Most people read on the internet about investing, knowing that they should invest and want to invest, but in the world full of noise is is hard to get clear idea on how to start or how to improve your investing. We offer you app that gives you optimal investments strategies based on your age, budget, investment timeframe and other factors.
App helps you start investing, manage your portfolio in an easy way and suggest you impovements. It's like financial advisor or investment sensei in your pocket.
Smart. Simple. Accurate. CashSensei.
- User Authentication: The app uses Firebase Authentication to manage user accounts. Users can sign in to access their personal portfolio data.
- Data Storage: The app uses Firebase Firestore as a NoSQL database to store user data, including portfolio and strategy information and also initial questions.
- Portfolio Management: Users can view their current portfolio, including the distribution of assets. They can also update their portfolio, such as changing the budget for a specific asset.
- Strategy Management: The app provides various investment strategies for users to choose from. Users can view the asset distribution for each strategy and select a strategy to apply to their portfolio.
- Interactive UI: The app features an interactive Pie chart to visualize the distribution of assets in the user's portfolio or a selected strategy. The Pie chart can be toggled between displaying current portfolio data and target strategy data.
- Data Prefetching: The app prefetches data from Firestore on startup to improve performance and responsiveness.