A javascript ORM with multiple adapters that aims to provide data access in browsers.
- Support multiple databases adapter
- REST adapter
- Local In-Memory adapter (WIP)
- SQLite adapter
- Entity abstraction layer with basic query operations
- Support model definition
- Basic definition
- Define table
- Primary Key
- Date fields
- Field to type casting
- Basic Create / Read / Update / Delete operations
- Model event hooks
- Getter and Setter mutators
- Define model relationships
- BelongsTo
- HasMany
- HasOne
- BelongsToMany
- Perform advanced query on a relationship on a model
- Eager load relationships
- $refs, How can we handler refs? (maybe share the _attributes and _original object)
- Call remote functions defined on remote entity (rest endpoint or db functions)
- Basic definition
// first import needed classes
import {DatabaseManager, Model} from 'dataless'
// configure your connection
DatabaseManager.addConnection('default', {
driver: 'url',
database: 'http://localhost:100/api/v1/'
DatabaseManager.addConnection('memory', {
driver: 'memory'
// define your model
class User extends Model{
// provide a table
_table = 'auth/users';
// a mutator
return this._attributes['name'] + ' ' + this._attributes['surname'];
// define your model
class Profile extends Model{
// provide a table
_table = 'auth/profiles';
// provide a connection
_connection = 'default';
// setup a relation
return this.belongsTo('founder', User);
// Another model in memory store
class Setting extends Model{
_table = 'settings';
_connection = 'memory';
// the app function will be executed once the db is ready
async function app(){
// search profiles
var theProfile = await Profile.query().with('founder').select('id', 'name', 'founder_id').find(4);
var profiles = await Profile.query().with('founder').orderBy('id','DESC').where('logo', '=', null).limit(10).get();
console.log(theProfile, profiles);
console.log('Profile #4 is funded by ' + theProfile.get('founder').get('fullname'));
// create a new record with some data
var profile = new Profile();
profile.set('name', 'Matt');
profile.set('surname', 'Smith');
await profile.save();
// update it
profile.set('nickname', '"The Doctor"');
await profile.save();
// access it
console.log('Hello, my name is ' + profile.get('name') + ' ' + profile.get('surname') + ', also named '+ profile.get('nickname'));
// destroy it
await profile.destroy();
// create a new record in the memory connection
var setting = new Setting();
setting.set('value', true);
setting.set('name', 'fullscreen');
await setting.save();
// dump the memory store
console.log('Memory store dump:', DatabaseManager.connection('memory').toObject());
// connect all the db and let it fly! :D
Promise.all([DatabaseManager.connect(), DatabaseManager.connect('memory')]).then(app, function(err){ console.log(err); });