diff --git a/scripts/globals/spells/enfeebling_spell.lua b/scripts/globals/spells/enfeebling_spell.lua index 1bf7d9dd9c1..a10842df0b1 100644 --- a/scripts/globals/spells/enfeebling_spell.lua +++ b/scripts/globals/spells/enfeebling_spell.lua @@ -449,8 +449,10 @@ xi.spells.enfeebling.useEnfeeblingSpell = function(caster, target, spell) -- STEP 5: Exceptions. ------------------------------ -- Bind: Dependant on target speed. + -- Bind: Duration floor of 5 seconds. if spellEffect == xi.effect.BIND then potency = target:getSpeed() + duration = utils.clamp(duration, 5, 60) -- TODO: This is unnecesary, but, for now, we will comply with core. elseif spellEffect == xi.effect.SLEEP_I then