Goal: Start using a NoSQL data store in applications To that end, do as much as you can of the following:
Review Google’s data store options
- Use this guide: https://cloud.google.com/storage-options/
Follow the Google Cloud Datastore example here*.
Revisit the Shopping List from Week 4
- Store the JSON data in a data store
- Use Google’s Cloud Datastore: https://cloud.google.com/datastore/
- You will need to decide on suitable Entity Groups.
Add images to the database
- Store links in the JSON documents
- Store the images in a separate data store
- Use Google’s Cloud Storage: https://cloud.google.com/storage/
Note: You can have a look at the Google Bookshelf tutorial, which follows a similar strategy on how to split metadata and binary data.
*Based on Francesc's go-web-workshop.