Preparing unstructured data for deep feature synthesis
- Anaconda environment is highly recommended. Download the version appropriate for your system here
- This project is currently based on Python 3.8 - here is a link to the Anaconda getting started guide. Note that the Anaconda Navigator GUI can be used instead of CLI.
- Open a conda shell
- conda update conda
- conda create --name py38 python=3.8
- Activate your new venv
- conda activate py38
- Install jupyterlab if you want (optional)
- conda install jupyterlab==1.2.6
- Clone this project and cd to your clone
- cd to directory you want to put this in
- git clone (project URL above - Green clone button)
- cd comp410_summer2020
- Install requirements
- python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- python
- Downloads necessary data
- Runs a quick demo
- Open a conda shell
- Testing
- conda install pytest-cov
- cd dfstools
- pytest --cov=dfstools
- All pull requests much attach output from pytest showing all test cases passed along with the coverage report or pull request will be rejected.