Allows users to add and update plant data
- React
- React Bootstrap
- [React Router]
- Serverless Framework
- AWS cloud services
- Create an AWS account
- Download AWS CLI
- Used to deploy and test the backend
- Download NodeJS
- Used to run Frontend and install packages
- Download Serverless Framework: npm install serverless -g
- Used to support the API and Serverless functions without creating boiler code
- Create an IAM user
- Give them programmatic access and administrator access
- Learn about IAM users and their functions
- Configure the AWS CLI
- Create a DynamoDB table
- Create a Cognito User Pool
- Cognito provides auhentication and authorization for the users that will be added to the application.
- Create Federeated Identity Pool
- Allows values inserted into DynamoDB to only be associated with that user
- Backend
- Run: npm install
- Run: serverless deploy
- Frontend
- Update config.js
- API Gateway values are found when deploying the backend
- Cognito values are found in the Cognito dashboard
- Run: npm install
- Run: npm start
- Update config.js
- Uses serverless infrastructure