Releases: JulienMaille/spicetify-dynamic-theme
Releases · JulienMaille/spicetify-dynamic-theme
dynamic color now work for local files + many tweaks and fixes
2.4 Bump to v2.4
Many color adjustements for lyrics, bookmarks and new release extensions
2.3 IMP: settings color for new extentions
header tweaks and update checker
2.2 IMP: playlist header text color
Color tweaks & warning message on wrong install
2.1 NEW: warning message when js is missing
Reworked to be compatible with Spicetify 2.2.1
2.0 FIX: progressbar background color
Now with an all-in-on powershell script
Just run Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" | Invoke-Expression
and enjoy.
Initial release
Make sure to follow the readme: check your Spicetify version, remove legacy themes and rock on.