These two labs contain a simple introduction to ROS, including ROS publisher, subscriber, node and some stuff about python. It should be quite easy if you follow the ROS official tutorials.
One small tip is presented for Part 4 in Lab 2. In order to create multiple turtles in the simulation. I would recommend to use rosservice
, such as rosservice call spawn 1 1 0 turtle
, where three double represent the x, y postion and the rotational angle, respectively.
Please refer to quaternion representation and transformation matrix involving twist representation, which is strongly recommended.
If you have difficulty with Part 1.4, I would recommend you to use rosrun tf view_frames
, which generates a list of frames in the terminal and summary them up in a pdf file. As you might noticed, the system has more than thirty frames. It's fine to choose any two of them to finish part 1.4.
For part 2 of lab 3, we need to use function set_joint_positions()
to enable the movement to the desired position. Initially we move the robot to a desired position with following codes,
bindings = {
'left_s0': float(raw_input("Type the angle")),
'left_s1': float(raw_input("Type the angle")),
'left_e0': float(raw_input("Type the angle")),
'left_e1': float(raw_input("Type the angle")),
'left_w0': float(raw_input("Type the angle")),
'left_w1': float(raw_input("Type the angle")),
'left_w2': float(raw_input("Type the angle"))
done = False
print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.")
while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown():
except KeyboardInterrupe:
With this kind of code, the program won't be stopped automatically when the desired rotational angles are satisfied. Therefore, we need add an uncertainty for the convergence of angle errors. A sample code can be written as follow,
while( right.joint_angle(lj[0])-our_theta['right_s0']<0.1 or
right.joint_angle(lj[1])-our_theta['right_s1']<0.1 or
right.joint_angle(lj[2])-our_theta['right_e0']<0.1 or
right.joint_angle(lj[3])-our_theta['right_e1']<0.1 or
right.joint_angle(lj[4])-our_theta['right_w0']<0.1 or
right.joint_angle(lj[5])-our_theta['right_w1']<0.1 or
right.joint_angle(lj[6])-our_theta['right_w2']<0.1 ):
This lab talks about an introductive calibration of camera, including an implementation of Homography matrix and numerical calculations of mapping from pixel coordinates to world coordinates. By following the intructions, this lab work is easily to be finished.
For part 2, please follow the instructions step by step.
For part 3, firstly connect to turtlebot, for example:
Launch the ar_marker tracking
roslaunch ar_track_alvar webcam_track.launch
Establish the static transformation between two frames: ar_marker on the turtlebot and its base_link
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.014 0 -0.397 0 0 0 ar_marker_12 base_link 100
We can check the configuration of frames, axis in the rviz. Always make sure that two markers are detected by the camera. Please use rqt_tf_tree
to ensure the transformation is well established
rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree
An screenshot of Rviz is presented as below. Notice that the fixed frame of Rviz should be set as "odom".
In order to make sure that each voxel is updated once per ray, we use the temperal variable x_prev
and y_prev
to count backwards along the ray from the scan point to the sensor.
for i in np.arange(r,0,-0.1):
x_prev = x_val
y_prev = y_val
x_val = i*np.sin(angle)
y_val = i*np.cos(angle)
val = self.PointToVoxel(x_val,y_val)
if self.PointToVoxel(x_val,y_val) != self.PointToVoxel(x_prev,y_prev):
if i == r:
self._map[val] += self._occupied_update
if self._map[val] >= self._occupied_threshold:
self._map[val] = self._occupied_threshold
self._map[val] += self._free_update
if self._map[val] <= self._free_threshold:
self._map[val] = self._free_threshold