ROS Melodic Gazebo 9 Tiago simulation packages for gazebo : ORCA : (to cite)
launch Gazebo :
roslaunch imhus_gazebo gazebo.launch
add “gui:=true” for graphics
add “robot:=true” for tiago
add “nb_humans:=??” with ?? the number of humans (default=5)
launch IMHuS :
roslaunch imhus imhus.launch
In the small terminal (boss) that opens, select Scenarios (1) then the first scenario (1).
communication with IMHuS through AsyncAction like in example video a script that publishes the pose and twist of the robot to the ORCA node
comment or uncomment them in the file simulator/gazebo/world/ + set the parameter nb_humans when launching Gazebo
publish an empty msg to /gazebo/reset
rosservice call /gazebo/set_model_state with “tiago” as model_name and fill the other fields.
add a folder in src/simulators/ with the launch files, the models of the world and of the agents the relevant topics that bridge IMHuS to the simulator are called /imhus/input/* or /imhus/output/* (one for each agent). IMHuS takes in input the odometry of each agent (Pose+Twist) and outputs a command (Twist). For now Orca takes in input this twist and send an altered command, either /orca/output//cmd_vel or /orca/output//cmd_pose (Twist or Pose)