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EGK Workflow and Command Line Programs

last update 04/16/2024

Election workflow overview


  1. Create a Manifest record

    1. Generating a real Manifest by election officials is outside the scope of this library. That is to say, you must figure out what that looks like yourself, and use it as input to the library.
    2. Create a manifest in code with the classes, and write it out with a Publisher.
    3. Create a fake manifest for testing with RunCreateTestManifest CLI.
    4. Use an existing fake manifest for testing in src/commonTest/data/startManifest/manifest.json.
  2. Create an ElectionConfig record

    1. Create an ElectionConfig record from a Manifest and configuration values using RunCreateElectionConfig CLI
  3. Run the KeyCeremony

    1. Create an ElectionInitialized record and decrypting trustees from an ElectionConfig by running a KeyCeremony with RunTrustedKeyCeremony CLI
    2. To run a keyceremony with remote guardians, see the webapps CLI.
  4. Create test input plaintext ballots

    1. Create fake input ballots for testing with RunCreateInputBallots CLI.
    2. (in the test code) generates random test ballots.
    3. Use existing fake ballots for testing in src/test/data/fakeBallots.
  5. Encryption.

    1. The RunAddEncryptedBallots CLI reads plaintext ballots from a directory and writes their encryptions into the specified election record.
    2. The RunEncryptBallot CLI reads a plaintext ballot from disk and writes its encryption to disk.
    3. The RunExampleEncryption CLI Is an example of running RunEncryptBallot to encrypt ballots. This can simulate more complex election records with multiple voting devices.
    4. The RunBatchEncryption CLI reads plaintext ballots from a directory and writes their encryptions to the specified election record. It is multithreaded.
    5. is a class that your program calls to encrypt plaintext ballots and add them to the election record. (See as an example of using AddEncryptedBallot).
    6. To run encryption with the Encryption server, see the webapps CLI. This allows you to run the encryption on a different machine than where ballots are generated, and/or to call from a non-JVM program.
  6. Accumulate Tally.

    1. RunAccumulateTally CLI reads an ElectionInitialized record and EncryptedBallot records, sums the votes in the encrypted ballots and writes out an EncryptedTally record.
  7. Decryption.

    1. RunTrustedTallyDecryption CLI reads an EncryptedTally and local DecryptingTrustee records, decrypts the tally and writes out a DecryptedTallyOrBallot record for the tally.
    2. RunTrustedBallotDecryption CLI reads "spoiled" ballot records and local DecryptingTrustee records, decrypts the ballots and writes out a DecryptedTallyOrBallot for each ballot.
    3. To run decryption with remote guardians, see the webapps CLI.
  8. Verify.

    1. VerifyElectionRecord CLI reads an election record and verifies it.
  9. Complete test Workflow.

    1. A complete test workflow can be run by (in the test code).

Make ekglib uberJar

For classpath simplicity, the examples below use the ekglib uberJar.

Election setup

Create a fake Election Manifest

Usage: RunCreateTestManifest options_list
    --ncontests, -ncontests -> number of contests (always required) { Int }
    --nselections, -nselections -> number of selections per contest (always required) { Int }
    --outputType, -type [JSON] -> JSON or PROTO { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write test manifest file (always required) { String }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -ncontests 3 \
    -nselections 11 \
    -out testOut/cliWorkflow/manifest 

Create an Election Configuration

Usage: RunCreateElectionConfig options_list
    --electionManifest, -manifest -> Manifest file or directory (always required) { String }
    --groupName, -group -> Group name  ('P-256' or 'Integer4096') (always required) { String }
    --nguardians, -nguardians -> number of guardians (always required) { Int }
    --quorum, -quorum -> quorum size (always required) { Int }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output ElectionInitialized record (always required) { String }
    --createdBy, -createdBy [RunCreateElectionConfig] -> who created { String }
    --baux0, -device [device] -> device information, used for B_aux,0 from eq 58-60 { String }
    --chainCodes, -chainCodes [false] -> chain confirmation codes 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

If chainCodes is true, and baux0 is omitted, then the device name UTF-8 bytes will be used when creating the confirmation codes during encryption. This allows the configuration file to be used across multiple devices, and still have the device name as part of the ballot chaining as required in the spec. So, in general we recommend ommitting baux0 here, unless you have special requirements.


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -manifest src/test/data/startManifest \
    -group P-256 \
    -nguardians 3 \
    -quorum 3 \
    -out testOut/cliWorkflow/configEc

Run trusted KeyCeremony

This has access to all the trustees, so is only used for testing, or in a use case of trust. Otherwise, use the remote keyceremony webapps.

Usage: RunTrustedKeyCeremony options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --trusteeDir, -trustees -> Directory to write private trustees (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output ElectionInitialized record (always required) { String }
    --createdBy, -createdBy [RunTrustedKeyCeremony] -> who created { String }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in testOut/cliWorkflow/configEc \
    -trustees testOut/cliWorkflow/keyceremonyEc/trustees \
    -out testOut/cliWorkflow/keyceremonyEc

Create fake input ballots

Usage: RunCreateInputBallots options_list
    --manifestDirOrFile, -manifest -> Manifest file or directory (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write plaintext ballots (always required) { String }
    --nballots, -n [11] -> Number of ballots to generate { Int }
    --isJson, -json -> Generate Json ballots (default to manifest type) 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -manifest src/test/data/startManifest \
    -out testOut/generateInputBallots \
    -n 100 


Encryption is usually done on the voting device; running your own program linked into the egk-ec library gives you maximum flexibility for voter challenges and ballot handling. The Encryption server (part of the webapps CLIs) also allows voter challenges. The CLIs documented here have less flexibility but are easier to use.

Run AddEncryptedBallots

Usage: RunAddEncryptedBallots options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --ballotDir, -ballots -> Directory to read Plaintext ballots from (always required) { String }
    --device, -device -> voting device name (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record (always required) { String }
    --challengePct, -challenge [0] -> Challenge percent of ballots { Int }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

This reads plaintext ballots from ballotDir and writes their encryptions into the specified election record.

If the config file has chainConfirmationCodes = true, then the ballots will be chained.

Pass in "--challengePct percent" to simulate challenging this percent of ballots, randomly chosen.


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in src/test/data/encrypt/testBallotChain \
    -ballot src/test/data/fakeBallots \
    -device device42 \
    -out testOut \
    -challenge 10

Run Encrypt Ballot

Usage: RunEncryptBallot options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --device, -device -> voting device name (always required) { String }
    --ballotFilepath, -ballot -> Plaintext ballot filepath (or 'CLOSE') (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record (always required) { String }
    --noDeviceNameInDir, -deviceDir [false] -> Dont add device name to encrypted ballots directory 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

This reads one plaintext ballot from disk and writes its encryption into the specified election record, which must already exist.

The standard place to write encrypted ballots is encryptBallotDir = outputDir/encrypted_ballots/device/. If not chaining, you may specify --noDeviceNameInDir, then the encryptions are written to outputDir/encrypted_ballots/.

The encrypted file is always named eballot-ballotId.json, where ballotId is taken from the plaintext ballot.

If the config file has chainConfirmationCodes = true, then RunEncryptBallot will expect to be able to read and write ballot_chain.json in the encryptBallotDir directory. The ballot chaining should be closed by sending ballotFilename = "CLOSE" when the chain is complete.


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in src/test/data/encrypt/testBallotNoChain \
    -ballot src/test/data/fakeBallots/pballot-id153737325.json \
    -device device42 \
    -out testOut

Run Example Encryption

Usage: RunExampleEncryption options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --nballots, -nballots -> Number of test ballots to generate (always required) { Int }
    --plaintextBallotDir, -pballotDir -> Write plaintext ballots to this directory (always required) { String }
    --deviceNames, -device -> voting device name(s), comma delimited (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record (always required) { String }
    --noDeviceNameInDir, -deviceDir [false] -> Dont add device name to encrypted ballots directory 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

This is an example program that calls RunEncryptBallot to encrypt one ballot at a time, by generating fake ballots. All ballots are cast (no challenges). It is meant as an example, not something used in production.

There must be at least one device name. You can generate multiple chains by having multiple device names. In that case the ballots are randomly assigned to a device in the list.

Chaining is controlled by the config file flag chainConfirmationCodes = true. If true, then RunExampleEncryption will close the chain when done, and will add the device name to the encryption directory. If not chaining, then the device name will not be added to the encryption directory.


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in src/test/data/encrypt/testBallotChain \
    -nballots 33 \
    -pballotDir testOut/encrypt/RunExampleEncryptionTest/plaintext_ballots \
    -device device42,device11,yrnameHere
    --outputDir testOut/encrypt/RunExampleEncryptionTest \

Run Batch Encryption

Usage: RunBatchEncryption options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --ballotDir, -ballots -> Directory to read Plaintext ballots from (always required) { String }
    --invalidDir, -invalid -> Directory to write invalid input ballots to { String }
    --check, -check [None] -> Check encryption { Value should be one of [none, verify, encrypttwice, decryptnonce] }
    --nthreads, -nthreads [11] -> Number of parallel threads to use { Int }
    --createdBy, -createdBy -> who created { String }
    --device, -device -> voting device name (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record { String }
    --noDeviceNameInDir, -deviceDir -> Dont add device name to encrypted ballots directory
    --anonymize, -anon [false] -> anonymize ballot 
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

This reads all plaintext ballot from ballotDir and writes their encryptions into outputDir or encryptDir.

You must specify either outputDir or encryptDir. The former copies ElectionInit and writes encrypted ballots to standard election record. The latter writes just the encrypted ballots to the specified directory.

This runs multithreaded, and you cannot use it to do ballot chaining or challenges.


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in src/test/data/keyceremony/runFakeKeyCeremonyAllEc \
    -ballots src/test/data/fakeBallots \
    -device device42 \
    -out testOut/testBatchEncryption


Run Accumulate Tally

Usage: RunAccumulateTally options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input ElectionInitialized record and encrypted ballots (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record (always required) { String }
    --encryptDir, -eballots -> Read encrypted ballots here (optional) { String }
    --name, -name -> Name of tally { String }
    --countNumberOfBallots, -count [false] -> count number of ballots for each contest 
    --createdBy, -createdBy -> who created { String }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc \
    -out testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc 


  • outputDir/encrypted_tally.json

Note that at this point in the cliWorkflow example, we are both reading from and writing to the electionRecord. A production workflow may be significantly different.


Run trusted Tally Decryption

This has access to all the trustees, so is only used for testing, or in a use case of trust. Otherwise, use the remote decryption webapp.

Usage: RunTrustedTallyDecryption options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --trusteeDir, -trustees -> Directory to read private trustees (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record (always required) { String }
    --encryptedTallyFile, -encryptedTally -> encryptedTally file (if different from the one in the election record) { String }
    --createdBy, -createdBy -> who created { String }
    --missing, -missing -> missing guardians' xcoord, comma separated, eg '2,4' { String }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc \
    -trustees testOut/cliWorkflow/keyceremonyEc/trustees \
    -out testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc


  • outputDir/tally.json

Run trusted Ballot Decryption

This has access to all the trustees, so is only used for testing, or in a use case of trust. Otherwise, use the remote decryption webapp.

Usage: RunTrustedBallotDecryption options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --trusteeDir, -trustees -> Directory to read private trustees (always required) { String }
    --outputDir, -out -> Directory to write output election record (always required) { String }
    --decryptChallengedList, -challenged -> decrypt challenged ballots { String }
    --nthreads, -nthreads -> Number of parallel threads to use { Int }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 

The decryptSpoiledList may be:

  1. a comma-delimited (no spaces) list of ballot Ids
  2. a fully-qualified filename of a text file containing ballot Ids (one per line)
  3. "All" -> decrypt all the ballots
  4. "challenged" or omitted -> decrypt the ballots that have been marked CHALLENGED.


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
    -in testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc \
    -trustees testOut/cliWorkflow/keyceremonyEc/trustees \
    -challenged All \
    -out testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc


  • outputDir/challenged_ballots/


Run Verifier

Usage: RunVerifier options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input election record (always required) { String }
    --nthreads, -nthreads [11] -> Number of parallel threads to use { Int }
    --showTime, -time [false] -> Show timing 
    --help, -h -> Usage info


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
  -in testOut/cliWorkflow/electionRecordEc


Run ShowElectionRecord

Usage: RunElectionRecordShow options_list
    --inputDir, -in -> Directory containing input Election Record (always required) { String }
    --show, -show -> [all,constants,manifest,guardians,trustees,ballots] { String }
    --details, -details -> show details 
    --ballotStyle, -ballotStyle -> for just one ballot style { String }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
  -in src/test/data/workflow/allAvailableEc \
  -show all,constants,manifest,guardians,trustees,ballots


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
  -in /home/stormy/tmp/testOut/egkec/encrypt/testRunEncryptBallotNoChainingBut \
  -show ballots

Run ShowSystem

Usage: RunShowSystem options_list
    --show, -show -> [properties,java.library.path,hasVEC] { String }
    --setPath, -set -> set java.library.path { String }
    --help, -h -> Usage info 


java -classpath build/libs/egk-ec-2.1-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar \ \
  -show properties,java.library.path,hasVEC