Their stories may be forgotten by history, but what they have done will be remembered forever.
计划事宜 | plans | 时间 Date |
游戏立项 | Project established | 2019.5 |
游戏研发正式开始 | Development started | 2019.9 |
第一个可玩原型 | First build was available | 2019.11 |
游戏概念公布 | Game Concept Released | 2020.2.13 |
第一个alpha版本制作完成 | The first alpha version was available | 2020.3.11 |
Linpg2引擎的所有预期研发工作完成 | All development goals for Linpg2 were reached | 2020.3 |
Linpg引擎开始初期重构(即第三代) | The development of Linpg Engine 3.0 started | 2020.4 |
Linpg引擎初期重构完成,开始游戏本体的迁徙工作 | The development of Linpg Engine 3.0 finished | 2020.6 |
游戏本体迁徙工作基本完成 | The migrations from Linpg Engine 2 to 3.0 completed | 2020.8 |
游戏进行小范围测试 | Small-scale testing | 2022.9 |
第1至3章发布 | The first to fourth chapter releases. | 2022.12.22 |
第5至8章发布 | The fifth to eighth chapter releases. | Pending |
第9至11章发布 | The ninth to eleventh chapter releases. | Pending |
最终章发布 | Final chapter releases | Pending |
第一个DLC发布 | First DLC releases | Pending |
Index | 名称 | Name | Release Date / 发布时间 | Status / 状态 |
1 | 雪色的希望 | A Wish Like Snow | 2022.12.31 | ✅ |
2 | 迷离之下 | Beneath the Bewilderment | 2022.12.31 | ✅ |
3 | 与霜共舞 | Dancing with Frost | 2023.12 | ✅ |
4 | 喘息 | A gasp for breath | Cancelled | ❌ |
5 | 无人之防 | Make defense without dolls | Cancelled | ❌ |
6 | 机遇 | The opportunity | Cancelled | ❌ |
7 | 强敌 | Formidable enemies | Cancelled | ❌ |
8 | 仅存的星火 | The only starburst | Cancelled | ❌ |
9 | 极夜前的黎光 | Light before long night | Cancelled | ❌ |
10 | 冲破黑暗与迷雾 | Through fog and darkness | Cancelled | ❌ |
11 | 拜托了,活下去! | Please, stay alive! | Cancelled | ❌ |
Final | 为了能看到的明天 | For a tomorrow that can be seen | Cancelled | ❌ |
Name / 名称 | Recommended Version / 建议版本 |
pyyaml | >=6.0 |
linpg | * |
* For more information about Linpg Engine, please visit
Type | 类型 | Minimum / 最低要求 | Recommended / 推荐配置 |
Operating System | 操作系统 | Windows® 10 64 bit, Ubuntu 22.04 | Windows® 11 |
CPU | 处理器 | Intel® or AMD® 3+ GHz processor | Intel® or AMD® 3.5+ GHz processor |
Memory | 内存 | 4 GB RAM | 6GB RAM |
Graphics Cards | 显卡 | Integrated Graphics | GTX 960 or AMD RX 560 |
Storage | 硬盘空间 | 1 GB of free hard drive space | 1GB of free solid-state drive space |
Q: Why is macOS not supported?
A: So far, none of the developers in our development team has a device that runs Mac OS, so we cannot run any testing to guarantee a pleasant experience for our players who use Mac products. We assume the game "may" run just fine, but we cannot ensure its stability due to a lack of testing. If you are willing to assist our development by donating or selling any Mac product at a low price (US and Canada only), don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
答:目前而言,我们开发团队中没有任何一名开发人员拥有能够运行Mac OS的设备,所以我们无法进行任何测试,以保证使用Mac产品玩家的游戏体验。理论上来讲,游戏在大部分情况下"可能 "运行良好,但由于缺乏测试,我们无法确保游戏运行的稳定性。如果你有意捐赠任何Mac产品以帮助本游戏的开发,请与我们取得联系。
Your little kindness can make a massive difference for our future.
Keys / 按键 | Functions | 功能 |
Mouser Left Click / 鼠标左键 | Confirm | 确认 |
Mouser Scroll Wheel Click / 鼠标滚轮点击 | Back / Delete / Replace Title in Map Editor | 返回 / 删除 / 在地图编辑器中替换区块 |
Mouser Right Click / 鼠标右键 | Previous Dialogue / Selected / Dragged | 前一对话 / 选中 / 拖拽 |
ESC | Deselect / Show Option Menu | 取消选中 / 显示选项菜单 |
Delete | Delete Object or Entity | 删除物体或实体 |
Mouser Scroll Wheel Up / 鼠标上滚轮 | Deselect in Map Editor | 在地图编辑器中取消选中 |
This branch holds the current stable version.
This branch holds the latest version that is available to the public. While this version may contain patches that fix identified problems, it may also intoduece unknown or known new bugs that may cause harm to your system or projects. This version is typically recommended for experienced developers.
目前可以运行的最新版本,可能在修复了部分现有的bug的同时,又带有新增的bug。 推荐开发人员使用
自贡芒果Channel - 授权了主菜单页面的使用 / Authorized the use of the main menu background
命运の乐章 - 授于了制作组在该游戏中暂时地使用其制作的GMV作为过场动画的权利 / Granted the right to temporarily use their GMV as in-game cutsence
Girls Front Line‘s character images and UI © 2018 Digital Sky Entertainment Limited & All rights reserved.
This game's (python) codes are distributed under the GPL-3.0 License. However, all other digital contents used in this game, including but not limited to images, music, and videos, are authorized or contributed by third parties, and secondary distribution or commercialization without the authorization of the corresponding creators is strictly prohibited. The game by itself should only be used for non-commercial and educational purposes, and Tigeia Workshop (the developer of this game and the Linpg engine) is not responsible for any disputes and damages caused by the usage of neither this game nor the Linpg Engine.
本游戏的代码将采用 GPL-3.0 License 进行分发。然而,需要注意的是,本游戏用到的所有其他数字媒体素材,包含但不仅限于图片,音乐,视频,均来自第三方授权或者贡献,严禁在没有对应创作者授权的情况下进行二次发布或者使用。游戏作为一个整体只能用于非商业的教育用途,且因使用该游戏或者linpg导致的任何形式的冲突(比如但不仅限法律冲突,经济冲突等)与缇吉娅工坊(本游戏和Linpg引擎的开发者)无关。一切缇吉娅工坊发布的非英文版本条款仅供参考,实际应以英文版本为准。