description |
In order to configure your node, you will need to update your .origintrail_noderc (configuration) file located inside of your ot-node directory. |
Below is an example configuration that indicates how to configure some of the modules:
- Configure auto updater
- Configure multiple blockchains
- Configure RPC endpoints
- Configure triple store
"modules": {
"autoUpdater": {
"enabled": true,
"implementation": {
"ot-auto-updater": {
"package": "./auto-updater/implementation/ot-auto-updater.js",
"config": {
"branch": "v6/release/..."
"blockchain": {
"defaultImplementation": "otp",
"implementation": {
"otp:2043": {
"enabled": true,
"config": {
"rpcEndpoints": [
"evmOperationalWalletPublicKey": "0x8385...",
"evmOperationalWalletPrivateKey": "0x88b...",
"evmManagementWalletPublicKey": "0x813..."
"gnosis:10200": {
"enabled": true,
"config": {
"rpcEndpoints": [
"evmOperationalWalletPublicKey": "0x0bf...",
"evmOperationalWalletPrivateKey": "0x1e3...",
"evmManagementWalletPublicKey": "0xd09..."
"tripleStore": {
"defaultImplementation": "ot-blazegraph"
"httpClient": {
"implementation": {
"express-http-client": {
"config": {
"useSsl": true
"auth": {
"ipWhitelist": [
"hostname": "https://my-node.hostname"
{% hint style="info" %} After each update of the configuration, the node needs to be restarted. {% endhint %}