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Student lab to develop a simple but complete video calling application with WebRTC. The frontend is implemented in Javascript with a simple HTML page. The signaling server is implemented in Python with Flask and Flask-SocketIO.

This repository provides a skeleton of the final application without the actual behavior. The sections below provide the detailed instructions for the student to guide them step by step towards the final and complete implementation.

Description of the application

The screenshot shows the webpage of the application.

The call button ask the user for a room name, shows the local video as preview and initiates a call. When a second peer establishes a call to the same room name, the two peers are connected in a video call. They can chat using the text field and the Send button. When one of the peers clicks the Hang up button, the call is terminated.

Signaling flow

The signaling flow between the two peers and the server is shown below.

  1. Both peers request the web site from the server. The web site consists of the page static/index.html and the Javascript implementation static/webrtcclient.js.
  2. Both peers establish a SocketIO connection with the server.
  3. The first peer (the Caller) sends a SocketIO message join(room_name) to the server. The servers adds it the the SocketIO room and responds with a created message, letting the peer know that it's the Caller.
  4. The second peer (the Callee) sends a join(room_name) message to the server. The server adds it to the room and responds with a joined message, to indicate that the peer is the Callee. The server also sends a new_peer message to the Caller (the other peer in the room to inform it of the newly arrived peer.
  5. Upon reception of the new_peer message, the Caller initiates the RTCPeerConnection establishment using the WebRTC API.
  6. The Caller and the Callee exchange WebRTC-generated SDP offers and answers as well as ICE candidates through the server using messages of type invite(SDP offer), ok(SDP answer)and ice_candidate(candidat). The Javascript client and the server use the SocketIO library to establish a bidirectional connection for signaling, based on Websockets.
  7. Both peers handle the SDP offers and ICE candicates using the standard WebRTC API and WebRTC establishes the RTCPeerConnection and DataConnection.
  8. The video and chat messages are then transmitted directly between the peers, without relaying by the server.
  9. To terminate the call, a peer locally tears down the RTCPeerConnecton and the DataConnection using the WebRTC API. It sends a bye(room_name) message to the server, the server removes it from the SocketIO room and forwards the bye message to the other peer.
  10. Upon reception of the bye(room_name) message, the other peer tears down its WebRTC connections. It responds with a bye(room_name) message and gets removed from the SocketIO room, too. The server does not forward this message to the first peer, since it has already been removed from the room.

Lab instructions: Building a working video calling solution with WebRTC

This section guides the student through the development of the complete solution based on the skeleton. If you hit any problem, check the Troubleshooting section at the end.


  • Fork this repository on GitHub and clone your fork to a Linux server. We will use Ubuntu 20.04 in the following.
  • The server has to have port 443/tcp open.
  • Install Flask and Flask-Socketio on the server:
    sudo apt-get install python3-flask python3-flask-socketio

Editing the code

We recommend using VS Code as IDE to develop the code:

  • Start VS Code and create a remote connection to the server by clicking on the red icon "Open a Remote Window" all on the bottom left of VS Code.
  • Connect to the Linux server and open the directory with the cloned repository.
  • During the development, follow the steps below. After each step, test if everything is working, then commit the changes to Git.

Understand the structure of the code

Read through the static/index.html, static/webrtcclient.js and the files. The Javascript file implements the WebRTC client in the browser. The Python file implements the Web server and SocketIO signaling server.

Only the static/webrtcclient.js and the files will have to be modified.

All places, which have to be completed are marked with *** TODO ***.

Generate the certificates

WebRTC requires HTTPS. It refuses to open media stream on HTTP Web sites. Therefore we need to generate certificates to be used by the server. Using openssl, generate a self-signed certificate for the Web site. Place the .pem in the main directory, next to

Do NOT add the certificates to Git. You have to exclude them in the .gitignore file.

Test the application

  • You can now run the server using:
    sudo python3
  • Access the server with a browser on the URL: https://<server_ip>. Since the certificate are self-signed, the browser shows are warning that the site is not safe. This is normal. After allowing access in the browser, the Web page is displayed.

Enable local video from the Webcam / screen sharing

Once the user clicks the call button, the call function of the WebRTC client is called. This function is already implemented. Read it carefully to understand what is does.

We have to implement the functions which are called by the call function.

Function enable_camera

See the documentation for this part.

  • Define the constraints for the local media flow. Enable video but disable audio to avoid the audio feedback loop if you test both peers on the same computer.
  • Use getUserMedia to obtain the media flow from the local camera. If your are using two browsers on the same computer, this may raise an exception since only one browser can use the camera. Catch the exception and use getDisplayMedia to create a screen-sharing stream instead.
  • Add the stream to the localVideo document element (already present).
  • Return the stream (camera or screen sharing) from the function.

To test this implementation:

  • Start the server (sudo python3
  • Start two browsers (e.g., two Chrome windows or Chrome and Firefox) on your machine and navigate to the server address.
  • Click the call button on the first browser. The video from the camera should appear. You may have to click "Accept" on the dialog.
  • Click the call button on the second browser. The video from the camera or a dialog to choose the screen to share should appear. If required choose a screen to share.
  • Both browsers should show their local video streams.

Create the signaling connection

The WebRTC specification does not define the signaling protocol required to join a conference and negotiate the WebRTC parameters. Every implementation can choose its own protocol, according to its requirements.

This implementation uses Flask-socketio on the server side and SocketIO on the client side to establish a bidirectional connection for signaling between the peers and the server. SocketIO is based on Websockets. The HTML file includes the SocketIO library as script. We can therefore use this API in the static/webrtcclient.js file.


If you have problems establishing the signaling connection between the client side and the server, please see the Troubleshooting section at the end of this README.

Function create_signaling_connection

This function uses the SocketIO library to establishes a SocketIO connection with the server. This is extremly easy (documentation): simply call the io() function provided by the SocketIO library. It returns a socket.

Function add_signaling_handlers

A major part of the implementation is concerned with the signaling to exchange all information required to join a 'room' (conference name) and to negotiate the parameters of the peerConnection.

The following signaling messages will be used to manage rooms:

  • join(room): Peer --> Server: the peer wants to join a conference, identified by the room name.
  • created(room): Server --> Peer: sent by the server after a join message to indicate that the peer is the first member of the room. This peer becomes the Caller and will be responsible for initiating the negotiation.
  • joined(room): Server --> Peer: sent by the server after a join message. The peer is the second member of the room. This peer becomes the Callee and will wait for the Caller to initiate the negotiation.
  • full(room): Server --> Peer: sent after a join message. The peer is refused since there are already two peers in that room.
  • new_peer(room): Server --> Peer: sent to the Caller after a join message received from another peer. It signals to the Caller that a second peer has joined the conference. This is important, since the Caller must then start the WebRTC connection establishement process.

Additionally, the following messages are used in for the WebRTC peer connection establishement:

  • invite(SDP offer): Caller --> Server --> Callee: send from the Caller to the Callee with the SDP parameters of the Caller. The server simply forwards the message.
  • ok(SDP answer): Callee --> Server --> Caller: answer of the Callee after an invite message. It contains the SDP parameters of the Callee. The sender simply forwards the message.
  • ice_candidate(candidate): Peer --> Server --> Peer: sent from both peers (Caller or Callee) to the other peer. Contains the ICE candidate of the sender. The sender simply forwards the message.
  • bye(room): Peer --> Server --> Peer: sent from one of the peers to the server. The server forwards the message to the other peer, which responds with a bye message, too.

We now have the required information to configure all signaling handlers in the function add_signaling_handlers:

In a first step, we have to configure message handlers for the created, joined and full messages:

  • See the socket.on documentation of the SocketIO client API for an example how to configure a SocketIO message handler.
  • For all three messages, simply print a console log message.

In a second step, we have to create the handlers for the message which require specific processing. In the function add_signaling_handlers, use the socket.on method to configure the following handlers:

  • Message new_peer --> function handle_new_peer.
  • Message invite --> function handle_invite.
  • Message ok --> function handle_ok.
  • Message ice_candidate --> function handle_remote_icecandidate.
  • Message bye --> function hangUp.

All these functions are already present, but will have to be completed later.

Function call_room

This function is called by the call function when the call button is clicked. It asks the user for a room name (conference name). It then has to send a join message to the server:

  • See the SocketIO emit documentation of the SocketIO client API for an example how to use Socket.emit to send a message to the server.
  • Send a join message with the room as argument.

Implement RTCPeerConnection creation

The functions create_peerconnection and add_peerconnection_handlers are called by the call function when the call button is clicked. They create the peerConnection (without yet connecting it to a peer) and add the event handlers for peerConnection events.

Function create_peerconnection:

Complete the function:

  • Create a new RTCPeerConnection (see documentation). The configuration of the ICE servers is already provided.
  • Add all tracks of the local video stream to the newly created peerConnection (see documentation, first example).

Function add_peerconnection_handlers

Complete the function by adding event handlers for peerConnection events:

  • Event onicecandidate --> function handle_local_icecandidate
  • Event ontrack --> function handle_remote_track
  • Event ondatachannel --> function handle_remote_ondatachannel

Implement SocketIO signaling

This is the core functionality to join a conference room and initiate the establishement of a peerConnection.

In static/webrtcclient.js we've already done the following:

  • create a SocketIO connection (function create_signaling_connection),
  • add the handlers for all signaling message (function add_signaling_handlers),
  • send a join message to the server (function call_room).

Now, we have to implement the server part of the signaling. The server code is in the file

But first, we need some theory about SocketIO.

SocketIO rooms

The video call is identified by a room name. This uses the concept of SocketIO rooms. Read the Flask-socketio documentation, section "Rooms", to understand this concept.

Separate rooms allow the server to manage several different calls without mixing up the participants. E.g., it can easily forward a message received from one peer to the other peer by sending it to all other peers in the same room.

Implementation of the signaling server

The template of the signaling server is already functional.

The function def index() serves the static file static/index.html. Flask uses Python function decorators to connect functions to HTTP GET or POST messages. The decorator:

def index()

invokes this function when a HTTP GET message for the path '/' is received.

The line

socketio = SocketIO(app)

creates as SocketIO server. The following two functions handle_connect and handle_disconnect simple serve for debugging and display a message when a SocketIO client connects or disconnects.

Function handle_join

This function handles join(room_name) messages from the peers. It uses the global dictionary rooms_db as database: user_id --> room_name.

Read the skeleton of the function to understand the structure and the variables used. Then complete it:

  • If the room is currently empty:
  • If there is one member in the room:
    • Update rooms_db and add user_id with the room_name as value.
    • Add the peer to the SocketIO room using join_room.
    • Emit a joined message with the room_name as argument to inform the client that it is the second peer to join the room.
    • Send a new_peer message with the room_name to the existing peer. This cannot be done with a simple emit call, since it would simply send a response back to the peer which sent the join. You have to use the emit function with the room=room_name, broadcast=True and include_self=False as arguments. Read the Flask-SocketIO emit documentation for details.
  • If there are more than one members, emit a full message with the room_name as argument to inform the client that it has been refused.

Function p2p_message

All other message handlers such as invite or ok are much simpler. They mostly have to be forwarded to the peer without any processing by the server. The function p2p_messages does the message forwarding.

Complete the function p2p_message:

  • Get the user_id from the request session variable.
  • Get the room_name of the user from the rooms_db dictionary.
  • Broadcast the message to the existing clients in the SocketIO room. Be careful to exclude the sender of the original message.

Functions handle_invite, handle_ok and handle_icecandidate

Using the p2p_message function, create handlers for invite, ok and ice_candidate messages. Simple forward these messages to the peer.

Function handle_bye

The processing of a bye message requires a little bit more work. The server has to remove the sender from the room before forwarding the message.

  • Get the user_id from the request session variable.
  • Use the SocketIO function leave_room to remove the sender from the SocketIO room.
  • Remove the user from rooms_db.
  • Forward the bye message using p2p_message.

This completes the implementation of the signaling server.

Test the server

To test the server, start the application, use two browsers and click the call button in each of them. The join messages should be correctly handled by the clients and the server: the first client (Caller) receives a created and new_peer message, the second client (Callee) receives a joined message. A third client would receive a full message.

Implement signaling handlers for peer connection negotiation

After having implemented the server, we return to the client in static/webrtcclient.js.

Once both peers are connected to the same 'room', they use the signaling server to exchange the parameters to set up the direct peer-to-peer peerConnection. This is similar to SIP allowing the peers to negotiate the parameters of the peer-to-peer RTP flow.

Function handle_new_peer

The Caller receives the new_peer message from the server when a second peer joins the room. The first thing to do is to call the function `create_datachannel, since this has to be done before creating a peerConnection offer. We will implement this function late.

Complete the rest of the function:

  • Use the createOffer method without any options to create a local SDP offer. Since this method returns a Javascript promise, use the await syntax to wait for completion. See the function makeCall in this example.
  • Use setLocalDescription (with await) to add the offer to the local peerConnection.
  • Finally, send an invite message with the offer to the peer.

Function handle_invite

The Callee receives the invite(offer) message from the Caller. It has to add the offer to its peerConnnection, generate an answer (its own SDP description), add the answer as local description to its peerConnection and send it to the Caller.

Complete the function:

  • Use the setRemoteDescription method (with await) to add it to the peerConnection.
  • Use the createAnswer method (with await) to generate an SDP answer with the local SDP description.
  • Use setLocalDescription (with await) to add the answer to the local peerConnection.
  • Finally, send an ok message with the answer to the peer.

Function handle_ok

When an ok(answer) message is received, it contains the SDP of the Callee. Simply use the setRemoteDescription method (with await) to add it to the peerConnection.

Implement ICE negotiation handling

Once the local and remote session descriptions have been set on the peerConnection, the ICE subsystem starts the ICE negotiation. It generates local ICE candidates that have to be sent to the peer through the signaling server.

The event and message handlers have already been connected in the function add_peerconnection_handlers. Now we have to implement these handlers.

Function handle_local_icecandidate

The onicecandidate event is raised when the local ICE subsystem has discovered a new ICE candidate (an IP address and port). Handle this event: send an ice_candidate message with the new ICE candidate to the signaling server (see documentation).

Function handle_remote_icecandidate

Handle the ice_candidate signaling message received from the peer: add the ICE candidate to the peerConnection (see documentation).

Test this implementation. Local ICE candidates shoud be created by the ICE subsystem, ice_candidate messages should be sent through the signaling server. The peers should receive the ice_candidate messages.

Implement handling of the remote video stream

When the ICE negotiation succeeds, WebRTC establishes the peerConnection. Both peers will then receive an ontrack event with the remote media streams. This event is connected to the handle_remote_track function.

Function handle_remote_track

Complete this function by extracting the first media track from the ontrack event argument and displaying it in the remoteVideo document element (see documentation).


Test this implementation. The remote video stream should appear on the Web page of both peers.

Implement DataChannel establishement

Function create_datachannel

The function create_datachannel is called by the Caller peer when a new_peer message is received from the signaling server. Complete this function.

  • Create a dataChannel on the peerConnection (see documentation, in particular the examples). Only provide a label, no other options.
  • Connect the handlers:
    • Event open --> function handle_datachannel_open
    • Event message --> function handle_datachannel_message

Both handlers are already implemented. Check their implementation.

Function handle_remote_datachannel

The function handle_remote_datachannel is connected to the ondatachannel event. It is thus received by the Callee when the peer connection establishments succeeds and the data channel has been created.

Complete this function:

  • Get the data channel from the event.
  • Add the same event handlers as in the function create_datachannel used by the Caller.

Function sendMessage

The function sendMessage is called when the send button of the chat is clicked. It gets the current text from the chat input field and copies it to the chat output field.

Add a call to send the message through the data channel (see documentation).


Test this implementation. The dataChannel should establish itself and messages can be sent between directly the peers.

Implement connection termination

The hangUp function is called when the hang up button is clicked or when a bye message is received from the signaling server.

Function hangUp

  • Write a console log that the connection will be terminated.
  • Send a bye message with the room name to signaling server.
  • Close the peerConnection and the dataChannel using the example, Section "Ending the call", function closeVideoCall.


Test this implementation. The bye messages should be sent and the call should be terminated on both peers.

Test the complete implementation

Now the implementation should be finished and you have a complete, working peer-to-peer video-calling solution. Test the application to make sure everything is correct and complete.

Submit your solution

After implementing and testing all parts, send a Pull Request for the main respository to submit your final result.


The web page does not load when accessing https://<server_ip>

  • Check if you explicitely typed https to access port 443.
  • Check which port the server uses (443 or another port such as 8443).
  • Run tcpdump -i any port 443 on the server to check the TCP connection is established. If not, there's probably a firewall problem.

The web page loads but SocketIO signaling does not work

The symptoms are that the "Call" button on the server does not work or the server may print an error such as "unexpected message".

The cause may be incomptable version of socketio between the server and the client.

Check the socketio version on the server:

$ pip3 list | grep socketio
python-socketio        4.4.0

$ pip3 list | grep engineio
python-engineio        3.11.1

Here, the server uses socketio version 4.4.0 and engineio version 3.11.1.

Again on the server, check the socketio version used by the Web client:

$ cat static/index.html | grep
    <script src=""></script>

Here, the Web client uses version 2.3.1.

Use the python-socketio documentation to check if the versions are compatible. If necessary change the version of the Web client using