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kiwi.server is a tool set that integrates gdal,, cntk to solve some problems in the field of GIS by using machine learning algorihtms...There is complied executable program released software for testing.


code samples in Examples and Tests are updated as functionality increases The commonly used operations are packaged, mainly the following modules


a little sample style api library based on gdal.

        GRasterLayer _layer = new GRasterLayer(rasterFilename);
        for (int i = 0; i < _layer.BandCollection.Count; i++)
          IBand band = _layer.BandCollection[0];
          band.BandName = "xxx";

read data form GRasterLayer by IRasterTools.

        //use raster band tool
        IBandCursorTool pBandCursorTool = new GBandCursorTool();
        //pick noramlized value at positon (100,200)
        //pick raw value at position (100,200)
        //user raster band stastic tool
        IBandStasticTool pBandStasticTool = new GBandStasticTool();
        foreach(var (classIndex,point) in pBandStasticTool.StaisticalRawGraph)
                //do something as you need


implemention of some machinelearning algorithm, such as Deep Q-Learning:

         //can implement the "IDEnv" interface according to your own needs
         IDEnv env = new DImageEnv(featureRasterLayer, labelRasterLayer);
         DQN dqn = new DQN(env);
         //report learning progress
         dqn.OnLearningLossEventHandler += Dqn_OnLearningLossEventHandler;

the user interface as follow:


effective training

result3000 1

support kappa index calcute

4khp7 z3kjxj n8 xrk8m 0

use .pb model directly.

         TensorflowBootstrap model = new TensorflowBootstrap(pbName);          
         float[] input = rasterLayer.GetPixelFloat(i, j).ToArray();
         long classified = model.Classify(input, shapeEuum);


there are servel steps before use it:

  • install java8, setting user environment variables
  • download stanford nlp, decompression and move to Debug , rename flodar name to "stanford-corenlp-full"
  • download glove embedding lexicon, decompression and move to Debug, rename flodar name to "glove-embedding"
  • error: IKVM BUG 292, copy IKVM lib dlls with name contains "OpenJDK" to Debug. IKVM ISSUE 296
            //   CC  并列连词           Coordinating conjunction
            //   CD  基数               Cardinal number
            //   DT  限定词             Determiner
            //   EX  存在词             Existential there
            //   FW  外来词             Foreign word
            //   IN  介词               Preposition or subordinating conjunction
            //   JJ  形容词             Adjective
            //  JJR  形容词比较级        Adjective, comparative
            //  JJS  形容词最高级        Adjective, superlative
            //   LS  括号内的数量词       List item marker
            //   MD  情态动词            Modal(can,may,could,might)
            //   NN  名词               Noun, singular or mass
            //  NNS  名词复数            Noun, plural
            //  NNP  专有名词单数        Proper noun, singular
            // NNPS  专有名词复数        Proper noun, plural
            //   NP  专有名词               
            //   NT  词               
            //  PDT  前限定词            Predeterminer
            //  POS  所有格结束词        Possessive ending
            //  PRP  人称代词            Personal pronoun
            // PRP$  物主代词            Possessive pronoun
            //   RB  副词               Adverb
            //  RBR  副词比较级          Adverb, comparative
            //  RBS  副词最高级          Adverb, superlative
            //   RP  助词               Particle
            //  SYM  符号               Symbol
            //   TO                     to
            //   UH  感叹词              Interjection
            //   VB  动词原形            Verb, base form
            //  VBD  动词过去式           Verb, past tense
            //  VBG  动词现在分词         Verb, gerund or present participle
            //  VBN  动词过去分词         Verb, past participle
            //  VBP  动词非第三人称       Verb, non­3rd person singular present
            //  VBZ  动词第三人称单数     Verb, 3rd person singular present
            //  WDT  Wh限定词            Wh­-determiner
            //  WP   Wh代词              Wh­pronoun
            //  WP$  Wh物主代词          Possessive wh-­pronoun
            //  WRB  Wh副词              Wh -­adverb


Based on winform user interface, providing related functions above.