The goal of L2TWordLists is to provide some convenient high-level functions for working with Eprime files produced by our real-word repetition and non-word repetition experiments.
Install L2TWordLists from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Parse an Eprime file to get trial-level information:
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
rwr_file <- "./tests/testthat/test-files/TimePoint3/RealWordRep_008L54MS5.txt"
# Parse Eprime file
df_rwr_trials <- get_rwr_trial_info(rwr_file)
#> # A tibble: 119 × 19
#> TimePoint Dialect Experiment
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 2 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 3 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 4 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 5 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 6 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 7 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 8 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 9 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> 10 3 SAE SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta
#> # ... with 109 more rows, and 16 more variables: Eprime.Basename <chr>,
#> # Block <chr>, TrialNumber <chr>, TrialType <chr>,
#> # Trial_Abbreviation <chr>, Procedure <chr>, Running <chr>,
#> # AudioPrompt <chr>, PicturePrompt <chr>, Cycle <chr>, Sample <chr>,
#> # UserOrth <chr>, Reinforcer <chr>, reinforceImage <chr>, Helper <chr>,
#> # Date <date>
Create a WordList table using that trial-level information:
df_rwr_wordlist <- lookup_rwr_wordlist(df_rwr_trials)
#> # A tibble: 119 × 12
#> TrialNumber Abbreviation Word WorldBet TargetC TargetV Frame
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Fam1 SHRT shorts Sorts S or ts
#> 2 Fam2 GIRL girl g3rl g 3r l
#> 3 Fam3 COLD cold kold k o ld
#> 4 Fam4 COWW cow kaU k aU <NA>
#> 5 Test1 SHEEP sheep Sip S i p
#> 6 Test2 ROCK rock rak r a k
#> 7 Test3 Roof roof rUf r U f
#> 8 Test4 Crying crying kraIIN k r aIIN
#> 9 Test5 Shadow shadow Saedo S ae do
#> 10 Test6 SHVL shovel SVv6l S V v6l
#> # ... with 109 more rows, and 5 more variables: ComparisonPair <chr>,
#> # Block <chr>, TrialType <chr>, AudioPrompt <chr>, PicturePrompt <chr>
Analogous functions are available for the nonword-repetition task.
nwr_file <- "./tests/testthat/test-files/TimePoint3/NonWordRep_001L53FS5.txt"
# Parse Eprime file
df_nwr_trials <- get_nwr_trial_info(nwr_file)
#> # A tibble: 76 × 22
#> TimePoint Dialect Experiment Eprime.Basename TrialNumber
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Fam1
#> 2 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Fam2
#> 3 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Fam3
#> 4 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Fam4
#> 5 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Fam5
#> 6 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Fam6
#> 7 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Test1
#> 8 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Test2
#> 9 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Test3
#> 10 3 SAE SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 NonWordRep_001L53FS5 Test4
#> # ... with 66 more rows, and 17 more variables: TrialType <chr>,
#> # ItemKey <chr>, Procedure <chr>, Running <chr>, AudioPrompt <chr>,
#> # PicturePrompt <chr>, Cycle <chr>, Sample <chr>,
#> # FamVisualPresentation.OnsetTime <chr>, UserOrth <chr>,
#> # FamITI.OnsetTime <chr>, Reinforcer <chr>, reinforceImage <chr>,
#> # VisualPresentation.OnsetTime <chr>, ITI.OnsetTime <chr>, Helper <chr>,
#> # Date <date>
# Create Wordlist
df_nwr_wordlist <- lookup_nwr_wordlist(df_nwr_trials)
#> # A tibble: 76 × 11
#> TrialNumber TrialType Orthography WorldBet Frame1 Target1 Target2
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Fam1 Familiarization dablor dablor <NA> d a
#> 2 Fam2 Familiarization dqkram daekram <NA> d ae
#> 3 Fam3 Familiarization sqnut Saenut <NA> S ae
#> 4 Fam4 Familiarization kh3rpoyn kh3rpoin <NA> k 3r
#> 5 Fam5 Familiarization khizel khIzEl <NA> k I
#> 6 Fam6 Familiarization thaumag thaUmag <NA> t aU
#> 7 Test1 Test twefrap twEfrap <NA> t w
#> 8 Test2 Test vookuhtem vuk6tEm <NA> v u
#> 9 Test3 Test gufftuhdye gVft6daI gV f t
#> 10 Test4 Test baydag bedaeg bed ae g
#> # ... with 66 more rows, and 4 more variables: Frame2 <chr>,
#> # TargetStructure <chr>, Frequency <chr>, ComparisonPair <chr>
Save a read-only copy of a WordList table:
# Save wordlist to a temporary file (for illustration purposes)
outpath <- tempfile("my-wordlist", fileext = ".txt")
write_protected_tsv(df_rwr_wordlist, outpath)
# mode is `444` when a file is read-only[["mode"]]
#> [1] "444"
# returns -1 when write permissions are unavailable
unname(file.access(outpath, 2))
#> [1] -1
The functions create_rwr_wordlist_file()
and create_nwr_wordlist_file()
are shortcuts that will create a WordList for a particular participant. These functions replicate the main functionality of our older R scripts. All the user needs to provide is a participant ID, a study name, and a task directory.
# Using a mock location for the package documentation...
task_dir <- "./tests/testthat/l2t/RealWordRep"
study_name <- "TimePoint1"
participant_id <- "001L"
create_rwr_wordlist_file(participant_id, study_name, task_dir)
#> Writing file RealWordRep_001L28FS1_WordList.txt
Here's an analogous example for nonword repetition.
nwr_task_dir <- "./tests/testthat/l2t/NonWordRep"
nwr_study_name <- "TimePoint1"
nwr_participant_id <- "124L"
create_nwr_wordlist_file(nwr_participant_id, nwr_study_name, nwr_task_dir)
#> Writing file NonWordRep_124L28MS1_WordList.txt
The following examples show the options available to both functions, but use only the real-word-repetition function for conciseness.
By default, the function will not overwrite a WordList.
create_rwr_wordlist_file(participant_id, study_name, task_dir)
#> Error: WordList file already exists:
#> ./tests/testthat/l2t/RealWordRep/TimePoint1/WordLists/RealWordRep_001L28FS1_WordList.txt
#> Use `update = TRUE` to overwrite a WordList.
We can update a WordList with update = TRUE
, however:
create_rwr_wordlist_file(participant_id, study_name, task_dir, update = TRUE)
#> Updating file RealWordRep_001L28FS1_WordList.txt
If we set the participant ID to a blank ""
, then the function will create a WordList for every participant ID in a study folder.
create_rwr_wordlist_file("", study_name, task_dir, update = TRUE)
#> Multiple files found: RealWordRep_001L28FS1.txt, RealWordRep_003L31FS1.txt
#> Updating file RealWordRep_001L28FS1_WordList.txt
#> Updating file RealWordRep_003L31FS1_WordList.txt
The function invisibly returns a list with the generated WordList and the file location. That is, we can run the function by itself and not see the generated WordList printed out --- this prevents the console from being flooded with data-frame print-outs. But we can assign the results of the function to a variable and see the WordList data and file locations. In this case, two WordsLists have been updated:
results <- create_rwr_wordlist_file("", study_name, task_dir, update = TRUE)
#> Multiple files found: RealWordRep_001L28FS1.txt, RealWordRep_003L31FS1.txt
#> Updating file RealWordRep_001L28FS1_WordList.txt
#> Updating file RealWordRep_003L31FS1_WordList.txt
#> List of 2
#> $ :List of 2
#> ..$ path: chr "./tests/testthat/l2t/RealWordRep/TimePoint1/WordLists/RealWordRep_001L28FS1_WordList.txt"
#> ..$ data:Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 103 obs. of 10 variables:
#> .. ..$ TrialNumber : chr [1:103] "Fam1" "Fam2" "Fam3" "Fam4" ...
#> .. ..$ Abbreviation : chr [1:103] "SHRT" "GIRL" "COLD" "COWW" ...
#> .. ..$ Word : chr [1:103] "shorts" "girl" "cold" "cow" ...
#> .. ..$ WorldBet : chr [1:103] "Sorts" "g3rl" "kold" "kaU" ...
#> .. ..$ TargetC : chr [1:103] "S" "g" "k" "k" ...
#> .. ..$ TargetV : chr [1:103] "or" "3r" "o" "aU" ...
#> .. ..$ Frame : chr [1:103] "ts" "l" "ld" NA ...
#> .. ..$ TrialType : chr [1:103] "Familiarization" "Familiarization" "Familiarization" "Familiarization" ...
#> .. ..$ AudioPrompt : chr [1:103] "SHRT_H_01" "GIRL_H_01" "COLD_H_01" "COWW_H_01" ...
#> .. ..$ PicturePrompt: chr [1:103] "SHRT_01" "GIRL_01" "COLD_01" "COWW_01" ...
#> $ :List of 2
#> ..$ path: chr "./tests/testthat/l2t/RealWordRep/TimePoint1/WordLists/RealWordRep_003L31FS1_WordList.txt"
#> ..$ data:Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 103 obs. of 10 variables:
#> .. ..$ TrialNumber : chr [1:103] "Fam1" "Fam2" "Fam3" "Fam4" ...
#> .. ..$ Abbreviation : chr [1:103] "SHRT" "GIRL" "COLD" "COWW" ...
#> .. ..$ Word : chr [1:103] "shorts" "girl" "cold" "cow" ...
#> .. ..$ WorldBet : chr [1:103] "Sorts" "g3rl" "kold" "kaU" ...
#> .. ..$ TargetC : chr [1:103] "S" "g" "k" "k" ...
#> .. ..$ TargetV : chr [1:103] "or" "3r" "o" "aU" ...
#> .. ..$ Frame : chr [1:103] "ts" "l" "ld" NA ...
#> .. ..$ TrialType : chr [1:103] "Familiarization" "Familiarization" "Familiarization" "Familiarization" ...
#> .. ..$ AudioPrompt : chr [1:103] "SHRT_H_01" "GIRL_H_01" "COLD_H_01" "COWW_H_01" ...
#> .. ..$ PicturePrompt: chr [1:103] "SHRT_01" "GIRL_01" "COLD_01" "COWW_01" ...
Tables of stimulus information about the items in our word-repetition experiments are bundled with the package and accessible with l2t_wordlists
Default forms of the list are stored by Task and TimePoint, and custom one-off lists are stored in a separate list.
#> $RealWordRep
#> $RealWordRep$TimePoint1
#> # A tibble: 56 × 6
#> Abbreviation Word WorldBet TargetC TargetV Frame
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 CAKE cake kek k e k
#> 2 CANN can kaen k ae n
#> 3 CARR car kar k ar <NA>
#> 4 CATT cat kaet k ae t
#> 5 CKIE cookie kUki k U ki
#> 6 CMRA camera kaemr6 k ae mr6
#> 7 CNDY candy kaendi k ae ndi
#> 8 COAT coat kot k o t
#> 9 COCH couch kaUtS k aU tS
#> 10 COLD cold kold k o ld
#> # ... with 46 more rows
#> $RealWordRep$TimePoint2
#> # A tibble: 78 × 6
#> Abbreviation Word WorldBet TargetC TargetV Frame
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 CAKE cake kek k e k
#> 2 CARR car kar k ar <NA>
#> 3 CATT cat kaet k ae t
#> 4 CFEE coffee kafi k a fi
#> 5 CHAR chair tSEr tS Er <NA>
#> 6 CHEE cheese tSiz tS i z
#> 7 CHKN chicken tSIkIn tS I kIn
#> 8 CKIE cookie kUki k U ki
#> 9 CNDL candle kaend6l k ae nd6l
#> 10 CNDY candy kaendi k ae ndi
#> # ... with 68 more rows
#> $RealWordRep$TimePoint3
#> # A tibble: 121 × 10
#> Abbreviation Word WorldBet TargetC TargetV Frame ComparisonPair
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 SHRT shorts Sorts S or ts <NA>
#> 2 GIRL girl g3rl g 3r l <NA>
#> 3 COLD cold kold k o ld <NA>
#> 4 COWW cow kaU k aU <NA> <NA>
#> 5 Cake cake kek k e k <NA>
#> 6 CATT cat kaet k ae t <NA>
#> 7 CFEE coffee kafi k a fi <NA>
#> 8 Chair chair tSEr tS Er <NA> <NA>
#> 9 Cheese cheese tSiz tS i z <NA>
#> 10 Chicken chicken tSIkIn tS I kIn chimmig
#> # ... with 111 more rows, and 3 more variables: Block <chr>,
#> # AAEsoundFile <chr>, Abbreviation120 <chr>
#> $NonWordRep
#> $NonWordRep$TimePoint1
#> # A tibble: 50 × 11
#> Orthography WorldBet Frame1 Target1 Target2 Frame2 AudioFileAAE
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 yougoyt jugoit ju g oi t jugoit.wav
#> 2 bogeeb bogib bo g i b bogib_01_A.wav
#> 3 moypudd moip6d <NA> m oi p6d moip6d_01_A.wav
#> 4 mabbep maebEp <NA> m ae bEp maebEp_01_A.wav
#> 5 voogeem vugim <NA> v u gim vugim_01_A.wav
#> 6 viddag vIdaeg <NA> v I daeg vIdaeg_01_A.wav
#> 7 vookuhtem vuk6tEm <NA> v u k6tEm vuk6tEm_01_A.wav
#> 8 viddigop vIt6gap <NA> v I t6gap vIt6gap_02_A.wav
#> 9 boduhyow bod6jaU bod6 j aU <NA> bod6jaU_01_A.wav
#> 10 mayduhyou med6ju med6 j u <NA> med6ju_01_A.wav
#> # ... with 40 more rows, and 4 more variables: AudioFileSAE <chr>,
#> # TargetStructure <chr>, Frequency <chr>, ComparisonPair <chr>
#> $NonWordRep$TimePoint2
#> # A tibble: 75 × 11
#> Orthography WorldBet Frame1 Target1 Target2 Frame2 AudioFileAAE
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 yougoyt jugoit ju g oi t jugoit.wav
#> 2 bogeeb bogib bo g i b bogib_01_A.wav
#> 3 moypudd moip6d <NA> m oi p6d moip6d_01_A.wav
#> 4 mabbep maebEp <NA> m ae bEp maebEp_01_A.wav
#> 5 voogeem vugim <NA> v u gim vugim_01_A.wav
#> 6 viddag vIdaeg <NA> v I daeg vIdaeg_01_A.wav
#> 7 vookuhtem vuk6tEm <NA> v u k6tEm vuk6tEm_01_A.wav
#> 8 viddigop vIt6gap <NA> v I t6gap vIt6gap_02_A.wav
#> 9 boduhyow bod6jaU bod6 j aU <NA> bod6jaU_01_A.wav
#> 10 mayduhyou med6ju med6 j u <NA> med6ju_01_A.wav
#> # ... with 65 more rows, and 4 more variables: AudioFileSAE <chr>,
#> # TargetStructure <chr>, Frequency <chr>, ComparisonPair <chr>
#> $NonWordRep$TimePoint3
#> # A tibble: 91 × 15
#> OrigOrder Orthography WorldBet Frame1 Target1 Target2 Frame2
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 27 owftuhga aUft6ga <NA> aU f t6ga
#> 2 25 owkpuhday aUkp6de <NA> aU k p6de
#> 3 28 ountuhko aUnt6ko <NA> aU n t6ko
#> 4 21 owptudd aUpt6d <NA> aU p t6d
#> 5 18 baydag bedaeg bed ae g <NA>
#> 6 9 boduhyow bod6jaU bod6 j aU <NA>
#> 7 2 bogeeb bogib bo g i b
#> 8 33 boofkeet bufkit bu f k it
#> 9 43 degdinay dEgd6ne dE g d 6ne
#> 10 35 doagdate dogdet do g d et
#> # ... with 81 more rows, and 8 more variables: TP3_AudioFileAAE <chr>,
#> # TP3_AudioFileSAE <chr>, TargetStructure <chr>, Frequency <chr>,
#> # ComparisonPair <chr>, TP2_AudioFileAAE <chr>, TP2_AudioFileSAE <chr>,
#> # LexFreq <chr>
#> $CustomLists
#> $CustomLists$RealWordRep_003L53FS5
#> # A tibble: 132 × 9
#> Word WorldBet TargetC TargetV Frame ComparisonPair Block
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 shorts Sorts S or ts <NA> Familiarization
#> 2 girl g3rl g 3r l <NA> Familiarization
#> 3 cold kold k o ld <NA> Familiarization
#> 4 cow kaU k aU <NA> <NA> Familiarization
#> 5 cake kek k e k <NA> block1
#> 6 cake kek k e k <NA> block3
#> 7 cat kaet k ae t <NA> block2
#> 8 coffee kafi k a fi <NA> block2
#> 9 chair tSEr tS Er <NA> <NA> block2
#> 10 cheese tSiz tS i z <NA> block2
#> # ... with 122 more rows, and 2 more variables: AAEsoundFile <chr>,
#> # Abbreviation <chr>
We created our WordList tables using an incrementally developed suite of R scripts. These original WordList tables are used to validate the behavior of this package by comparing the original tables against the ones generated by this package. These tests are in the tests
The testing data was selected to use all available combinations of dialect, experiment name (i.e., the name of the Eprime executable that generated the output), and trial counts among our collected data. The table belows shows each of the combinations of dialect, experiment name, and trial counts that are tested in this package.
Task | Study | Dialect | ExperimentName | NumTrials |
NonWordRep | misc-files | SAE | SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 | 78 |
NonWordRep | misc-files | SAE | SAE_NonWordRep_TP3_shortened_version | 19 |
NonWordRep | TimePoint1 | AAE | AAE_NonWordRep | 50 |
NonWordRep | TimePoint1 | SAE | SAE_NonWordRep | 50 |
NonWordRep | TimePoint2 | AAE | AAE_NonWordRep_TP2 | 74 |
NonWordRep | TimePoint2 | SAE | SAE_NonWordRep_TP2 | 74 |
NonWordRep | TimePoint3 | AAE | AAE_NonWordRep_TP3 | 76 |
NonWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_NonWordRep_TP3 | 76 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_3-13-13 | 103 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_3-13-13 | 52 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_PartI | 37 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP2 | 94 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.epsilon | 118 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.zeta | 120 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV2 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP2 | 94 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV2 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.epsilon | 118 |
RealWordRep | CochlearV2 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.zeta | 120 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint1 | AAE | AAE_RealWordRep | 103 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint1 | AAE | AAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_3-13-13 | 103 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep | 103 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_3-13-13 | 103 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint1 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_Blocked_FINAL | 103 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint2 | AAE | AAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP2 | 94 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint2 | AAE | AAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP2 | 52 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint2 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP2 | 94 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | AAE | AAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3_beta | 118 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta | 120 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.beta | 119 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.epsilon | 118 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.epsilon | 5 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.gamma | 118 |
RealWordRep | TimePoint3 | SAE | SAE_RealWordRep_BLOCKED_TP3.zeta | 120 |
The build status badge at the top of this page indicates whether the package successfully passed all these tests (and also passed the standard checks for R packages).