fraction |
1 |
Multiply and dividion with big integer intermediate representation |
- value Int multiplyer
- numerator Int multiplyer
- denominator Int divisor
Int |
size |
1 |
Size of bytes vector |
- byteVector ByteVector vector
Int |
toBytes |
1 |
Bytes array representation |
ByteVector |
toBytes |
1 |
Bytes array representation |
ByteVector |
toBytes |
1 |
Bytes array representation |
ByteVector |
take |
1 |
Take firsts bytes subvector |
- xs ByteVector vector
- number Int Bytes number
ByteVector |
drop |
1 |
Skip firsts bytes |
- xs ByteVector vector
- number Int Bytes number
ByteVector |
takeRight |
Take vector tail |
- @xs ByteVector vector
- @number Int taking size
ByteVector |
dropRight |
Cut vectors tail |
- @xs ByteVector vector
- @number Int cuting size
ByteVector |
size |
1 |
Scting size in characters |
Int |
toString |
1 |
String representation |
String |
toString |
1 |
String representation |
String |
take |
1 |
Take string prefix |
- xs String sctring
- number Int prefix size in characters
String |
drop |
1 |
Remmove sring prefix |
- xs String string
- number Int prefix size
String |
takeRight |
Take string suffix |
- @xs String String
- @number Int suffix size in characters
String |
dropRight |
Remove string suffix |
- @xs String string
- @number Int suffix size in characters
String |
_isInstanceOf |
1 |
Internal function to check value type |
- obj T value
- of String type name
Boolean |
isDefined |
Check the value is defined |
- @a OPTION[ T] Option value
Boolean |
extract |
Extract value from option or fail |
- @a OPTION[ T] Optional value
T |
throw |
1 |
Fail script |
Nothing |
throw |
Fail script |
Nothing |
* |
1 |
Integer multiplication |
- a Int multiplyer
- b Int multiplyer
Int |
/ |
1 |
Integer devision |
- a Int divisible
- b Int divisor
Int |
% |
1 |
Modulo |
- a Int divisible
- b Int divisor
Int |
+ |
1 |
Integer sum |
Int |
- |
1 |
Integer substitution |
Int |
+ |
10 |
Limited strings concatination |
- a String prefix
- b String suffix
String |
+ |
10 |
Limited bytes vectors concatination |
- a ByteVector prefix
- b ByteVector suffix
ByteVector |
== |
1 |
Equality |
Boolean |
!= |
Inequality |
Boolean |
>= |
1 |
Integer grater or equal comparation |
Boolean |
> |
1 |
Integer grater comparation |
Boolean |
getElement |
2 |
Get list element by position |
- arr LIST[ T] list
- pos Int element position
T |
size |
2 |
Size of list |
Int |
- |
Change integer sign |
Int |
! |
unary negation |
Boolean |
keccak256 |
10 |
256 bit Keccak/SHA-3/TIPS-202 |
ByteVector |
blake2b256 |
10 |
256 bit BLAKE |
ByteVector |
sha256 |
10 |
256 bit SHA-2 |
ByteVector |
sigVerify |
100 |
check signature |
- message ByteVector value
- sig ByteVector signature
- pub ByteVector public key
Boolean |
toBase58String |
10 |
Base58 encode |
String |
fromBase58String |
10 |
Base58 decode |
- str String base58 encoded string
ByteVector |
toBase64String |
10 |
Base64 encode |
String |
fromBase64String |
10 |
Base64 decode |
- str String base64 encoded string
ByteVector |
transactionById |
100 |
Lookup transaction |
- id ByteVector transaction Id
Unit GenesisTransaction PaymentTransaction TransferTransaction IssueTransaction ReissueTransaction BurnTransaction LeaseTransaction LeaseCancelTransaction MassTransferTransaction CreateAliasTransaction SetScriptTransaction SponsorFeeTransaction ExchangeTransaction DataTransaction |
transactionHeightById |
100 |
get height when transaction was stored to blockchain |
- id ByteVector transaction Id
OPTION[ Int] |
getInteger |
100 |
get data from the account state |
- addressOrAlias Address Alias account
- key String key
OPTION[ Int] |
getBoolean |
100 |
get data from the account state |
- addressOrAlias Address Alias account
- key String key
OPTION[ Boolean] |
getBinary |
100 |
get data from the account state |
- addressOrAlias Address Alias account
- key String key
OPTION ByteVector |
getString |
100 |
get data from the account state |
- addressOrAlias Address Alias account
- key String key
OPTION[ String] |
getInteger |
10 |
Find and extract data by key |
- data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- key String key
OPTION[ Int] |
getBoolean |
10 |
Find and extract data by key |
- data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- key String key
OPTION[ Boolean] |
getBinary |
10 |
Find and extract data by key |
- data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- key String key
OPTION ByteVector |
getString |
10 |
Find and extract data by key |
- data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- key String key
OPTION[ String] |
getInteger |
Extract data by index |
- @data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- @index Int index
OPTION[ Int] |
getBoolean |
Extract data by index |
- @data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- @index Int index
OPTION[ Boolean] |
getBinary |
Extract data by index |
- @data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- @index Int index
OPTION ByteVector |
getString |
Extract data by index |
- @data LIST[ DataEntry] DataEntry vector, usally
- @index Int index
OPTION[ String] |
addressFromPublicKey |
Convert public key to account address |
- @publicKey ByteVector public key
Address |
addressFromString |
Decode account address |
- @string String string address represntation
OPTION[ Address] |
addressFromRecipient |
100 |
Extract address or lookup alias |
- AddressOrAlias Address Alias address or alias, usually tx.recipient
Address |
assetBalance |
100 |
get asset balance for account |
- addressOrAlias Address Alias account
- assetId OPTION ByteVector assetId (WAVES if none)
Int |
wavesBalance |
get WAVES balanse for account |
- @addressOrAlias Address Alias account
Int |