This file is added to help developers
- Code editor: Visual Studio Code
- Programming Language: Python
- Tool for unpacking WoT pkg-files: 7-Zip
- Tool for decompiling Python binary files: Uncompyle6 (for Python)
- Latest version of World of Tanks
- Identify import statements in the mod file: ''
- ex: 'import AccountCommands'
- Go to WoT game folder and locate the file 'scripts.pkg'
- ex: C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_EU\res\packages
- Open the file using 7-Zip and navigate to the folder with relevant files
- ex: \scripts\common to find file: AccountCommands.pyc
- Extract relevant file to temporary folder, or exctract all files from a spesific folder
- Decompile relevant files from the temporary folder using uncompyle6 from command line
- ex: uncompyle6 -o .\ .\AccountCommands.pyc
- Add the decompiled py-files to the same folder as the mod