Given a file quickstart.wat
, here's how to parse and run this file:
# open Prelude;;
# open Owi;;
# let filename = Fpath.v "quickstart.wat";;
val filename : Fpath.t = <abstr>
# let m =
match Parse.Text.Module.from_file filename with
| Ok script -> script
| Error e -> assert false;;
val m : Text.modul =
# let module_to_run, link_state =
match Compile.Text.until_link Link.empty_state ~unsafe:false ~optimize:false ~name:None m with
| Ok v -> v
| Error _ -> assert false;;
val module_to_run : '_weak1 Link.module_to_run =
val link_state : '_weak1 Link.state =
# let () =
Log.debug_on := true;
match Interpret.Concrete.modul link_state.envs module_to_run with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error _ -> assert false;;
interpreting ...
stack : [ ]
running instr: call 0
calling func : func f
stack : [ ]
running instr: i32.const 24
stack : [ i32.const 24 ]
running instr: i32.const 24
stack : [ i32.const 24 ; i32.const 24 ]
running instr: i32.add
stack : [ i32.const 48 ]
running instr: drop
stack : [ ]
stack : [ ]