A very simple DataTable component for React that load data via ajax (made for Laravel Paginator).
Warning! Docs are not 100% complete!
npm install react-data-table
import React from 'react';
import DataTable from 'react-data-table';
var options = {
i18n: {
from: 'Risultati da',
to: 'a',
of: 'di',
entries: 'totali.'
var columns = [
name: 'name',
label: 'Nome',
sorting: true
name: 'code',
label: 'Codice',
sorting: true
name: 'price',
label: 'Prezzo',
sorting: true,
mutator: function(price){
return '€ '+price;
React.render(<DataTable url="/products" options={options} columns={columns}></DataTable>, document.getElementById('table'));
This component need Bootstrap (table styles) and FontAwesome (sorting icons).
You can pass 3 props to react-data-table:
This prop is required, and wants the url string of your api endpoint.
Array of objects representing the table columns. Each object can have:
- name
Name of the column. react-data-table use this property to take the correct values of the column from datas.
- label
This is the label for the column. (you don't say?)
- sorting
If this property is false, sorting functions for the column are disabled. Default: false.
options (Object)
- from: 'Showing',
- to: 'to',
- of: 'of',
- entries: 'entries.',
- searchPlaceholderPrefix: 'Search for'
Translate strings of pagination and search inputs.
Replace from, to, of, entries with one property like this
pagination: 'Showing %a to %b of %c entires.';
Have you ever had to add the currency symbol at a price arrived from your database? With a mutator you can do this!
name: 'price',
label: 'Price',
sorting: true,
mutator: function(value){
return '€ '+value;
Do you want to insert a button in your table? Or do you want to add a computed column? Let's do it!
* Creating two React components
class ButtonRenderer extends React.Component {
render() {
return <button onClick={this.logProps.bind(this)}>Test Button</button>;
class ComputedRenderer extends React.Component {
render() {
return this.props.row.name+' it\'s only € '+this.props.row.price+'!';
var columns = [
name: 'name',
label: 'Name',
sorting: true
name: 'price',
label: 'Price',
sorting: true,
mutator: function (value) {
return '€ ' + value;
name: 'button',
label: 'Test button!',
renderer: ButtonRenderer //Passing components to the column
name: 'computed',
label: 'How much is it?',
renderer: ComputedRenderer //Passing components to the column
In your Renderer component props are passed row and column data.