Provides classes to create valid WebVTT files.
See WebVTT - MDN for more information about WebVTT files.
Represents a simple WebVTT file object. Does not currently support regions or chapters.
Represents a WebVTT cue object.
Supports cue setting directives (vertical, line, position, size, align). You should be able to include internal cue tags, such as:
- bold tag<c></c>
- class tag<i></i>
- italic tag<u></u>
- underline tag<ruby></ruby>
- ruby tag<rt></rt>
- ruby text tag<v></v>
- voice tag<hh:mm:ss.ttt>
- timestamp tag
No validation is provided for for cue tags.
A simple converter interface and base class is included to help you build custom converter classes.
An example converter class is provided, TtafVttConverter
which converts a Timed Text Authoring Format 1.0 xml file into a valid WebVTT file.
An example cli script is also provided that will convert both single TTAF format xml files, as well as a directory of TTAF format xml files.