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582 lines (403 loc) · 19.6 KB

Getting Started with Open-Cravat on the Command Line

Working through this document, you will learn to:

  • Install the open-cravat software locally
  • Search for and Install available annotators
  • Explain compatible variant formats
  • Annotate variant files using the CLI tools
  • Filter annotated results for visualization
  • Visualize and Summarize Results in Open-Cravat

In the diagram below, we’ll see the basic Open-Cravat workflow on the command-line. You can click on the boxes in the diagram to jump to that section.

.. mermaid::

   flowchart TD
      L[Prepare for Installing] --> A
      click L "#preparing-and-installing-open-cravat"
      A[Installation] --> G[Install Annotators]
      click A "#installing-opencravat"
      click G "#installing-annotators"
      G --> B[Convert to Input File Format]
      click B "#understanding-the-input-file-format"
      B -->|Variant File Input| C[Map Variants and Annotate]
      click C "#annotating-our-example"
      C -->|Results|D[Start Results Viewer]
      click D "#starting-the-results-viewer"
      D -->|Results| E[Filter Results]
      click E "#examining-our-results-file-and-filtering"
      E -->|Results| F[Visualizing Filtered Results]
      click F "#visualizing-our-filtered-results"

Preparing and Installing Open Cravat

.. youtube:: TxY7-c01t28

Make sure you know where your Python is installed using the which command. In my example, I have python 3.11 installed via Homebrew, which is the python I want to use. In my case, since I’m on MacOS, I know that I run python programs using python3 rather than python.

which python3
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % which python3

Also, check whether you have pip or pip3 installed, and whether it has a similar location to your python3.

which pip3
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % which pip3

You should create a virtual environment so that your OpenCRAVAT installation is isolated from other installations. We’ll use venv, which installed in the default Python distribution.

We’ll make a separate virtual environment using the venv command. Here we’re creating a virtual environment called oc:

python3 -m venv oc

This creates a folder called oc in our current directory. This is where all of our separate Python packages will live. Then we’ll activate the virtual environment using source:

source oc/bin/activate

You can double check whether the environment is activated by using which python3 again. It should poiint to the bin folder within your virtual environment folder.. Note that our prompt also has an (oc) in front.

which python3
(oc) tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % which python3

Now we can install Open Cravat using pip/pip3.

pip3 install open-cravat
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro local % pip3 install open-cravat
Collecting open-cravat
  Downloading open-cravat-2.4.2.tar.gz (3.1 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3.1/3.1 MB 40.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00
  Preparing metadata ( ... done
Collecting pyyaml (from open-cravat)
  Downloading PyYAML-6.0.1-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl.metadata (2.1 kB)
Collecting requests (from open-cravat)
  Downloading requests-2.31.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.6 kB)
Collecting requests-toolbelt (from open-cravat)
  Downloading requests_toolbelt-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (54 kB)

Confirm that Open Cravat is installed:

oc --help
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % oc --help
usage: oc [-h] {run,report,gui,module,config,new,store,util,version,feedback} ...

Open-CRAVAT genomic variant interpreter.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    run                 Run a job
    report              Generate a report from a job
    gui                 Start the GUI
    module              Change installed modules
    config              View and change configuration settings
    new                 Create new modules
    store               Publish modules to the store
    util                Utilities
    version             Show version
    feedback            Send feedback to the developers

All of our interactions with OpenCRAVAT will be prefaced by oc. For example, we can launch the OpenCRAVAT GUI as a webserver on our machine using

oc gui

Now you’re ready to start installing annotators.

.. youtube:: 6eeWWDvPHOM

If you prefer to install via conda/mamba, here are directions for you. You will want to install mamba via miniforge: download the installation scripts here.

When mamba has been installed, you’ll need to create a conda environment and install open-cravat via a single command:

mamba create --name oc open-cravat

This will create an environment called oc

When you’re ready to use Open-Cravat, you can activate this oc environment:

mamba activate oc

Confirm that you can see the oc executable with which. It should be where you installed miniforge:

which oc

Now you can use Open-Cravat as below and install annotators.

.. youtube:: 9NQIG6pW6lo

The first thing we’ll need to install are some core bits of Open Cravat, called install-base. We’ll do this with the command oc module:

oc module install-base
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro local % oc module install-base
Installing: casecontrol:1.2.0, cravat-converter:1.1.2, excelreporter:2.1.1, go:2022.11.01, hg38:1.11.0, hg38wgs:1.0.0, oldcravat-converter:1.1.2, tagsampler:1.1.6, textreporter:2.1.0, varmeta:1.0.0, vcf-converter:2.2.1, vcfinfo:2.0.0, wgbase:1.1.3, wgcasecontrols:1.0.1, wgcasecontrolsummary:1.0.1, wgcircossummary:2.2.0, wgcodingvsnoncodingsummary:2.0.0, wggo:1.2.0, wggosummary:2.4.0, wghg19:1.0.3, wglollipop:2.2.1, wgncrna:1.1.0, wgndex:1.1.0, wgnote:3.0.0, wgrankscore:1.1.0, wgsosamplesummary:2.2.0, wgsosummary:1.5.0, wgvcfinfo:1.0.3
[2024:01:31 14:17:48] Starting to install casecontrol:1.2.0...
[2024:01:31 14:17:48] Downloading code archive of casecontrol:1.2.0...
[**************************************************] 21.4 kB / 21.4 kB (100%)
[2024:01:31 14:17:49] Extracting code archive of casecontrol:1.2.0...
[2024:01:31 14:17:49] Verifying code integrity of casecontrol:1.2.0...
[2024:01:31 14:17:49] Finished installation of casecontrol:1.2.0
[2024:01:31 14:17:49] Starting to install cravat-converter:1.1.2...
[2024:01:31 14:17:49] Downloading code archive of cravat-converter:1.1.2...

....[intermediate output skipped]

[**************************************************] 670 B / 670 B (100%)
[2024:01:31 14:19:57] Extracting code archive of wgvcfinfo:1.0.3...
[2024:01:31 14:19:57] Verifying code integrity of wgvcfinfo:1.0.3...
[2024:01:31 14:19:57] Finished installation of wgvcfinfo:1.0.3

Let’s list the available annotators. This is a very large list of annotators. This is just the first few entries.

tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro local % oc module  ls -a -t annotator
Name                               Title                                                 Type       Installed  Store ver   Store data ver     Local ver   Local data ver  Size
abraom                             ABRaOM                                                annotator             1.0.0                                                      113.6 MB
alfa                               ALFA: Allele Frequency Aggregator                     annotator             1.0.0       2020.02.29                                     19.8 GB
alfa_african                       ALFA: Allele Frequency Aggregator African             annotator             1.0.0       2020.02.29                                     23.2 GB
alfa_asian                         ALFA: Allele Frequency Aggregator Asian               annotator             1.0.0       2020.02.29                                     24.1 GB
alfa_european                      ALFA: Allele Frequency Aggregator European            annotator             1.0.0       2020.02.29                                     19.8 GB
alfa_latin_american                ALFA: Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American      annotator             1.0.0       2020.02.29                                     20.3 GB
alfa_other                         ALFA: Allele Frequency Aggregator Others


We’re actually looking for ClinVar, which is a list of clinically relevant annotations. Note that all of the annotators are in lower snake case (such as alfa_asian). So we can add clinvar in with our query.

oc module ls -a clinvar -t annotator
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro local % oc module ls -a clinvar -t annotator
Name     Title    Type       Installed  Store ver   Store data ver  Local ver  Local data ver  Size
clinvar  ClinVar  annotator             2023.02.01  2023.02.01.1                               381.8 MB

Ok, now we know our annotator exists, and we can install it with the oc module install command:

oc module install clinvar

We’ll need to confirm y to proceed:

tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro local % oc module install clinvar
Installing: clinvar:2023.02.01, wgclinvar:1.1.1
Proceed? ([y]/n) > y

Then the installation will proceed:

[2024:01:31 14:25:08] Starting to install clinvar:2023.02.01...
[2024:01:31 14:25:08] Downloading code archive of clinvar:2023.02.01...
[**************************************************] 290.9 kB / 290.9 kB (100%)
[2024:01:31 14:25:09] Extracting code archive of clinvar:2023.02.01...
[2024:01:31 14:25:09] Verifying code integrity of clinvar:2023.02.01...
[2024:01:31 14:25:09] Downloading data of clinvar:2023.02.01...
[**************************************************] 49.0 MB / 49.0 MB (100%)
[2024:01:31 14:25:15] Extracting data of clinvar:2023.02.01...
[2024:01:31 14:25:15] Verifying data integrity of clinvar:2023.02.01...
[2024:01:31 14:25:16] Finished installation of clinvar:2023.02.01
[2024:01:31 14:25:16] Starting to install wgclinvar:1.1.1...
[2024:01:31 14:25:16] Downloading code archive of wgclinvar:1.1.1...
[**************************************************] 36.8 kB / 36.8 kB (100%)
[2024:01:31 14:25:17] Extracting code archive of wgclinvar:1.1.1...
[2024:01:31 14:25:17] Verifying code integrity of wgclinvar:1.1.1...
[2024:01:31 14:25:17] Finished installation of wgclinvar:1.1.1

We can generate an example file using oc new example-input. Note the period at the end, which means that we will generate the file in the current directory:

oc new example-input .

Let’s confirm that we created this example:

ls -l example*
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % ls -l example*
-rw-r--r--  1 tedladeras  staff    9036 Jan 31 14:27 example_input

Note the created file has an underscore (_) rather than a dash (-). Let’s take a look at the example_input file that we created:

cat example_input | head
chr1    69091   +   A   C   s0
chr1    69091   +   ATG C   s0
chr6    31039077    +   C   G   s0
chr1    27612918    +   G   a   s1
chr1    27612918    +   G   A   s0
chrM    235 +   A   G   clinvar
chrM    3308    +   T   C   omim
chr8    54626835    +   A   T   s0
chr4    1804372 +   A   G   s1
chr4    1804372 +   AT  GC  s1
chr4    1804372 +   A   T   s1
.. youtube:: FzvuDELhnd4

Now we have our example, we can run Open Cravat. This will annotate our example_input file with all available annotators.

oc run ./example_input -l hg38
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % oc run ./example_input -l hg38
Input file(s): /Users/tedladeras/example_input
Genome assembly: hg38
Running converter...
    Converter (converter)           finished in 0.124s
Running gene mapper...                  finished in 2.668s
Running annotators...
    annotator(s) finished in 1.466s
Running aggregator...
    Variants                        finished in 0.010s
    Genes                           finished in 0.003s
    Samples                         finished in 0.022s
    Tags                            finished in 0.025s
    variant base__coding    finished in 0.000s
    variant base__chrom finished in 0.000s
    variant base__so    finished in 0.000s
Running postaggregators...
    Tag Sampler (tagsampler)        finished in 0.008s
Finished normally. Runtime: 4.539s
.. youtube:: uSOQjuawaOU

We saw that one of the files generated was an .sqlite file. These are our results, which we can visualize using oc gui, which will launch the a web server so we can examine our results using the GUI:

oc gui example_input.sqlite
tedladeras@teds-MacBook-Pro ~ % oc gui example_input.sqlite

   ____                   __________  ___ _    _____  ______
  / __ \____  ___  ____  / ____/ __ \/   | |  / /   |/_  __/
 / / / / __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ /   / /_/ / /| | | / / /| | / /
/ /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / / /___/ _, _/ ___ | |/ / ___ |/ /
\____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/_/  |_|___/_/  |_/_/

OpenCRAVAT is served at localhost:8080
(To quit: Press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break if run on a Terminal or Windows, or click "Cancel" and then "Quit" if run through OpenCRAVAT app on Mac OS)
(Getting result of [example_input.sqlite]:[variant]...)
Done getting result of [example_input.sqlite][variant] in 0.029s
(Getting result of [example_input.sqlite]:[gene]...)
Done getting result of [example_input.sqlite][gene] in 0.021s

A window should open in your web browser. If not, enter https://localhost:8080 to view the file.


.. youtube:: Nqm3iDN0Vx8

Now we take a look at our results in the web interface. Under the list of jobs, we can see our job. Let’s select Open Result Viewer under the Status tab:


Keep in mind that the web interface is limited to visualizing 100,000 variants, so if you have a larger result file, you’ll need to filter the results down. So let’s take a look at how to filter our variants down.

We can filter variants by selecting the Filter tab in the Results viewer:


Under “Variant Properties” we can limit our list of variants to those that have ClinVar annotations. Let’s build a filter using the Query Builder, which will allow us to impose multiple criteria as a filter.


We’ll add a rule (a logical condition) to our filter using the + button:


Now we’ll add a rule and select those that have ClinVar annotations. To do this, we’ll first select a) ClinVar on the left, the b) Clinical Significance column, and c) has data:

image7 Now we can apply this rule we’ve built by clicking on the Apply Filter button on the bottom right of the Query Builder:

image8 How many variants are left after the filtering?

Calculating the Effect of Filters

If you have multiple filters, you can actually precalculate the numbers of variants after filtering by using the icon below.


This can be helpful to check if your filters are too strict (that is, they won’t return anything).

Just note that the filter is not actually applied to the data until you hit the Apply Filter Button.

.. youtube:: AFcOMdrW24s

Now that we’ve filtered, let’s go back to the Summary Tab:

image10 In the Summary tab, we can see information about the annotated variants, such as from the sequence ontology. We can get the counts within a sequence ontology category by mousing over that category in our plot:

image11 These visualizations can be moved around and pinned. Using the camera icon, you can also save these visualizations.

Let’s move over to the Variant tab and look for pathogenic variants. First, we’ll click over to the Variant tab:

image12 Scrolling to the right, we can see there is a column for the ClinVar annotations. Notice the + on the top right. We’ll click that to expand the ClinVar annotations:


In the Clinical Significance column, we can see that we can filter. Let’s select those variants that have pathogenic significance. Clicking into the search box underneath this column, we can select pathogenic:


How many variants are pathogenic?

The last thing we might want to do is to export our results. We can use the export button at the bottom of the table:


When you click that, you will have the option to export the variant level results as a tab seperated value (TSV) file. Note that this result table will have filters applied to it as well.

Multiple Rules

Note that we could have limited our search to pathogenic variants by adding another filter rule like we did above in the filtering step. We’re showing this way in case you didn’t know the available categories within the Clinical Significance column.

When you’re done using Open-Cravat and it’s installed by an environment, make sure to deactivate:

For the python/venv installation:


For the mamba/conda installation:

mamba deactivate

We learned the following in this section:

  • Prepare your system for installing OpenCRAVAT
  • Install the OpenCRAVAT software locally using pip
  • Search for and Install available annotators
  • Explain compatible variant formats
  • Annotate variant files using the CLI tools
  • Visualize and Summarize Results in OpenCRAVAT