diff --git a/src/math/CollatzConjecture.jl b/src/math/CollatzConjecture.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7269796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/math/CollatzConjecture.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,3320 @@
+### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
+# v0.19.32
+#> [frontmatter]
+#> title = "Visualizing the Collatz Conjecture "
+#> description = "Explore this cool math problem and create your own visualization!"
+#> tags = ["maths", "interactive visualization", "collatz conjecture ", "edmond harris"]
+#> image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/Collatz_Conjecture_Vizualization.png/600px-Collatz_Conjecture_Vizualization.png?20231214223051"
+#> date = "2023-12-14"
+#> license = "Unlicense"
+#> licence_url = "https://github.com/JuliaPluto/featured/blob/2a6a9664e5428b37abe4957c1dca0994f4a8b7fd/LICENSES/Unlicense"
+#> [[frontmatter.author]]
+#> name = "Chris Damour"
+#> url = "https://github.com/damourChris"
+using Markdown
+using InteractiveUtils
+# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
+macro bind(def, element)
+ quote
+ local iv = try Base.loaded_modules[Base.PkgId(Base.UUID("6e696c72-6542-2067-7265-42206c756150"), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes")].Bonds.initial_value catch; b -> missing; end
+ local el = $(esc(element))
+ global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : iv(el)
+ el
+ end
+# ╔═╡ c5673bfa-d2b0-4893-ad88-42a5b81f27b4
+ using Collatz
+ using Graphs
+ using FixedPointNumbers
+ md"""
+ !!! info "Numerical Packages"
+ [Collatz](https://juliapackages.com/p/collatz): This package provide the methods to generate the hailstone sequence, the tree graph and stopping time for the collatz conjecture.
+ [Graphs](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/graphs): Used to deal with creating and modifying graphs.
+ [FixedPointNumbers](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/fixedpointnumbers): Package to deal with fixed point number, only used to handle colors.
+ """
+# ╔═╡ e4a76493-9aea-4379-9a56-6a9b9e8d6b54
+ # Notebook related packages
+ using PlutoUI
+ import PlutoUI: combine
+ using HypertextLiteral:@htl
+ md"""
+ !!! info "Notebook Packages"
+ [PlutoUI](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/PlutoUI): Extension for Pluto to handle interactivity, provides the Sliders, Checkboxes and Color Picker.
+ [HypertextLiteral](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/HypertextLiteral): Drawing library, specifically for graphs.
+ """
+# ╔═╡ 13f52ec2-16b9-41a5-9560-177ca827a72e
+ using Plots
+ using Colors
+ using Luxor
+ using Karnak, NetworkLayout
+ using ImageIO ,ImageShow
+ gr()
+ md"""
+ !!! info "Ploting Packages"
+ [Plots](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/plots): Plotting library for the several plots in the notebook.
+ [Luxor](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/luxor): Drawing library used for the visualiation.
+ [Karnak](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/karnak): Drawing library, specifically for graphs.
+ [NetworkLayout](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/networklayout): Used to compute the layout of the graphs.
+ [ImageIO](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/ImageIO): Used to faciliate the handling of images.
+ [ImageShow](https://www.juliapackages.com/p/ImageShow): Enhances the displaying of the images in the interactive visualization and the gallery.
+ """
+# ╔═╡ e60fcc3e-312c-4546-9b04-e6b558ba752a
+# ╔═╡ 5328c6f3-2ae7-4449-a2a2-b6803cec0dcc
+$(Resource("https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a27d24_08a39705c99d40c6b764c9b8d699b71a~mv2.jpg/v1/fit/w_900%2Ch_1000%2Cal_c%2Cq_80/file.jpg", :height => 500))
+Visualization of the Collatz Conjecture by [Edmund Harris](https://maxwelldemon.com/)
+# The Collatz Conjecture
+> "Mathematics may not be ready for such problems." - Paul Erdos
+# ╔═╡ 822a3646-be9d-4b1c-a189-550bd8b56ab7
+md"# Introduction"
+# ╔═╡ 0bc0ea95-585d-43be-b7ac-c33a2a7417b4
+The [Collatz Conjecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collatz_conjecture), also known as the 3x+1 problem, is a fascinating mathematical puzzle that has been named after the German mathematician [Lothar Collatz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lothar_Collatz). This conjecture arises from an iterative process where you start with any positive integer and alternate between two simple rules:
+- if the number is *even*, you divide it by 2,
+- and if it's *odd*, you multiply it by 3 and add 1.
+For example, take the number 3. It's odd, so we multiply by 3 and add 1. We get 10. Now that's even, so we can divide it by 2, to get 5. Back to odd, so let's multiply that by 3 and add 1. We are now at 16, which is *very* even. So much so that we can keep on dividing by 2 until we reach 1.
+``3 \rightarrow 10 \rightarrow 5 \rightarrow 16 \rightarrow 8 \rightarrow 4 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1``
+What happens when we reach 1? Well, it's odd so we multiply by 3 and add 1. And we are back at 4, which leads back to one. We have reached a cycle.
+`` 4 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 4 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 1 \ldots``
+##### The question is, can you predict what the number will be after a certain number of iterations?
+The conjecture is that no matter what starting number you choose, **regardless** of its size, you will **always** reach the number 1.
+However, despite being relatively simple to understand and easy to test for small numbers, it has so far proven difficult to prove definitively for all cases. This conjecture is an unsolved problem in mathematics that continues to intrigue both mathematicians and enthusiasts alike.
+# ╔═╡ bdd54208-1f66-45da-9e67-9479cc460863
+# ╔═╡ 81db5594-75c0-4bfb-8908-ef8084559123
+md"## The Hailstone Sequence"
+# ╔═╡ b3c9453e-3198-4697-966f-ade21f2255ce
+The sequence of values that you go through when iterating a number is often called the hailstone sequence, as the numbers go up and down through the sequence.
+# ╔═╡ 10ab31ff-2d28-4ac3-a118-654f8366768e
$(@bind animate_hailstone PlutoUI.CheckBox(default=true))
+# ╔═╡ 75b9294e-43a4-48c4-b493-5d40027f3cd6
+md"## The Collatz Graph"
+# ╔═╡ 12d218ee-9a43-4647-a96b-c9252c665fa0
+We can visualize the path that each number takes with a graph.
+# ╔═╡ 6f68b20d-67e5-4872-a23b-1840bbbb06ec
+md"## The stopping time of a number"
+# ╔═╡ 6a45247d-25db-445f-a687-191c0952c6c4
+md"""At first it might seem that the fact that it *always* reaches 1 could appear strange, as some numbers get caught in a repeating pattern of multiplying by 3 and adding one, when dividing by 2, give a another odd number. Since:
+\begin{aligned} x < \frac{3x + 1}{2} \end{aligned}
+Thus, it's possible (and quite frequent) that we end going up in numbers, and looks like we are getting further away from the pit of doom that is the number 1.
+However, this is unfortunately not the case, but we quantify this by calculating how long it takes for a number to reach a another number that is lower than the starting point: the stopping time.
+Here is a plot to show the total stopping times of the numbers for up to 1000.
+# ╔═╡ d0672735-8007-4a69-9fa5-0f40ac0685ea
+md"# Interactive Visualization"
+# ╔═╡ aef6cb43-61c7-4436-ad66-7e7f0459610d
+ $(@bind filename PlutoUI.TextField(default="MyCoolVisualization"))
+# ╔═╡ b56a1328-194c-4e1c-a033-9ca6e0ab3eeb
+# ╔═╡ 6e359db6-581f-4a5a-a0a7-6924faf19653
+md"> Of course, we are not limited to the 3x + 1 problem, what happens if we change up those values?"
+# ╔═╡ dc1dba7c-8c0d-4609-882a-e5703c467fef
+md"# Generalizing the Collatz function"
+# ╔═╡ b9277abb-7a14-4479-8bcb-6a50df27182b
+A generalization of the collatz function is the following:
+ g(n) = n/P \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{when}\ \ \ n \ \text{mod}\ P = 0
+ g(n) = an+b \ \ \ \text{otherwise}
+This formulation makes sure that we always deal with integers.
+# ╔═╡ 0e85d872-ef01-463e-b395-b0797c96317e
+ Want to generalize the parameters? $(@bind do_generalize_collatz PlutoUI.CheckBox())
+ Note: This will update all the plots and visualizations in the notebook.
+# ╔═╡ 1c3f1bea-f1ba-4d64-90ad-584391c01da5
+ generalize_checkbox = @bind generalize_collatz MultiCheckBox(["Hailstone Sequence", "Graph", "Stopping Time", "Interactive"], default=["Interactive"])
+ if(do_generalize_collatz)
+ generalize_checkbox
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 5f074850-b967-4de5-8ca3-b85a74052499
+ generalize_collatz
+ stopping_times = Dict();
+# ╔═╡ af0c36ee-0534-4143-b59b-4ee041ef0f04
+do_generalize_collatz ? md"""
+!!! warning "Divergence"
+ Some parameters will not behave as the traditional problem and will lead to some numbers diverging up to infinity. In that case, the calculations will stop at a stopping time of 1000. However, this still can still result in high latency so beware! .
+""" : md""
+# ╔═╡ 16d57341-6c55-4440-bdeb-492b4d0c4427
+md"# Gallery"
+# ╔═╡ 5655a706-2c53-4763-b8c5-e21aa3e72371
+md"While playing around with the viusalization, I stumbled into some nice patterns that I wanted to share with you! I added the parameters in case you want to recreate them. Enjoy :)
+*(Note that the parameters are highly dependent on the size of the canvas so it might not be trivial to reproduced)*"
+# ╔═╡ b7b80bd8-7a16-4483-9b8f-b6a8da531b0a
+# ╔═╡ 3e9a6e74-a0ab-4c47-b493-4670fa828c45
+# ╔═╡ 546a2cf6-f54a-4482-9da5-af9d966b22eb
+# ╔═╡ cdfb638b-a04c-482c-9206-47f7dfd63766
+md"# Appendix"
+# ╔═╡ 3e6323cb-4b09-4fe9-a223-8c66cb0d3efc
+Here a list of extra ressources in case you want to learn more. They inspired me a lot through this notebook so hope you find them usefull!
+- [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collatz_conjecture)
+- [The Numberphile video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mFpVDpKX70) ( [and the extras](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2_h3z1YgEU) )
+- [The Coding Train](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYLWxwo1Ed8)
+- [This amazing post from Luc Blassel] (https://lucblassel.com/posts/visualizing-the-collatz-conjecture/)
+- [Edmund Harris's website](https://maxwelldemon.com/)
+# ╔═╡ 0fdafbdc-a6aa-42a6-a899-41b351b5e7e8
+md"## Packages"
+# ╔═╡ 091d8f63-d02a-48fa-be0c-e9e027409279
+md"## Custom Types"
+# ╔═╡ 8c854d1c-2f89-43f0-a810-ce174cf94af8
+A struct to store parameters related to the visualization
+num_traject::Int64 = 100.0
+line_length::Float64 = 20.0
+turn_scale::Float64 = 10.0
+init_angle::Float64 = 90.0
+x_start::Float64 = 250.0
+y_start::Float64 = 500.0
+window_width::Float64 = 500.0
+window_height::Float64 = 500.0
+stroke_width::Float64 = 2.0
+stroke_color::Colors.RGBA = RGBA(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
+background_color::Colors.RGBA = RGBA(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
+vary_shade::Bool = false
+random_shade::Bool = false
+edmund_style::Bool = false
+@kwdef struct VisualizationParameters
+ num_traject::Int64 = 100.0
+ line_length::Float64 = 20.0
+ turn_scale::Float64 = 10.0
+ init_angle::Float64 = 90.0
+ x_start::Float64 = 250.0
+ y_start::Float64 = 500.0
+ window_width::Float64 = 500.0
+ window_height::Float64 = 500.0
+ stroke_width::Float64 = 2.0
+ stroke_color::Colors.RGBA = RGBA(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
+ background_color::Colors.RGBA = RGBA(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
+ vary_shade::Bool = false
+ random_shade::Bool = false
+ edmund_style::Bool = false
+ chris_style::Bool = false
+# ╔═╡ 9803f163-0027-4577-af8f-c66de195d182
+md"## Functions"
+# ╔═╡ 1e85c1af-3318-4f20-a358-25aa0999dc8a
+ hailstone_sequences(range::UnitRange{Int64}; P::Int=2, a::Int=3, b::Int=1 )
+Extension for the `hailstone_sequence()` method from Collatz.jl to calculate list of hailstone sequence given a UnitRange.
+## Args
+- `range::UnitRange{Int64}`: Unit Range in which to calculate the hailstone sequences.
+## Kwargs
+- `P::Integer = 2`: Modulus used to devide n, iff n is equivalent to (0 mod P).
+- `a::Integer = 3`: Factor by which to multiply n.
+- `b::Integer = 1`: Value to add to the scaled value of n.
+## Examples
+julia> hailstone_sequences(2:5)
+[[2, 1], [3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], [4, 2, 1], [5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]]
+julia> hailstone_sequences(1:5; P=4, a=1, b=3)
+[[1], [2, 5, 8, 2], [3, 6, 9, 12, 3], [4, 1], [5, 8, 2, 5]]
+## See also
+[`hailstone_sequence`](@ref), [`reverse_hailstone_sequences`](@ref)
+function hailstone_sequences(range::UnitRange{Int64}; P::Int=2, a::Int=3, b::Int=1 )
+ return [
+ hailstone_sequence(starting_number; P, a, b, verbose =false)
+ for starting_number in range
+ ]
+# ╔═╡ 40dd9659-abb9-4484-b5f1-f332e2abe90e
+ reverse_hailstone_sequences(range::UnitRange{Int64}; P::Int=2, a::Int=3, b::Int=1)
+This function wraps the `hailstone_sequence()` method from Collatz.jl to calculate list of hailstone sequence given a UnitRange.
+It return the reversed sequence where the endpoint is the first element of the result.
+## Args
+- `range::UnitRange{Int64}`: Unit Range in which to calculate the hailstone sequences.
+## Kwargs
+- `P::Integer = 2`: Modulus used to devide n, iff n is equivalent to (0 mod P).
+- `a::Integer = 3`: Factor by which to multiply n.
+- `b::Integer = 1`: Value to add to the scaled value of n.
+## Examples
+julia> hailstone_sequences(2:5)
+[[1, 2], [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 5, 10, 3], [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 5]]
+julia> hailstone_sequences(1:5; P=4, a=1, b=3)
+[[1], [2, 8, 5, 2], [3, 12, 9, 6, 3], [1, 4], [5, 2, 8, 5]]
+## See also
+[`hailstone_sequence`](@ref), [`hailstone_sequences`](@ref)
+function reverse_hailstone_sequences(range::UnitRange{Int64}; P::Int=2, a::Int=3, b::Int=1 )
+ return [
+ reverse(hailstone_sequence(starting_number; P, a, b, verbose =false))
+ for starting_number in range
+ ]
+# ╔═╡ f02affaa-534b-4c72-81ae-c42ca3b455fd
+md"### Collatz"
+# ╔═╡ 4c991173-d9ff-4ba9-b217-8f9aafbbd631
+shortcut_collatz_cache = Dict{Int, Vector{Int}}()
+# ╔═╡ 240b4cc1-1bae-429b-863b-792897cd555b
+ultra_shortcut_collatz_cache = Dict{Int, Vector{Int}}()
+# ╔═╡ 23be8efa-b907-453f-9245-8bc46a37ad26
+ shortcut_collatz(n::Int)
+Calculate the collatz sequence of a number using the shortcut formulation:
+g(n) = (3n + 1) / 2 if odd and g(n) = n / 2 if even
+function shortcut_collatz(n::Int)
+ if n == 1
+ return [1]
+ elseif haskey(shortcut_collatz_cache, n)
+ return shortcut_collatz_cache[n]
+ elseif n % 2 == 0
+ sequence = [n, shortcut_collatz(n ÷ 2)...]
+ shortcut_collatz_cache[n] = sequence
+ return sequence
+ else
+ sequence = [n, shortcut_collatz(Int((3n + 1)/2))...]
+ shortcut_collatz_cache[n] = sequence
+ return sequence
+ end
+# ╔═╡ a1a6130d-771a-43d7-ae94-049e3c9b81b3
+ ultra_shortcut_collatz(n::Int)
+Calculate the collatz sequence of a number using the absolute shortcut formulation:
+g(n) = (3n + 1) / 2^k if odd where k is the highest power that divides 3n+1 and g(n) = n / 2 if even
+function ultra_shortcut_collatz(n::Int)
+ if n == 1
+ return [1]
+ elseif haskey(ultra_shortcut_collatz_cache, n)
+ return ultra_shortcut_collatz_cache[n]
+ elseif n % 2 == 0
+ while n % 2 == 0
+ n = n ÷ 2
+ end
+ if n == 1 return [1] end
+ sequence = [n, ultra_shortcut_collatz(3n + 1)...]
+ ultra_shortcut_collatz_cache[n] = sequence
+ return sequence
+ else
+ sequence = [n, ultra_shortcut_collatz(Int((3n + 1)/2))...]
+ ultra_shortcut_collatz_cache[n] = sequence
+ return sequence
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 3153ba89-f2d4-4e31-9e79-00ec5ecbb91c
+ descend_tree!(g::SimpleGraph{Int64}, record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}}, tree::Dict, previous::Number=collect(keys(tree))[1], depth::Int=0)
+This function is used to explore the tree return by `tree_graph` from Collatz.jl and modify the graph g given as input.
+## Args
+- `g::SimpleGraph`: The graph to modify
+- `record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}}`: An array that keeps track of each of the encountered values. Each value is stored as (depth, value) in order to keep track of what depth the value was encountered
+- `tree::Dict`: The tree graph returned by `tree_graph`
+- `previous::Number`: The number passed by the previous call to the function
+- `depth::Int`: The current depth of the search
+function descend_tree!(g::SimpleGraph{Int64}, record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}}, tree::Dict, previous::Number=collect(keys(tree))[1], depth::Int=0)
+ # loop over each branch
+ for key in keys(tree)
+ add_vertex!(g)
+ # check if previous number exist in record
+ previous_index = findfirst(x -> x == previous, map(x -> x[2], record))
+ # if exist, create a edge in the graph
+ isnothing(previous_index) ? "" : add_edge!(g, previous_index, length(record)+1)
+ # this check is there cos when reaching a cycle the tree has a non number key
+ if(isa(key, Number))
+ push!(record, (depth, key))
+ end
+ # call recursively to continue descending the tree
+ descend_tree!(g, record,tree[key], key, depth +1)
+ end
+ # end
+# ╔═╡ b79405c3-42d1-4289-bbc3-67b6eae2b135
+ descend_tree!(g::SimpleGraph{Int64}, record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}}, key::Int64, previous::Collatz._CC.CC, depth::Int=0)
+To handle the case where the search hits a cycle and previous is of type Collatz._CC.CC
+## Args
+- `g::SimpleGraph`: The graph to modify
+- `record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}}`: An array that keeps track of each of the encountered values
+- `tree::Dict`: The tree graph returned by `tree_graph`
+- `previous::Collatz._CC.CC`: The cycle value.
+- `depth::Int`: The current depth of the search
+function descend_tree!(g::SimpleGraph{Int64}, record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}}, key::Int64, previous::Collatz._CC.CC, depth::Int=0)
+ # check if previous number exist in record
+ previous_index = findfirst(x -> x == previous, map(x -> x[2], record))
+ # if exist, create a edge in the graph
+ isnothing(previous_index) ? "" : add_edge!(g, previous, length(record)+1)
+ # push key in record
+ push!(record, (depth, key))
+ return
+# ╔═╡ 319d784b-c62d-4f28-a5b3-ebf89c892afc
+ make_collatz_graph(initial_value::Int, max_orbit_distance::Int; P=2, a=3, b=1)
+This function returns a graph that represent the different branches that each number takes.
+## Args
+- `initial_value::Integer`: The starting value of the directed tree graph.
+- `max_orbit_distance::Integer`: Degree of seperation between the initial value and each value encountered.
+## Kwargs
+- ```P::Integer=2```: Modulus used to devide n, iff n is equivalent to (0 mod P).
+- ```a::Integer=3```: Factor by which to multiply n.
+- ```b::Integer=1```: Value to add to the scaled value of n.
+## See also
+function make_collatz_graph(initial_value::Int, max_orbit_distance::Int; P=2, a=3, b=1)
+ g = SimpleGraph()
+ record::Array{Tuple{Number,Number}} = []
+ tree = tree_graph(initial_value,max_orbit_distance; P, a,b )
+ descend_tree!(g, record, tree)
+ return g, record
+# ╔═╡ cf545d05-7846-4881-a532-33cb2c1972a4
+md"### Drawing"
+# ╔═╡ 5683080b-7d4b-4e34-aa75-b3c68dc60314
+ draw_hailstone_sequence(hailstone_seq::Vector{Int64}; params::VisualizationParameters)
+This function is used to draw the trajectory of the hailstone sequence of a number. Using a Turtle, the function loops over each number in the sequence. For the sequence, a curve is drawn where for each step in the sequence, it will curves one way if the number is odd, and the other way if the number is even.
+## See also
+function draw_hailstone_sequence(hailstone_seq::Vector{Int64}; params::VisualizationParameters=VisualizationParameters())
+ (;line_length, turn_scale,
+ stroke_width, stroke_color, random_shade, vary_shade, edmund_style, chris_style) = params
+ # Initiliaze turle
+ 🐢 = Turtle()
+ # set stroke width
+ Penwidth(🐢, stroke_width)
+ # Handle Color
+ if(random_shade)
+ Pencolor(🐢,RGB(rand(), rand(), rand()))
+ elseif vary_shade
+ color_offset = randn()/2
+ Pencolor(🐢,RGB(stroke_color.r + color_offset, stroke_color.g + color_offset, stroke_color.b + color_offset))
+ else
+ Pencolor(🐢,stroke_color)
+ end
+ # Move the turtle
+ for (index,number) in enumerate(hailstone_seq)
+ # decrease opacity as the sequence gets longer
+ setopacity(rescale(index, 1, length(hailstone_seq)*8
+ , 0.1,1))
+ if(chris_style)
+ if number % 3 == 1
+ Turn(🐢, turn_scale)
+ else
+ Turn(🐢, -turn_scale)
+ end
+ Forward(🐢, line_length)
+ continue
+ end
+ if number % 2 == 0
+ Turn(🐢, turn_scale)
+ else
+ if(edmund_style)
+ Turn(🐢, -1/2*turn_scale)
+ else
+ Turn(🐢, -turn_scale)
+ end
+ end
+ # if number < 0
+ # Turn(🐢, -90)
+ # end
+ Forward(🐢, line_length)
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 278572e6-5a74-4dad-b39b-68cc85e4339c
+ draw_hailstone_sequences(hailstone_seqs::Vector{Vector{Int64}}; params::VisualizationParameters)
+This function is used to draw each trajectory given an array of hailstone sequences.
+## See also
+function draw_hailstone_sequences(hailstone_seqs::Vector{Vector{Int64}}; params::VisualizationParameters)
+ (;init_angle, x_start, y_start, window_width, window_height ) = params
+ for hailstone_seq in hailstone_seqs
+ # reset to origin and setup windows accord to user parameter
+ origin()
+ Luxor.translate(
+ x_start - window_width /2,
+ y_start - window_height /2
+ )
+ Luxor.rotate(deg2rad(init_angle)+π)
+ # draw sequence
+ draw_hailstone_sequence(hailstone_seq; params)
+ end
+# ╔═╡ d6cc6642-018d-4a7f-b82a-dd50bff8e2fc
+A struct to bundle the parameters and the generated image together.
+`collatz_parameters::NamedTuple{(:P, :a, :b)}` = (P = 2, a = 3, b = 1)
+`imgdata::Matrix{RGBA{N0f8}}` = []
+`shortcut::Bool` = false
+`notes::String` = ""
+@kwdef struct CollatzVisualization
+ viz_parameters::VisualizationParameters
+ collatz_parameters::NamedTuple{(:P, :a, :b)} = (P=2,a=3,b=1)
+ imgdata::Matrix{RGBA{N0f8}} = []
+ shortcut::Bool = false
+ ultra_shortcut::Bool = false
+ notes::String = ""
+ function CollatzVisualization(viz_parameters, collatz_parameters,imgdata, shortcut,ultra_shortcut, notes)
+ if((shortcut || ultra_shortcut) && (collatz_parameters.P != 2 || collatz_parameters.a != 3 || collatz_parameters.b == 1))
+ @info "Custom style is applied, running with default collatz parameters.."
+ collatz_parameters = (P = 2, a=3, b=1)
+ end
+ # convert to struct not supplied
+ if(!isa(viz_parameters, VisualizationParameters))
+ viz_parameters = VisualizationParameters(edmund_style=shortcut,chris_style=ultra_shortcut;viz_parameters...)
+ end
+ # Caluclate reversed hailstone_sequences
+ if(ultra_shortcut)
+ hailstone_sequences = [
+ reverse(ultra_shortcut_collatz(starting_number))
+ for starting_number in 1:viz_parameters.num_traject
+ ]
+ elseif(shortcut)
+ hailstone_sequences = [
+ reverse(shortcut_collatz(starting_number))
+ for starting_number in 1:viz_parameters.num_traject
+ ]
+ else
+ hailstone_sequences = reverse_hailstone_sequences(1:viz_parameters.num_traject;
+ collatz_parameters...)
+ end
+ # Draw the sequence and store in an image matrix
+ imgdata = @imagematrix begin
+ background(viz_parameters.background_color)
+ draw_hailstone_sequences(
+ hailstone_sequences; params = viz_parameters
+ )
+ end viz_parameters.window_width viz_parameters.window_height
+ # Convert matrix to img
+ imgdata = convert.(Colors.RGBA, imgdata)
+ return new(viz_parameters, collatz_parameters ,imgdata, shortcut,ultra_shortcut, notes)
+ end
+# ╔═╡ b7161895-ba79-4b99-b2f1-eda7484708da
+ viz_thumbnail = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 10000,
+ line_length = 15,
+ turn_scale = 9.3,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 100.0,
+ y_start = 0.0,
+ init_angle = 270,
+ stroke_width = 2.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(38/255,148/255,30/255),
+ background_color = RGB(188/255, 251/255, 199/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ ),
+ ultra_shortcut = true,
+ )
+ viz_5_5_5 = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 1000,
+ line_length = 15,
+ turn_scale = 21.3,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 500.0,
+ y_start = 250.0,
+ init_angle = 30.5,
+ stroke_width = 2.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(0,102/255,0),
+ background_color = RGB(128/255, 234/255, 193/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ ),
+ collatz_parameters = (
+ P = 5,
+ a = 5,
+ b = 5
+ )
+ )
+ viz_3_7_2 = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 1000,
+ line_length = 24,
+ turn_scale = 10.3,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 500.0,
+ y_start = 250.0,
+ init_angle = 306.0,
+ stroke_width = 2.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(67/255,65/255,210/255),
+ background_color = RGB(0/255,4/255,36/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ ),
+ collatz_parameters = (
+ P = 2,
+ a = 3,
+ b = 7
+ )
+ )
+ viz_1_1_3 = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 1000,
+ line_length = 25,
+ turn_scale = 15.0,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 500.0,
+ y_start = 250.0,
+ init_angle = 24.0,
+ stroke_width = 2.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(191/255,237/255,253/255),
+ background_color = RGB(1/255,152/255,150/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ ),
+ collatz_parameters = (
+ P = 3,
+ a = 1,
+ b = 1
+ )
+ )
+ viz_3_1_7 = CollatzVisualization(
+ collatz_parameters = (
+ P = 7,
+ a = 1,
+ b = 3
+ ),
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 1000,
+ line_length = 22,
+ turn_scale = 11.0,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 500.0,
+ y_start = 250.0,
+ init_angle = 5.0,
+ stroke_width = 2.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(236/255,196/255,50/255),
+ background_color = RGB(255/255,243/255,163/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ )
+ )
+ hex_grid = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 1000,
+ line_length = 12,
+ turn_scale = 60.0,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 300.0,
+ y_start = 350.7,
+ init_angle = 112.8,
+ stroke_width = 3.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(196/255,132/255,231/255),
+ background_color = RGB(28/255,0,87/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ ),
+ collatz_parameters = (
+ P = 2,
+ a = 3,
+ b = 1
+ )
+ )
+ lil_guy = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = 600,
+ line_length = 42,
+ turn_scale = 29.4,
+ window_width = 500.0,
+ window_height = 500.0,
+ x_start = 300.0,
+ y_start = 150.0,
+ init_angle = 74.3,
+ stroke_width = 3.0,
+ stroke_color = RGB(230/255,130/255,130/255),
+ background_color = RGB(0/255,0,0/255),
+ vary_shade=true,
+ random_shade=false
+ ),
+ collatz_parameters = (
+ P = 3,
+ a = 8,
+ b = 1
+ )
+ )
+ gallery_vizs = [viz_thumbnail, viz_5_5_5, viz_3_1_7,viz_1_1_3,viz_3_7_2, hex_grid, lil_guy,]
+# ╔═╡ f718bbfd-2e86-45c5-96b3-ef3d810966a9
+ buffer_img_data(vis::CollatzVisualization)
+Helper function to transform the RGBA img of CollatzVisualization into a UInt8 buffer for loading onto a html canvas.
+function buffer_img_data(vis::CollatzVisualization)
+ buffer::Vector{UInt8} = []
+ for pix in vis.imgdata
+ push!(buffer, reinterpret.(UInt8, [pix.r, pix.g, pix.b, pix.alpha])...)
+ end
+ return buffer
+# ╔═╡ 7335059c-d9b8-40a5-b2c0-6bcca4bdfe28
+function Base.getproperty(obj::CollatzVisualization, sym::Symbol)
+ if(sym == :P) return obj.collatz_parameters.P end
+ if(sym == :a) return obj.collatz_parameters.a end
+ if(sym == :b) return obj.collatz_parameters.b end
+ return getfield(obj, sym)
+# ╔═╡ b4a31304-34a3-4ecc-8c6e-e67714bc5d52
+function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/png",obj::CollatzVisualization)
+ show(io, m, obj.imgdata)
+# ╔═╡ ae8c02c0-2944-42dc-8a19-a45fbdc16134
+md"### HTML Functions"
+# ╔═╡ f47eb656-67ec-4760-8906-713fa480cb47
+md"### Interactivity extensions"
+# ╔═╡ 43479204-cd12-40b4-a65f-16bf54aaddfe
+@kwdef struct SliderParameter{T}
+ lb::T = 0
+ ub::T = 100
+ step::T = 1
+ default::T = lb
+ label::String
+ alias::Symbol = Symbol(label)
+ function SliderParameter(lb,ub,step,default, label, alias)
+ if ub < lb error("Invalid Bounds") end
+ return new{typeof(default)}(lb,ub,step,default,label,alias)
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 31a7994d-13e0-440a-8279-5f19d7d0933f
+@kwdef struct NumberFieldParameter{T}
+ lb::T = 0
+ ub::T = 100
+ step::T = 1
+ default::T = lb
+ label::String
+ alias::Symbol = Symbol(label)
+ function NumberFieldParameter(lb,ub,step,default, label, alias)
+ if ub < lb error("Invalid Bounds") end
+ return new{typeof(default)}(lb,ub,step,default,label,alias)
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 25d2291f-f422-41e4-aa61-9000e13d34ad
+@kwdef struct CheckBoxParameter
+ label::String
+ default::Bool = false
+ alias::Symbol = Symbol(label)
+# ╔═╡ 1255f4cc-7448-40f6-83ba-0cca1637d1cf
+@kwdef struct ColorParameter
+ label::String
+ default::RGB = RGB(0,0,0)
+ alias::Symbol = Symbol(label)
+# ╔═╡ 7dac4da8-0877-4d07-b4d2-2164faeccfde
+function format_sliderParameter( params::Vector{SliderParameter{T}};title::String,) where T
+ return combine() do Child
+ mds = [
+ @htl("""
+ $(Child(param.alias, PlutoUI.Slider(param.lb:param.step:param.ub, default = param.default, show_value = true)))
+ """)
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ md"""
+ #### $title
+ $(mds)
+ """
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 4dd44fbd-f26a-4b72-a580-842209b44f27
+function format_sliderParameter( params::Vector{SliderParameter};title::String,)
+ return combine() do Child
+ mds = [
+ @htl("""
+ $(Child(param.alias, PlutoUI.Slider(param.lb:param.step:param.ub, default = param.default, show_value = true)))
+ """)
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ md"""
+ #### $title
+ $(mds)
+ """
+ end
+# ╔═╡ e57da7e5-32bb-48a2-af27-5ac671cabdae
+@bind hailstone_params format_sliderParameter(title="Hailstone Sequence Parameters:",[
+ SliderParameter(lb=1,ub=1000,default=15,step=1,alias=:start_value,label="Starting Value")]
+ )
+# ╔═╡ 43c4fd8d-bb44-43cd-91dd-d221629d1fd9
+graph_sliders = @bind graph_parameters format_sliderParameter(title="Collatz Graph Parameters:",[
+ SliderParameter(lb=1,ub=1000,default=1,alias=:start_value,label="Starting Value"),
+ SliderParameter(lb=1,ub=25,default=9,alias=:orbit,label="Maximum Orbit")
+ @htl("""
+ """)
+# ╔═╡ 0fd7242c-46a1-4929-9c53-3c45768893b4
+@bind stopping_parameters format_sliderParameter(title="Stopping Time Plot Parameters",
+ [SliderParameter(lb=100, ub=30000, step=100, default=1000,alias=:ub, label="Upper Bound")]
+# ╔═╡ 5ba5f885-1de1-4058-91bf-35e1b05d1941
+viz_sliders = @bind viz_parameters format_sliderParameter(
+ title = "Visualization Options:",
+ [
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 100,
+ ub = 10000,
+ default = 1000,
+ step = 100,
+ alias = :num_traject,
+ label = "Numbers of trajectories"
+ ),
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 1,
+ ub = 150,
+ default = 20,
+ alias=:line_length,
+ label="Step"),
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 0,
+ ub = 180,
+ default = 10.0,
+ step = 0.1,
+ alias = :turn_scale,
+ label = "Rotation Angle (in degrees)"
+ ),
+ ]
+ );
+# ╔═╡ f21f1e3e-a3ab-458e-a101-ce824731f0b6
+collatz_sliders = @bind collatz_parameters format_sliderParameter(title="Collatz Parameters:",[
+ SliderParameter(lb=1,ub=10,default=2,label="P"),
+ SliderParameter(lb=1,ub=10,default=3,label="a"),
+ SliderParameter(lb=1,ub=10,label="b"),
+ if(do_generalize_collatz)
+ collatz_sliders
+ else
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 66fe673a-7679-4c55-bf59-146a8dd1241c
+ hailstone_seq = "Hailstone Sequence" ∈ generalize_collatz ? hailstone_sequence(hailstone_params.start_value; collatz_parameters... ,verbose=false) : hailstone_sequence(hailstone_params.start_value; verbose=false)
+ pl = plot(leg = false)
+ xlabel!("Iterations")
+ ylabel!("Value")
+ title!("Hailstone sequence of: $(hailstone_params.start_value)")
+ if(animate_hailstone)
+ # using with_terminal to remove the @info msg
+ with_terminal(show_value=false) do
+ global gl = @gif for i in range(0,length(hailstone_seq))
+ plot!(pl, hailstone_seq[1:i], linecolor=:lightblue)
+ scatter!(pl, hailstone_seq[1:i], marker = :star7, markersize=7, markercolor=:lightblue)
+ end fps = 4
+ end
+ else
+ plot!(pl, hailstone_seq, linecolor=:lightblue)
+ scatter!(pl, hailstone_seq, marker = :star7, markersize=7, markercolor=:lightblue)
+ global gl = pl
+ end
+ gl
+# ╔═╡ 6693800b-e2bc-46e4-b5f8-004184ef472b
+ g, record = "Graph" ∈ generalize_collatz ? make_collatz_graph(
+ graph_parameters.start_value,
+ graph_parameters.orbit;
+ collatz_parameters...
+ ) : make_collatz_graph(
+ graph_parameters.start_value,
+ graph_parameters.orbit;
+ )
+ graph_colors = [RGB(rescale(record[i][1],1,graph_parameters.orbit, 1,0.3),.1,.3)
+ for i in 1:nv(g)]
+# ╔═╡ 3550fe19-261e-4069-9bf6-6417dcaac102
+ collatz_graph = @drawsvg begin
+ background("white")
+ sethue("grey40")
+ fontsize(25)
+ drawgraph(g,
+ layout=Stress(initialpos=[(0.0,0.0)]),
+ margin = 60,
+ vertexlabels = map(x -> x[2], record),
+ vertexshapesizes = 40,
+ vertexfillcolors = graph_colors
+ )
+ end 1600 1200
+ collatz_graph
+# ╔═╡ 45ca6e2a-6a58-475e-9c02-4925e71625bd
+ # find values that that have not been previously been calculated
+ newValues = filter(x -> !(x ∈ keys(stopping_times)),collect(range(1,stopping_parameters.ub)) )
+ # calculate the values and add them to the dictionary
+ for newValue in newValues
+ push!(stopping_times,
+ ( newValue => "Stopping Time" ∈ generalize_collatz ? stopping_time(newValue, ;collatz_parameters..., total_stopping_time=true) : stopping_time(newValue, total_stopping_time=true))
+ )
+ end
+ scatter(
+ collect(values(sort(
+ filter(
+ key -> (key[1] ∈ range(1,stopping_parameters.ub))
+ , stopping_times)
+ )
+ )
+ ), markersize = 1, leg = false)
+ title!("Total stopping time of numbers up to $(stopping_parameters.ub)")
+ ylabel!("Stopping time")
+ xlabel!("Starting point")
+# ╔═╡ 5977a13d-93b8-4e51-8484-5b1882100c49
+function format_numberFieldParameter( params::Vector{NumberFieldParameter{T}};title::String,) where T
+ return combine() do Child
+ mds = [
+ @htl("""
+ $(Child(param.alias, PlutoUI.NumberField(param.lb:param.step:param.ub, default = param.default)) )
+ """)
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ md"""
+ #### $title
+ $(mds)
+ """
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 0865f8a3-a959-481b-a9ae-adbca78a2749
+ window_size_sliders = @bind window_size_parameters format_numberFieldParameter(
+ title="Window Size",
+ [
+ NumberFieldParameter(
+ lb=100.0,
+ ub=10000.0,
+ default=700.0,
+ alias = :window_height,
+ label = "Height",
+ ),
+ NumberFieldParameter(
+ lb=100.0,
+ ub=10000.0,
+ default=500.0,
+ alias=:window_width,
+ label="Width")
+ ]
+ )
+# ╔═╡ 8a64e9e3-477e-4a7e-97f7-61cf5e428731
+(; window_height,window_width) = window_size_parameters;
+# ╔═╡ 7dbfb4dc-c9d0-464d-83b2-18db90d76878
+viz_specs_sliders = @bind viz_specs_parameters format_sliderParameter(
+ title = "Image Options:",
+ [
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 0,
+ ub = 360,
+ default = 20.0,
+ step = 0.1,
+ alias = :init_angle,
+ label = "Image Rotation (in degrees)"
+ ),
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 0,
+ ub = window_width,
+ default = window_width/2,
+ step = 0.1,
+ alias = :x_start,
+ label = "Starting point (X)"
+ ),
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 0,
+ ub = window_height,
+ default = window_height,
+ step = 0.1,
+ alias = :y_start,
+ label = "Starting point (Y)"
+ ),
+ SliderParameter(
+ lb = 1,
+ ub = 50,
+ default = 5.0,
+ step = 0.1,
+ alias = :stroke_width,
+ label = "Stroke Width"
+ ),
+ ]
+ );
+# ╔═╡ a7885279-3f73-4c5d-aeef-061dea1ce930
+function format_checkBoxParameter( params::Vector{CheckBoxParameter};title::String)
+ return combine() do Child
+ mds = [
+ @htl("""
+ $(Child(param.alias, PlutoUI.CheckBox(default=param.default)) )
+ """)
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ md"""
+ #### $title
+ $(mds)
+ """
+ end
+# ╔═╡ f680e7ea-8e3a-41ac-ab92-a27c05103864
+viz_extra_sliders = @bind viz_extra_options format_checkBoxParameter(
+ title="Extra Options",
+ [
+ CheckBoxParameter(
+ alias=:random_shade,
+ label="Random Color"
+ ),
+ CheckBoxParameter(
+ alias=:vary_shade,
+ label="Vary Shade"
+ ),
+ CheckBoxParameter(
+ alias=:edmund_style,
+ label="In Edmund Harris's style"
+ ),
+ CheckBoxParameter(
+ alias=:chris_style,
+ label="In Chris's style"
+ ),
+ ],
+ );
+# ╔═╡ 2d98aed3-9a51-4225-b914-a20b19f43908
+function format_colorPicker( params::Vector{ColorParameter};title::String)
+ return combine() do Child
+ mds = [
+ @htl("""
+ $(Child(param.alias, PlutoUI.ColorPicker(default=param.default)))
+ """)
+ for param in params
+ ]
+ md"""
+ #### $title
+ $(mds)
+ """
+ end
+# ╔═╡ 01cc5e4f-d94b-4211-b268-9ce0640cd23f
+colors_sliders = @bind viz_colors_options format_colorPicker(
+ title="Color Options",
+ [
+ ColorParameter(
+ alias = :stroke_color,
+ label = "Stroke Color",
+ default = RGB{N0f8}(
+ reinterpret(N0f8, UInt8(230)),
+ reinterpret(N0f8, UInt8(130)),
+ reinterpret(N0f8, UInt8(130)))
+ ),
+ ColorParameter(
+ alias=:background_color,
+ label="Background")
+ ]
+# ╔═╡ 50a423ad-ca90-4015-9ef6-577f60e4efe7
+ @htl("""
+ """)
+# ╔═╡ 6d225dce-3362-4f5d-bba9-0b5312f6be5a
+ (; num_traject, turn_scale, line_length ) = viz_parameters
+ (; init_angle, x_start, y_start, stroke_width) = viz_specs_parameters
+ (; stroke_color, background_color ) = viz_colors_options
+ (; random_shade, vary_shade, edmund_style, chris_style ) = viz_extra_options
+ interactive_viz = CollatzVisualization(
+ viz_parameters = (
+ num_traject = num_traject,
+ line_length = line_length,
+ turn_scale = turn_scale,
+ window_width = window_width,
+ window_height = window_height,
+ x_start = x_start,
+ y_start = y_start,
+ init_angle = init_angle,
+ stroke_width = stroke_width,
+ stroke_color = stroke_color,
+ background_color = background_color,
+ random_shade = random_shade,
+ vary_shade = vary_shade
+ ),
+ collatz_parameters = (P=collatz_parameters.P,a = collatz_parameters.a, b= collatz_parameters.b),
+ shortcut = edmund_style,
+ ultra_shortcut = chris_style
+ )
+ # trajectories = reverse_hailstone_sequences(range(5,num_traject); collatz_parameters...)
+ # viz = @draw begin
+ # background(background_color)
+ # draw_hailstone_sequences(
+ # trajectories; line_length, turn_scale,
+ # window_width, window_height, init_angle, x_start, y_start,
+ # stroke_width, stroke_color, random_shade, vary_shade
+ # )
+ # end window_width window_height
+# ╔═╡ 1b48b435-e959-477f-a8d2-3507da73fc28
+$(filename == "" ? PlutoUI.DownloadButton(interactive_viz,"MyCoolVisualization.png") : PlutoUI.DownloadButton(interactive_viz,"$filename.png"))
+# ╔═╡ d9aaaadc-7d94-4e85-a1cb-c137e869ad2f
+md"### Extras"
+# ╔═╡ fb2dd0e1-5198-4c0a-b62b-50649ac21f32
+ # getters
+ get_num_trajects(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.num_traject
+ get_line_length(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.line_length
+ get_turn_scale(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.turn_scale
+ get_window_width(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.window_width
+ get_window_height(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.window_height
+ get_x_start(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.x_start
+ get_y_start(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.y_start
+ get_init_angle(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.init_angle
+ get_stroke_width(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.stroke_width
+ get_stroke_color(viz::CollatzVisualization, as_hex=true) = as_hex ? hex(RGB(viz.viz_parameters.stroke_color)) : viz.viz_parameters.stroke_color
+ get_background_color(viz::CollatzVisualization, as_hex=true) = as_hex ? hex(RGB(viz.viz_parameters.background_color)) : viz.viz_parameters.background_color
+ get_vary_shade(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.vary_shade
+ get_random_shade(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.viz_parameters.random_shade
+ get_notes(viz::CollatzVisualization) = viz.notes
+# ╔═╡ 03eb05fa-57bc-45d0-9943-79034ed10211
+ makeCollatzGallery(visualizations::Vector{CollatzVisualization}; width::Int=500, height::Int=500)
+Helper function to format an array of visualizations into a scrollable gallery, with an panel below the image showing the parameters used to generate the visualization.
+## Kwargs
+-`width::Int`=500: Width of each image in pixels
+-`height::Int`=500: Height of each image in pixels
+function makeCollatzGallery(visualizations::Vector{CollatzVisualization}; width::Int=500, height::Int=500)
+ res = []
+ for (i,viz) in enumerate(visualizations)
+ push!(res, @htl("""
+ Parameters:
+ P: $(viz.P)
+ a: $(viz.a)
+ b: $(viz.b)
+ Number of trajectories: $(get_num_trajects(viz))
+ Step length: $(get_line_length(viz))
+ Rotation Angle: $(get_turn_scale(viz))
+ Window Width: $(get_window_width(viz))
+ Window Height: $(get_window_height(viz))
+ Starting point (X): $(get_x_start(viz))
+ Starting point (Y): $(get_y_start(viz))
+ Rotation Angle: $(get_init_angle(viz))
+ Stroke Width: $(get_stroke_width(viz))
+ Stroke Color: #$(get_stroke_color(viz))
+ Background Color: #$(get_background_color(viz))
+ Shade Variation: $(get_vary_shade(viz))
+ Random Shade: $(get_random_shade(viz))
+ $(get_notes(viz))
+ end
+ return res
+# ╔═╡ 53520512-fc88-4dd2-ae6d-a8ed0d599e42
+ @htl("""
+ $(makeCollatzGallery(gallery_vizs))
+ """)
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