Offical Website 官网:
LT is a team which includes many coders who have interest in IT/ICT.We help our members to build their projects.LT was founded in 2022.7 by @aztice.
LT 是一个科技团队,主要人员都是对互联网科技感兴趣的人,我们帮助成员构建/开发他们的项目,本团队在2022年7月建立,由@aztice发起。
The websites that we managed 我们管理的旗下站点:
- MCBBS 2nd
- Offical Website 官网
- StarQuest Search Engine 星际探索搜索引擎
Representative Projects 代表项目:
- JsonDB - aztice@aztice
如果您想要加入我们,请联系Email [email protected] 或者 QQ 465723320。
If you have interest to join LT,please contact us by email [email protected] or QQ 465723320
We are waiting for you! 我们在等候您的加入!