RESTful Coordinate Transformation API offering NSGI defined and NSGI recommended transformations for the Netherlands. Build on top of pyproj and FastAPI.
- API metadata, documentation and source code is in English
- Easily accessible, but correct
- Conforms (as much is possible) to the OGC API Common and the NL API Design rules
⚠️ pyproj makes use of it's own proj binaries andPROJ_DIR
. These are set when pyproj is build.
Pyproj with default configuration is not capable in performing the right transformations, because our primary transformations layer on the following transformation grids:
Recommended RDNAPTRANS(TM)2018 variant:
And the geoid for BESTRANS2020
These transformation grids need to be downloaded from the Datumgrid CDN and put in the correct directory. This can be done in a couple of ways.
- Enable PROJ_NETWORK environment variable
- Edit proj.ini file by setting
network = on
These will download the necessary files to a cache so they can be use for the correct transformation. But this requires a network connection, preferable we don't want to rely on this network connection and provide these files with the application. This can be done by
- Mirror and write the these file to the data directory
- Download the specific files to the root of the data directory
To install from source requires minimum version of pip: 23.2.1
Install dev dependencies with:
pip install ".[dev]"
Install enable pre-commit hook with:
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks
To run debug session in VS Code install the package with pip with the
pip install --editable .
Also install Mypy as follows
mypy --install-types
Check test coverage (install coverage
with pip install coverage
python3 -m coverage run --source=src/coordinate_transformation_api -m pytest -v tests && python3 -m coverage report -m
Validate OAS document:
# install spectral with: npm install -g @stoplight/spectral-cli - then validate openapi doc with:
echo 'extends: "spectral:oas"\n'> ruleset.yaml && spectral lint --ruleset ruleset.yaml && rm ruleset.yaml
Execute the following shell one-liner to install the NSGI
as proj.db
from the
proj_data_dir=$(python3 -c 'import pyproj;print(pyproj.datadir.get_data_dir());')
curl -sL -o "${proj_data_dir}/nl_nsgi_nlgeo2018.tif" && \
curl -sL -o "${proj_data_dir}/nl_nsgi_rdcorr2018.tif" && \
curl -sL -o "${proj_data_dir}/nl_nsgi_rdtrans2018.tif" && \
curl -sL -H "Accept: application/octet-stream" $(curl -s "" | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name=="proj.time.dependent.transformations.db").url') -o "${proj_data_dir}/proj.db"
⚠️ For 'default' usage, like QGIS, use the proj.db. The coordinate transformation API it self uses the proj.time.dependent.transformations.db for specific time dependent transformations.
pip install .
docker build -t nsgi/coordinate-transformation-api .
docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 --name ct-api nsgi/coordinate-transformation-api
wget --no-parent --recursive
pip install datamodel-code-generator
datamodel-codegen --input --input-file-type jsonschema --output
Download test/sample data from
Creating a subset of CityJSON file (for - for example - testing purposes):
cjio subset --random 10 save
CRS transformation with cjio
cjio crs_reproject 4937 save
input([/transform endpoint]) ==> filetype{content-type<br>request body}
filetype==> | GeoJSON | dc_param{density-check parameter}
filetype==> | CityJSON | a4[add response header:<br>density-check-result: not-implemented]
a4 --> tf
dc_param ==> |"`default: *true*`"|ms_param{max_segment param}
ms_param -.-> |max_segment_deviation param| bc[check if data within bbox]
bc --> |success| dc
bc --> |failure| output_error_bbox([HTTP 400 with bbox error])
ms_param ==> |"`max_segment_length param (default: *200*)`"| dc[density check]
dc_param -.-> |"`*false*`"| a5[add response header:<br>density-check-result: not-run]
a5 --> tf[transform]
dc --> |"not applicable: geometrytype is point" | a2[add response header:<br>density-check-result: not-applicable-geom-type]
dc --> |"success"| a3[add response header:<br>density-check-result: success]
dc --> |"failure"| a6[add response header:<br>density-check-result: failed]
a6 --> output_error([HTTP 400 with density check report])
a2 --> tf
a3 --> tf
tf --> output([http 200 response])
class output_error error
class output_error_bbox error
classDef error stroke: red,stroke-width:2px
style output stroke: green,stroke-width:2px