See the following flowchart for a highlevel schematic overview of the densify
functionality of geodense
input([fa:fa-database input data]) --> p_1[get input-crs]
p_1 --> d_1{input-crs<br>type and<br>densification method}
d_1 -->|geographic and linear| output_error([fa:fa-exclamation-triangle error: cannot do linear densification<br> on data in a geographic crs])
d_1 -->|geographic and geodesic| p_3
d_1 -->|projected and linear| p_4[linear densify in input-crs]
d_1 -->|projected and geodesic| p_2
p_3["geodesic densify with<br>ellipse of input-crs or base-geographic-crs"]
p_2[convert to LatLon in<br>base-geographic-crs<br> of input-crs]
p_2 --> p_3
p_3-->d_4{input-crs<br>type and<br>densification method}
d_4 -->|projected and geodesic| p_5[convert back to input-crs]
p_5 -->output
d_4 -->|geographic and geodesic| output([fa:fa-database output data])
d_4 -->|projected and linear| output
style output_error stroke: red,stroke-width:2px
style output stroke: green,stroke-width:2px