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Added click switch on/off Proxy Mode alert to toggle, re-ordered func…
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adamlui authored and kudo-sync-bot committed Jun 2, 2024
1 parent 1dd5724 commit 46e5679
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 46 deletions.
106 changes: 60 additions & 46 deletions greasemonkey/duckduckgpt.user.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
// @description:zu Faka amaphawu ase-ChatGPT kuvaliwe i-DuckDuckGo Search (okwesikhashana ngu-GPT-4o!)
// @author KudoAI
// @namespace
// @version 2024.6.2
// @version 2024.6.2.1
// @license MIT
// @icon
// @icon64
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,12 +220,7 @@
const pamLabel = state.symbol[+!config.proxyAPIenabled] + ' '
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_proxyAPImode || 'Proxy API Mode' ) + ' '
+ state.separator + state.word[+!config.proxyAPIenabled]
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(pamLabel, () => {
saveSetting('proxyAPIenabled', !config.proxyAPIenabled)
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_proxyAPImode || 'Proxy API Mode' ) + ' ' + state.word[+!config.proxyAPIenabled])
for (const id of menuIDs) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } registerMenu() // refresh menu
location.reload() // re-send query using new endpoint
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(pamLabel, toggleProxyMode))

// Add command to toggle auto-get mode
const agmLabel = state.symbol[+config.autoGetDisabled] + ' '
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,11 +433,21 @@
if (msg.includes('login')) deleteOpenAIcookies()
if (msg.match(/waiting|loading/i)) alertP.classList.add('loading')

// Hyperlink msgs.alert_switching<On|Off>
const foundState = ['On', 'Off'].find(state =>
msg.includes(alerts['alert_switching' + state] || state.toLowerCase()))
if (foundState) { // hyperlink switch phrase for click listener to toggleProxyMode()
const switchPhrase = alerts['alert_Switching' + foundState] || 'switching ' + foundState.toLowerCase()
msg = msg.replace(switchPhrase, `<a href="#" class="proxyToggle">${switchPhrase}</a>`)

// Create/fill/append msg span
const msgSpan = document.createElement('span')
msgSpan.innerHTML = msg ; alertP.appendChild(msgSpan)

// Insert login link if necessary
// Insert/activate toggle/login links if necessary
msgSpan.querySelector('.proxyToggle') // needs click listener to toggleProxyMode(), add it
?.addEventListener('click', toggleProxyMode)
if (msg.includes('@')) { // needs login link, add it
alertP.append(createAnchor('', ''),
' (', msgs.alert_ifIssuePersists || 'If issue persists, try activating Proxy Mode', ')')
Expand All @@ -458,15 +463,6 @@

function isCenteredMode() { return document.documentElement.classList.toString().includes('center') }

function toggleSidebar(mode) {
saveSetting(mode + 'Sidebar', !config[mode + 'Sidebar'])
if (mode == 'wider' && document.querySelector('.corner-btn')) updateWSBsvg() ; else updateSSBsvg()
notify(( msgs[`menuLabel_${ mode }Sidebar`] || mode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mode.slice(1) + ' Sidebar' )
+ ' ' + state.word[+!config[mode + 'Sidebar']])
for (const id of menuIDs) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } registerMenu() // refresh menu

function updateAppLogoSrc() {
appLogoImg.onerror = () => = 'none'
appLogoImg.src = 'data:image/png;base64,'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,6 +621,37 @@
if (!ssbSpan.contains(ssbSVG)) ssbSpan.append(ssbSVG)

function updateTooltip(buttonType) { // text & position
const cornerBtnTypes = ['about', 'speak', 'ssb', 'wsb'],
[ctrAddend, spreadFactor] = document.querySelector('.standby-btn') ? [17, 18] : [4, 29],
iniRoffset = spreadFactor * (buttonType == 'send' ? 1.5 : cornerBtnTypes.indexOf(buttonType) + 1) + ctrAddend

// Update text
tooltipDiv.innerText = (
buttonType == 'about' ? msgs.menuLabel_about || 'About'
: buttonType == 'speak' ? msgs.tooltip_playAnswer || 'Play answer'
: buttonType == 'ssb' ? (( config.stickySidebar ? `${ msgs.prefix_exit || 'Exit' } ` : '' )
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_stickySidebar || 'Sticky Sidebar' ))
: buttonType == 'wsb' ? (( config.widerSidebar ? `${ msgs.prefix_exit || 'Exit' } ` : '' )
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_widerSidebar || 'Wider Sidebar' ))
: buttonType == 'send' ? msgs.tooltip_sendReply || 'Send reply' : '' )

// Update position = `${ buttonType != 'send' ? -15
: tooltipDiv.eventYpos - appDiv.getBoundingClientRect().top - 36 }px` = `${ iniRoffset - tooltipDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2 }px`

function fetchJSON(url, callback) { // for dynamic footer
GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: response => {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
try { const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText) ; callback(null, data) }
catch (err) { callback(err, null) }
} else callback(new Error('Failed to load data: ' + response.statusText), null)

// Define FACTORY functions

function createSVGpath(attrs) {
const path = document.createElementNS('', 'path')
for (const attr in attrs) path.setAttributeNS(null, attr, attrs[attr])
Expand All @@ -639,43 +666,30 @@
return anchor

function fetchJSON(url, callback) { // for dynamic footer
GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, onload: response => {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
try { const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText) ; callback(null, data) }
catch (err) { callback(err, null) }
} else callback(new Error('Failed to load data: ' + response.statusText), null)
// Define TOGGLE functions

// Define TOOLTIP functions
function toggleProxyMode() {
saveSetting('proxyAPIenabled', !config.proxyAPIenabled)
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_proxyAPImode || 'Proxy API Mode' ) + ' ' + state.word[+!config.proxyAPIenabled])
for (const id of menuIDs) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } registerMenu() // refresh menu
location.reload() // re-send query using new endpoint

function toggleSidebar(mode) {
saveSetting(mode + 'Sidebar', !config[mode + 'Sidebar'])
if (mode == 'wider' && document.querySelector('.corner-btn')) updateWSBsvg() ; else updateSSBsvg()
notify(( msgs[`menuLabel_${ mode }Sidebar`] || mode.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mode.slice(1) + ' Sidebar' )
+ ' ' + state.word[+!config[mode + 'Sidebar']])
for (const id of menuIDs) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } registerMenu() // refresh menu

function toggleTooltip(event) { // visibility
tooltipDiv.eventYpos = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect().top // for updateTooltip() y-pos calc
updateTooltip($/, '')) = event.type == 'mouseover' ? 1 : 0

function updateTooltip(buttonType) { // text & position
const cornerBtnTypes = ['about', 'speak', 'ssb', 'wsb'],
[ctrAddend, spreadFactor] = document.querySelector('.standby-btn') ? [17, 18] : [4, 29],
iniRoffset = spreadFactor * (buttonType == 'send' ? 1.5 : cornerBtnTypes.indexOf(buttonType) + 1) + ctrAddend

// Update text
tooltipDiv.innerText = (
buttonType == 'about' ? msgs.menuLabel_about || 'About'
: buttonType == 'speak' ? msgs.tooltip_playAnswer || 'Play answer'
: buttonType == 'ssb' ? (( config.stickySidebar ? `${ msgs.prefix_exit || 'Exit' } ` : '' )
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_stickySidebar || 'Sticky Sidebar' ))
: buttonType == 'wsb' ? (( config.widerSidebar ? `${ msgs.prefix_exit || 'Exit' } ` : '' )
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_widerSidebar || 'Wider Sidebar' ))
: buttonType == 'send' ? msgs.tooltip_sendReply || 'Send reply' : '' )

// Update position = `${ buttonType != 'send' ? -15
: tooltipDiv.eventYpos - appDiv.getBoundingClientRect().top - 36 }px` = `${ iniRoffset - tooltipDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width / 2 }px`

// Define SESSION functions

function isBlockedbyCloudflare(resp) {
Expand Down

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