatype/HumanName
    generateList: true
    expressionType: resource
    specs: PID.5
     valueOf: PID.8
     expressionType: HL7Spec

     type: DATE
     valueOf: PID.7
     expressionType: HL7Spec
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2020
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
resourceType: Condition
  type: STRING
  valueOf: "GeneralUtils.generateResourceId()"
  expressionType: JEXL

   valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept_var
   generateList: true
   expressionType: resource
   condition:  $source NOT_NULL
     text: $type
     source: PRB.3
      type: problem-list-item

   valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept_var
   generateList: true
   expressionType: resource
   condition:  $source NULL
     text: $type
     source: PRB.3
      type: encounter-diagnosis

   valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept
   generateList: true
   expressionType: resource
   specs: PRB.26
     code: PRB.26

   valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept
   generateList: true
   expressionType: resource
   specs: PRB.3
     code: PRB.3

    valueOf: datatype/Reference
    expressionType: resource
    specs: $Encounter

    valueOf: datatype/Reference
    expressionType: resource
    specs: $Patient

    type: STRING
    valueOf: 'GeneralUtils.dateTimeWithZoneId(dateTimeIn,ZONEID)'
    expressionType: JEXL
        dateTimeIn: PRB.16

   valueOf: secondary/Stage
   generateList: true
   expressionType: resource
   specs: PRB.14
     code: PRB.14
   valueOf: secondary/evidence
   generateList: true
   expressionType: resource
   specs: $Observation
   useGroup: true

Expressions Types

The extraction logic for each field can be defined by using expressions. This component supports several different types of expressions. All expressions have the following attributes:

  • type: DEFAULT - Object
    Represents the class type for the final return value extracted for the field.

  • specs: DEFAULT - NONE
    Represents the base value for a resource, if no spec is provided then parents base value would be used as base value for child resource. Spec causes a repeating field or segment to be processed once for each field. Refer to the section on supported formats for Specification.

  • default: DEFAULT - NULL
    If extraction of the value fails, then the default value is used.

  • required : DEFAULT - false
    If a field is required and cannot be extracted then the resource generation will fail even if other fields were extracted.

  • vars: DEFAULT - EMPTY
    List of variables and their value can be provided which may be used during the extraction process. Refer to the section on supported formats for Variables.

  • condition: DEFAULT - true
    If a condition is provided, then the expression will be resolved only if the condition evaluates to true. Refer to the section on supported formats for Condition.

  • value: This represents a constant value for the expression value. This attribute is only valid for the SimpleExpression type.

  • valueOf: This represents an evaluated expression value. This evaluated value depends on the expression type.

  • expressionType: Based on the expression type a valueOf attribute will get evaluated.

  • generateList: DEFAULT [false] Generates an output list output for all values of the specification. If this value is false, then first valid value of spec would be used for evaluation.

  • constants: DEFAULT - EMPTY
    List of Constants (string values) which can be used during the extraction process.

  • evaluateLater: DEFAULT: false, If evaluate latter is true then the resource that has this expression will be evaluated except for this expression and will re-evaluate this expression after all the other resources are evaluated. NOTE: this feature currently should only be used for expressions in main resource templates (example Patient, Encounter, Observation etc) and not in datatype templates (example: Coding, Address etc).

  • useGroup: if true, only segments of the same group are used.

  • expressions: DEFAULT - EMPTY
    Elements to create as a subset of the element, when expressionType: nested. Usually a list or a map.

  • expressionsMap: DEFAULT - EMPTY
    Elements to create as key-value pair subsets in an element. Used only as a peer of expressionType: nested to indicate the nested expression is a map.

      type: String
      valueOf: CX.1
      default: 'abc'
      required: true
      condition: $var1 != null
        var1: CX.1
        var2: CX.2
          code: 'some code'


Specification represents the base value for a expression. There are two types of Specifications -

  • SimpleSpecification -- Represents simple specification that can be extracted from context values. Example: specs: $Patient. Note BASE_VALUE is reserved for base value provided to an expression during evaluation. Do not use or name variable as BASE_VALUE.
  • HL7Specification -- Represents specification for extracting values from HL7 message.

Reserved Variable Names

You may name your variables anything, with the exception of the following, which are reserved for system use.

  • BASE_VALUE - base value provided to an expression during evaluation.
  • TENANT - convention for id of the tenant, when passed in at run-time.
  • ZONEID - zoneId if passed in at run-time; usually set to the tenant zoneId.

HL7Specification represents expression that helps to identify the value to extracted from the HL7 message.
The specification expression has the following format :

  • Single SPEC - where spec can be
    • FIELD
      Example: OBX, OBX.1, CWE, CWE.1, OBX.3.1
  • Multiple SPEC - Where each single spec is separated by |, where | represents "or'. If the value from first spec is extracted, then the remaining specs are ignored.
    Example: OBX.1 |OBX.2|OBX.3 , if OBX.1 is null then only OBX.2 will be extracted.
  • Multiple value extraction - In HL7 several fields can have repeated values, so extract all repetition for that field the spec string should end with *.
    Example: PID.3 * , OBX.1 |OBX.2 |OBX.3 *
  • Preserving white space / empty fields - Blank fields may be used to represent new lines or white space in reports. The user may want to preserve this white space to keep the integrity of the original report. To preserve this white space, the spec string should end with an &. Note that this can be combined (and often will be combined) with the multiple value extraction, either &* or *& is supported.
    Example: OBX.5 *& , OBX.5 &*, OBX.5 &


Variables can be used during expression evaluation. This engine supports defining 3 types of variables:

  • SimpleVariable : These are variables where value is extracted from simple Specification or another variable from the context values. Example: var1: CWE.1 |CE.1 |CNE.1
  • ExpressionVariable : Value of a variable is extracted by evaluating a java function. Example: low: OBX.7, GeneralUtils.split(low, "-", 0)
  • DataTypeVariable: Value of a variable is extracted from Specification and this value is converted to a particular data type. Example: var1: STRING, OBX.2

Note: $BASE_VALUE is reserved for base value provided to an expression during evaluation. Do not use or name variable as BASE_VALUE.

Note: $NULL is reserved as the value null for comparison and variable assignment. Filling a variable with null helps prevent cross-contamination from similar named variables. Using unique names for variables also helps prevent cross-contamination and is good naming hygene.

         valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept_var
         expressionType: resource
            system: SYSTEM_URL, $system_code
            code: String, MSH.9.2
            display: $NULL

Variables are scoped to the resource expression they are created in and all children of the resource. A variable created in an expression is local to that expression for that instance and its children. Care should be taken to keep variables sufficiently unique to avoid contamination.


Conditions evaluate to true or false.
Engine supports the following condition types:

  • Null check, example: condition: $var1 NULL
  • Not null check, example: condition: $var1 NOT_NULL
  • Simple condition, example: condition: $obx2 EQUALS DR
  • Conditions with AND, example: condition: $obx2 EQUALS SN && $obx5.3 EQUALS ':'
  • Conditions with OR, example: condition: $obx2 EQUALS TX || $obx2 EQUALS ST

Conditions can be used to choose between multiple sources of data when mapping to a FHIR type. For example, see how coding is set in CodeableConcept.yml. coding is set by the either coding_1, coding_2, or coding_3 based on the conditions. The last condition that evaluates to true in the list will create the value. NOTE: This is only in the case when generateList is true. When it is not present or false then the FIRST condition that evaluates to true will create the value.


  • There are a number of instances where we need to take strings from different fields and concatenate them together to form a unique identifier.
  • In order to do this we need to pass the two fields as variables into a custom Identifier type that will join the two fields together
  • The resource yaml would like:
  valueOf: datatype/Identifier_Observation
  generateList: true
  expressionType: resource
    obx3: BUILD_FROM_CWE, OBX.3
    fillpla: STRING, OBR.2.1 | ORC.3.1 | OBR.3.1 | ORC.2.1 | MSH.7
      sys: "urn:id:extID"
      joinChar: '-'
  • In the Identifier_Observation we take the values and add them together in the value HL7Spec
     type: STRING
     valueOf: $join
     expressionType: HL7Spec
     required: true
       join: $fillpla + $joinChar + $obx3

Different types of expressions

  • ResourceExpression : This type of expression is used when a field is a data type defined in one of the data type templates. These data type templates define different FHIR data types. Example:
    valueOf: datatype/IdentifierCX
    expressionType: resource
    specs: PID.3
  • ReferenceExpression : This type of expression is used to generate a FHIR reference field/datatype for the current resource. This will create a new resource. To reference an existing resource, see Techniques: Referencing resources Example:
   valueOf: resource/Practitioner
   expressionType: reference
   specs: OBX.16
  • JEXLExpression: This type of expression is used when a field value needs to be extracted by executing a Java method.
    type: STRING
    valueOf: 'GeneralUtils.generateName( prefix, given,family, suffix)'
    expressionType: JEXL
      prefix: STRING, XPN.5
      given: STRING, XPN.2
      family: STRING, XPN.1
      suffix: STRING, XPN.4
  • Hl7Expression : This type of expression is used when a field value has to be extracted directly from the HL7 segment/field/component.
     type: STRING
     valueOf: XPN.2
     expressionType: HL7Spec
  • SimpleExpression : If the field value is constant and no extraction or conversion is required then this expression is used. Example 1: Constant value
  value: 'ABX'

Example 2: Value needs to be extracted from a variable.

   valueOf: $var
  • Nested: create the element and sub-elements in expressions, as a map or list. Sub-elements of the list or map may have their own conditions of inclusion. Extensions use nested expressions extensively. Example 1 (first two sections of example below): Expressions combine to a list. Each - in the list of the parent extension become an object in the resulting JSON output.

    Example 2 (third section of example below): Expressions combine to a map of key-value pairs. The third sub-element is itself a nested expression. It has multiple map keys which each evaluate to a key value pair in the resulting JSON output.

   generateList: true
   expressionType: nested
   -  condition: $value NOT_NULL
      valueOf: eExtension
      expressionType: resource
         value: String, PID.6.1
         KEY_NAME_SUFFIX: String
         urlValue: mothersMaidenName

   -  expressionType: nested
            type: SYSTEM_URL
            value: 'religion'
            valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept
            expressionType: resource
            condition: $coding NOT_NULL
               coding: RELIGIOUS_AFFILIATION_CC, PID.17
               text: String, PID.17.2

   -  expressionType: nested
      specs: PID.10
      generateList: true
            type: SYSTEM_URL
            value: 'race'
            valueOf: datatype/CodeableConcept
            expressionType: resource
            specs: CWE

Sample output:

  "resourceType": "Bundle",
  "id": "32744a5d-8c36-4cd1-93bf-7da16a1bedde",
  "meta": {
    "lastUpdated": "2021-02-20T10:02:45.547+08:00"
  "type": "collection",
  "entry": [ {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Patient/7425c8c2-50e7-433f-a804-79c0eab69a59",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Patient",
      "id": "7425c8c2-50e7-433f-a804-79c0eab69a59",
      "identifier": [ {
        "type": {
          "coding": [ {
            "system": "",
            "code": "MR",
            "display": "Medical record number"
          } ],
          "text": "MR"
        "value": "PID1234",
        "assigner": {
          "reference": "Organization/A"
      }, {
        "type": {
          "coding": [ {
            "system": "",
            "code": "SS",
            "display": "Social Security number"
          } ],
          "text": "SS"
        "value": "1234568965",
        "assigner": {
          "reference": "Organization/USA"
      } ],
      "name": [ {
        "family": "DOE",
        "given": [ "JOHN" ]
      } ],
      "gender": "female",
      "birthDate": "1980-02-02"
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Organization/A",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Organization",
      "id": "A",
      "name": "Assigning Authority"
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Organization/USA",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Organization",
      "id": "USA",
      "name": "Assigning Authority"
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Encounter/f333437c-9a9e-4981-855c-5d31f4f579a4",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Encounter",
      "id": "f333437c-9a9e-4981-855c-5d31f4f579a4",
      "identifier": [ {
        "value": "48390"
      } ],
      "status": "finished",
      "class": {
        "code": "ff"
      "type": [ {
        "text": "EL"
      } ],
      "serviceType": {
        "coding": [ {
          "system": "",
          "code": "MED",
          "display": "Medical Service"
        } ],
        "text": "MED"
      "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/7425c8c2-50e7-433f-a804-79c0eab69a59"
      "period": {
        "start": "2014-09-12T22:00:00+08:00",
        "end": "2015-02-06T03:17:26+08:00"
      "length": {
        "value": 210557,
        "unit": "Minutes"
      "hospitalization": {
        "preAdmissionIdentifier": {
          "value": "ABC"
        "specialCourtesy": [ {
          "text": "E"
        } ],
        "specialArrangement": [ {
          "coding": [ {
            "system": "",
            "code": "B6",
            "display": "Pregnant"
          } ],
          "text": "B6"
        } ]
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Observation/6be3985b-ade4-47f4-b3b0-3e4e8de355c0",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Observation",
      "id": "6be3985b-ade4-47f4-b3b0-3e4e8de355c0",
      "identifier": [ {
        "value": "1234_"
      } ],
      "status": "final",
      "code": {
        "coding": [ {
          "code": "1234"
        } ]
      "subject": {
        "reference": "Patient/7425c8c2-50e7-433f-a804-79c0eab69a59"
      "encounter": {
        "reference": "Encounter/f333437c-9a9e-4981-855c-5d31f4f579a4"
      "issued": "2012-09-12T01:12:30+08:00",
      "performer": [ {
        "reference": "Practitioner/1fbe4699-7821-4176-92cf-648fe799b4f2"
      }, {
        "reference": "Practitioner/191b914f-4eb8-4190-b620-b6bde27141e8"
      }, {
        "reference": "Practitioner/dd9db2fd-ae96-4ca1-8db0-d873568b901a"
      }, {
        "reference": "Practitioner/8a630e35-52c2-43b5-aca3-1485ba986412"
      } ],
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Practitioner/1fbe4699-7821-4176-92cf-648fe799b4f2",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Practitioner",
      "id": "1fbe4699-7821-4176-92cf-648fe799b4f2",
      "identifier": [ {
        "value": "2740"
      } ],
      "name": [ {
        "text": "Janetary TRDSE",
        "family": "TRDSE",
        "given": [ "Janetary" ]
      } ]
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Practitioner/191b914f-4eb8-4190-b620-b6bde27141e8",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Practitioner",
      "id": "191b914f-4eb8-4190-b620-b6bde27141e8",
      "identifier": [ {
        "value": "2913"
      } ],
      "name": [ {
        "text": "Darren MRTTE",
        "family": "MRTTE",
        "given": [ "Darren" ]
      } ]
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Practitioner/dd9db2fd-ae96-4ca1-8db0-d873568b901a",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Practitioner",
      "id": "dd9db2fd-ae96-4ca1-8db0-d873568b901a",
      "identifier": [ {
        "value": "3065"
      } ],
      "name": [ {
        "text": "Paul MGHOBT",
        "family": "MGHOBT",
        "given": [ "Paul" ]
      } ]
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:Practitioner/8a630e35-52c2-43b5-aca3-1485ba986412",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "Practitioner",
      "id": "8a630e35-52c2-43b5-aca3-1485ba986412",
      "identifier": [ {
        "value": "4723"
      } ],
      "name": [ {
        "text": "Robert LOTHDEW",
        "family": "LOTHDEW",
        "given": [ "Robert" ]
      } ]
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:AllergyIntolerance/44ef3e65-650b-4eff-b662-2057112f49f9",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
      "id": "44ef3e65-650b-4eff-b662-2057112f49f9",
      "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding": [ {
          "system": "",
          "code": "active",
          "display": "Active"
        } ]
      "verificationStatus": {
        "coding": [ {
          "system": "",
          "code": "confirmed",
          "display": "Confirmed"
        } ]
      "criticality": "unable-to-assess",
      "code": {
        "coding": [ {
          "code": "00000741",
          "display": "OXYCODONE"
        } ],
        "text": "OXYCODONE"
      "patient": {
        "reference": "Patient/7425c8c2-50e7-433f-a804-79c0eab69a59"
      "reaction": [ {
        "manifestation": [ {
          "text": "HYPOTENSION"
        } ]
      } ]
  }, {
    "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:AllergyIntolerance/38e4e23f-593c-406b-bd4d-36b51d580006",
    "resource": {
      "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
      "id": "38e4e23f-593c-406b-bd4d-36b51d580006",
      "clinicalStatus": {
        "coding": [ {
          "system": "",
          "code": "active",
          "display": "Active"
        } ]
      "verificationStatus": {
        "coding": [ {
          "system": "",
          "code": "confirmed",
          "display": "Confirmed"
        } ]
      "criticality": "unable-to-assess",
      "code": {
        "coding": [ {
          "code": "00001433",
          "display": "TRAMADOL"
        } ],
        "text": "TRAMADOL"
      "patient": {
        "reference": "Patient/7425c8c2-50e7-433f-a804-79c0eab69a59"
      "reaction": [ {
        "manifestation": [ {
          "text": "SEIZURES"
        }, {
          "text": "VOMITING"
        } ]
      } ]
  } ]

More techniques and coding examples are found in Techniques