# assume I have csv text data encoded in ISO-8859-1 encoding
+# I load the StringEncodings package, which provides encoding conversion functionality
+using CSV, StringEncodings
+# I open my `iso8859_encoded_file.csv` with the `enc"ISO-8859-1"` encoding
+# and pass the opened IO object to `CSV.File`, which will read the entire
+# input into a temporary file, then parse the data from the temp file
+file = CSV.File(open("iso8859_encoded_file.csv", enc"ISO-8859-1"))
+# to instead have the encoding conversion happen in memory, pass
+# `buffer_in_memory=true`; this can be faster, but obviously results
+# in more memory being used rather than disk via a temp file
+file = CSV.File(open("iso8859_encoded_file.csv", enc"ISO-8859-1"); buffer_in_memory=true)
using CSV
+# in this case, I have a vector of delimited data inputs that each have
+# matching schema (the same column names and types). I'd like to process all
+# of the inputs together and vertically concatenate them into one "long" table.
+data = [
+ "a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6\n",
+ "a,b,c\n7,8,9\n10,11,12\n",
+ "a,b,c\n13,14,15\n16,17,18",
+# I can just pass a `Vector` of inputs, in this case `IOBuffer(::String)`, but it
+# could also be a `Vector` of any valid input source, like `AbstractVector{UInt8}`,
+# filenames, `IO`, etc. Each input will be processed on a separate thread, with the results
+# being vertically concatenated afterwards as a single `CSV.File`. Each thread's columns
+# will be lazily concatenated using the `ChainedVector` type. As always, if we want to
+# send the parsed columns directly to a sink function, we can use `CSV.read`, like
+# `df = CSV.read(map(IOBuffer, data), DataFrame)`.
+f = CSV.File(map(IOBuffer, data))
# assume I have csv text data compressed via gzip
+# no additional packages are needed; CSV.jl can decompress automatically
+using CSV
+# pass name of gzipped input file directly; data will be decompressed to a
+# temporary file, then mmapped as a byte buffer for actual parsing
+file = CSV.File("data.gz")
+# to instead have the decompression happen in memory, pass
+# `buffer_in_memory=true`; this can be faster, but obviously results
+# in more memory being used rather than disk via a temp file
+file = CSV.File("data.gz"; buffer_in_memory=true)
using CSV
+# I have csv data in a string I want to parse
+data = """
+# Calling `IOBuffer` on a string returns an in-memory IO object
+# of the string data, which can be passed to `CSV.File` for parsing
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data))
# assume there's delimited data I want to read from the web
+# one option is to use the HTTP.jl package
+using CSV, HTTP
+# I first make the web request to get the data via `HTTP.get` on the `url`
+http_response = HTTP.get(url)
+# I can then access the data of the response as a `Vector{UInt8}` and pass
+# it directly to `CSV.File` for parsing
+file = CSV.File(http_response.body)
+# another option, with Julia 1.6+, is using the Downloads stdlib
+using Downloads
+http_response = Downloads.download(url)
+# by default, `Downloads.download` writes the response data to a temporary file
+# which can then be passed to `CSV.File` for parsing
+file = CSV.File(http_response)
using ZipFile, CSV, DataFrames
+a = DataFrame(a = 1:3)
+CSV.write("a.csv", a)
+# zip the file; Windows users who do not have zip available on the PATH can manually zip the CSV
+# or write directly into the zip archive as shown below
+;zip a.zip a.csv
+# alternatively, write directly into the zip archive (without creating an unzipped csv file first)
+z = ZipFile.Writer("a2.zip")
+f = ZipFile.addfile(z, "a.csv", method=ZipFile.Deflate)
+a |> CSV.write(f)
+# read file from zip archive
+z = ZipFile.Reader("a.zip") # or "a2.zip"
+# identify the right file in zip
+a_file_in_zip = filter(x->x.name == "a.csv", z.files)[1]
+a_copy = CSV.File(a_file_in_zip) |> DataFrame
+a == a_copy
using CSV
+data = """
+descriptive row with information about the file that we'd like to ignore
+# by passing header=2, parsing will ignore the 1st row entirely
+# then parse the column names on row 2, then by default, it assumes
+# the data starts on the row after the column names (row 3 in this case)
+# which is correct for this case
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=2)
using CSV
+# in this case, our data doesn't have any column names
+data = """
+# by passing `header=false`, parsing won't worry about looking for column names
+# anywhere, but instead just start parsing the data and generate column names
+# as needed, like `Column1`, `Column2`, and `Column3` in this case
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=false)
using CSV
+# in this case, our data doesn't have any column names
+data = """
+# instead of passing `header=false` and getting auto-generated column names,
+# we can instead pass the column names ourselves
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=["a", "b", "c"])
+# we can also pass the column names as Symbols; a copy of the manually provided
+# column names will always be made and then converted to `Vector{Symbol}`
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=[:a, :b, :c])
using CSV
+# in this case, our column names are `col_a`, `col_b`, and `col_c`,
+# but split over the first and second rows
+data = """
+# by passing a collection of integers, parsing will parse each row in the collection
+# and concatenate the values for each column, separating rows with `_` character
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=[1, 2])
using CSV
+# in this case, our data are single letters, with column names of "1", "2", and "3"
+# A single digit isn't a valid identifier in Julia, meaning we couldn't do something
+# like `1 = 2 + 2`, where `1` would be a variable name
+data = """
+# in order to have valid identifiers for column names, we can pass
+# `normalizenames=true`, which result in our column names becoming "_1", "_2", and "_3"
+# note this isn't required, but can be convenient in certain cases
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); normalizenames=true)
+# we can access the first column like
+# another example where we may want to normalize is column names with spaces in them
+data = """
+column one,column two, column three
+# normalizing will result in column names like "column_one", "column_two" and "column_three"
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); normalizenames=true)
using CSV
+# our data has a first row that we'd like to ignore; our data also doesn't have
+# column names, so we'd like them to be auto-generated
+data = """
+descriptive row that gives information about the data that we'd like to ignore
+# with no column names in the data, we first pass `header=false`; by itself,
+# this would result in parsing starting on row 1 to parse the actual data;
+# but we'd like to ignore the first row, so we pass `skipto=2` to skip over
+# the first row; our colum names will be generated like `Column1`, `Column2`, `Column3`
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=false, skipto=2)
using CSV
+# our data has column names of "a", "b", and "c"
+# but at the end of the data, we have 2 rows we'd like to ignore while parsing
+# since they're not properly delimited
+data = """
+totals: 12, 15, 18
+grand total: 45
+# by passing `footerskip=2`, we tell parsing to start the end of the data and
+# read 2 rows, ignoring their contents, then mark the ending position where
+# the normal parsing process should finish
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); footerskip=2)
using CSV
+# our data is transposed, meaning our column names are in the first column,
+# with the data for column "a" all on the first row, data for column "b"
+# all on the second row, and so on.
+data = """
+# by passing `transpose=true`, parsing will look for column names in the first
+# column of data, then parse each row as a separate column
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); transpose=true)
using CSV
+# here, we have several non-data rows that all begin with the "#" string
+data = """
+# row describing column names
+# row describing first row of data
+# row describing second row of data
+# we want to ignore these "commented" rows
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); comment="#")
using CSV
+# here, we have a "gap" row in between the first and second row of data
+# by default, these "empty" rows are ignored, but in our case, this is
+# how a row of data is input when all columns have missing/null values
+# so we don't want those rows to be ignored so we can know how many
+# missing cases there are in our data
+data = """
+# by passing `ignoreemptyrows=false`, we ensure parsing treats an empty row
+# as each column having a `missing` value set for that row
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); ignoreemptyrows=true)
using CSV
+# simple dataset, but we know column "b" isn't needed
+# so we'd like to save time by having parsing ignore it completely
+data = """
+# there are quite a few ways to provide the select/drop arguments
+# so we provide an example of each, first for selecting the columns
+# "a" and "c" that we want to include or keep from parsing
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); select=[1, 3])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); select=[:a, :c])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); select=["a", "c"])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); select=[true, false, true])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); select=(i, nm) -> i in (1, 3))
+# now examples of dropping, when we'd rather specify the column(s)
+# we'd like to drop/exclude from parsing
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); drop=[2])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); drop=[:b])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); drop=["b"])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); drop=[false, true, false])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); drop=(i, nm) -> i == 2)
using CSV
+# here, we have quite a few rows of data (relative to other examples, lol)
+# but we know we only need the first 3 for the analysis we need to do
+# so instead of spending the time parsing the entire file, we'd like
+# to just read the first 3 rows and ignore the rest
+data = """
+# parsing will start reading rows, and once 3 have been read, it will
+# terminate early, avoiding the parsing of the rest of the data entirely
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); limit=3)
using CSV
+# in this data, our first column has "missing" values coded with -999
+# but our score column has "NA" instead
+# we'd like either of those values to show up as `missing` after we parse the data
+data = """
+# by passing missingstring=["-999", "NA"], parsing will check each cell if it matches
+# either string in order to set the value of the cell to `missing`
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); missingstring=["-999", "NA"])
using CSV
+# our data has two columns, separated by double colon
+# characters ("::")
+data = """
+# we can pass a single character or string for delim
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); delim="::")
using CSV
+# This is an example of "fixed width" data, where each
+# column is the same number of characters away from each
+# other on each row. Fields are "padded" with extra
+# delimiters (in this case `' '`) so that each column is
+# the same number of characters each time
+data = """
+col1 col2 col3
+123431 2 3421
+2355 346 7543
+# In addition to our `delim`, we can pass
+# `ignorerepeated=true`, which tells parsing that
+#consecutive delimiters should be treated as a single
+# delimiter.
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); delim=' ', ignorerepeated=true)
using CSV
+# by default, cells like the 1st column, 2nd row
+# will be treated as "quoted" cells, where they start
+# and end with the quote character '"'. The quotes will
+# be removed from the final parsed value
+# we may, however, want the "raw" value and _not_ ignore
+# the quote characters in the final value
+data = """
+# we can "turn off" the detection of quoted cells
+# by passing `quoted=false`
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); quoted=false)
using CSV
+# In this data, we have a few "quoted" fields, which means the field's value starts and ends with `quotechar` (or
+# `openquotechar` and `closequotechar`, respectively). Quoted fields allow the field to contain characters that would otherwise
+# be significant to parsing, such as delimiters or newline characters. When quoted, parsing will ignore these otherwise
+# significant characters until the closing quote character is found. For quoted fields that need to also include the quote
+# character itself, an escape character is provided to tell parsing to ignore the next character when looking for a close quote
+# character. In the syntax examples, the keyword arguments are passed explicitly, but these also happen to be the default
+# values, so just doing `CSV.File(IOBuffer(data))` would result in successful parsing.
+data = """
+"quoted field with a delimiter , inside","quoted field that contains a \\n newline and ""inner quotes\"\"\"
+unquoted field,unquoted field with "inner quotes"
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); quotechar='"', escapechar='"')
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); openquotechar='"' closequotechar='"', escapechar='"')
using CSV
+# In this file, our `date` column has dates that are formatted like `yyyy/mm/dd`. We can pass just such a string to the
+# `dateformat` keyword argument to tell parsing to use it when looking for `Date` or `DateTime` columns. Note that currently,
+# only a single `dateformat` string can be passed to parsing, meaning multiple columns with different date formats cannot all
+# be parsed as `Date`/`DateTime`.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); dateformat="yyyy/mm/dd")
using CSV
+# In many places in the world, floating point number decimals are separated with a comma instead of a period (`3,14` vs. `3.14`)
+# . We can correctly parse these numbers by passing in the `decimal=','` keyword argument. Note that we probably need to
+# explicitly pass `delim=';'` in this case, since the parser will probably think that it detected `','` as the delimiter.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); delim=';', decimal=',')
using CSV
+# In many places in the world, digits to the left of the decimal place are broken into
+# groups by a thousands separator. We can ignore those separators by passing the `groupmark`
+# keyword argument.
+data = """
+x y
+1 2
+2 1,729
+3 87,539,319
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); groupmark=',')
using CSV
+# In some contexts, separators other than thousands separators group digits in a number.
+# `groupmark` supports ignoring them as long as the separator character is ASCII
+data = """
+name;ssn;credit card number
+Ayodele Beren;597-21-8366;5538-6111-0574-2633
+Trinidad Shiori;387-35-5126;3017-9300-0776-5301
+Ori Cherokee;731-12-4606;4682-5416-0636-3877
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); groupmark='-')
using CSV
+# By default, parsing only considers the string values `true` and `false` as valid `Bool` values. To consider alternative
+# values, we can pass a `Vector{String}` to the `truestrings` and `falsestrings` keyword arguments.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); truestrings=["T", "TRUE"], falsestrings=["F", "FALSE"])
using CSV
+# This file contains a 3x3 identity matrix of `Float64`. By default, parsing will detect the delimiter and type, but we can
+# also explicitly pass `delim= ' '` and `types=Float64`, which tells parsing to explicitly treat each column as `Float64`,
+# without having to guess the type on its own.
+data = """
+1.0 0.0 0.0
+0.0 1.0 0.0
+0.0 0.0 1.0
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=false)
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); header=false, delim=' ', types=Float64)
+# as a last step if you want to convert this to a Matrix, this can be done by reading in first as a DataFrame and then
+# function chaining to a Matrix
+using DataFrames
+A = file|>DataFrame|>Matrix
+# another alternative is to simply use CSV.Tables.matrix and say
+B = file|>CSV.Tables.matrix # does not require DataFrames
using CSV
+# In this file, our 3rd column has an invalid value on the 2nd row `invalid`. Let's imagine we'd still like to treat it as an
+# `Int` column, and ignore the `invalid` value. The syntax examples provide several ways we can tell parsing to treat the 3rd
+# column as `Int`, by referring to column index `3`, or column name with `Symbol` or `String`. We can also provide an entire
+# `Vector` of types for each column (and which needs to match the length of columns in the file). There are two additional
+# keyword arguments that control parsing behavior; in the first 4 syntax examples, we would see a warning printed like
+# `"warning: invalid Int64 value on row 2, column 3"`. In the fifth example, passing `silencewarnings=true` will suppress this
+# warning printing. In the last syntax example, passing `strict=true` will result in an error being thrown during parsing.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=Dict(3 => Int))
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=Dict(:col3 => Int))
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=Dict("col3" => Int))
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=[Int, Int, Int])
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=[Int, Int, Int], silencewarnings=true)
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=[Int, Int, Int], strict=true)
+# In this file we have lots of columns, and would like to specify the same type for all
+# columns except one which should have a different type. We can do this by providing a
+# function that takes the column index and column name and uses these to decide the type.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=(i, name) -> i == 1 ? Bool : Int8)
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=(i, name) -> name == :col1 ? Bool : Int8)
+# Alternatively by providing the exact name for the first column and a Regex to match the rest.
+# Note that an exact column name always takes precedence over a regular expression.
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=Dict(:col1 => Bool, r"^col\d" => Int8))
using CSV
+# In this file, we have U.S. zipcodes in the first column that we'd rather not treat as `Int`, but parsing will detect it as
+# such. In the first syntax example, we pass `typemap=IdDict(Int => String)`, which tells parsing to treat any detected `Int`
+# columns as `String` instead. In the second syntax example, we alternatively set the `zipcode` column type manually.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); typemap=IdDict(Int => String))
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); types=Dict(:zipcode => String))
using CSV
+# In this file, we have an `id` column and a `code` column. There can be advantages with various DataFrame/table operations
+# like joining and grouping when `String` values are "pooled", meaning each unique value is mapped to a `UInt32`. By default,
+# `pool=(0.2, 500)`, so string columns with low cardinality are pooled by default. Via the `pool` keyword argument, we can provide
+# greater control: `pool=0.4` means that if 40% or less of a column's values are unique, then it will be pooled.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data))
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); pool=0.4)
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); pool=0.6)
using CSV
+# in this data, our `category` column is an integer type, but represents a limited set of values that could benefit from
+# pooling. Indeed, we may want to do various DataFrame grouping/joining operations on the column, which can be more
+# efficient if the column type is a PooledVector. By default, passing `pool=true` will only pool string column types,
+# if we pass a vector or dict however, we can specify how specific, non-string type, columns should be pooled.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); pool=Dict(1 => true))
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); pool=[true, false])
using CSV
+# In this file, we have an `id` column and a `code` column. There can be advantages with various DataFrame/table operations
+# like joining and grouping when `String` values are "pooled", meaning each unique value is mapped to a `UInt32`. By default,
+# `pool=(0.2, 500)`, so string columns with low cardinality are pooled by default. Via the `pool` keyword argument, we can provide
+# greater control: `pool=(0.5, 2)` means that if a column has 2 or fewer unique values _and_ the total number of unique values is less than 50% of all values, then it will be pooled.
+data = """
+file = CSV.File(IOBuffer(data); pool=(0.5, 2))