All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Adds MS-SSIMLoss reconstruction loss function (#1551)
- Added HyNet descriptor (#1573)
- Add KeyNet detector (#1574)
- Add RandomPlanckianJitter in color augmentations (#1607)
- Add Jina AI QAbot to Kornia documentation (#1628)
- Add
- RandomCrop fix and improvement (#1571)
- Fix draw_line produce wrong output for coordinates larger than uint8
- Fix mask bug for loftr (#1580)
- Fix gradient bug for distance_transform (#1584)
- Fix translation sampling in AffineGenerator3D (#1581)
- Fix AugmentationSequential bbox keypoints transformation fix (#1570)
- Fix CombineTensorPatches (#1558)
- Fix overblur in AA (#1612)
- Deprecated
, enabled 3D augmentations in AugmentionSequential (#1590)
- Making compute_correspond_epilines work with fundamental and point of volumetric tensor (#1585)
- Update batch shape when augmentations change size of image (#1609)
- Remap accepts arbitrary grid size (#1617)
- Rename variables named 'input' to 'sample' (in tests). (#1614)
- Remove half log2 in extract_patches (#1616)
- Add orientation-preserving option for AffNet and make it default (#1620)
- Add option for sampling_method in 2d perspective transform generation (#1591) (#1592)
- Fix adjust brightness (#1586)
- Added default params for laf construction from xy and new tensor shape check (#1633)
- Make nms2d jittable (#1637)
- Add fn to automatically compute padding (#1634)
- Add pillow_like option for ColorJitter to match torchvision. (#1611)
- Update CI to pytorch 1.10.1 (#1518)
- Added Hanning kernel, prepare for KCF tracking (#1519)
- Add distance transform implementation (#1490)
- Add Resize augmentation module (#1545)
- Precompute padding parameters when RandomCrop aug in container (#1494)
- Padding error with RandomCrop #1520
- Fix correct shape after cropping when forwarding parameters (#1533)
- Fixed #1534 nested augmentation sequential bug (#1536)
- Fixes to device in augmentations (#1546)
- Bugfix for larger MotionBlur kernel size ranges (#1543)
- Fix RandomErasing applied to mask keys (#1541)
- Restructure augmentation package (#1515)
- Add missing keepdims with fixed type (#1488)
- Allow to pass a second K to distort and undistort points (#1506)
- Augmentation Sequential with a list of bboxes as a batch (#1497)
- Adde Devcontainer for development (#1515)
- Improve the histogram_matching function (#1532)
- Add face detection API (#1469)
- Add
(#1414) - Add container operation weights and
documentation (#1443) - Add oriented constraint check to Homography RANSAC (#1453)
- Add background color selection in
(#1452) - Add
image utility (#1456) - Add Bounding Boxes API (#1304)
- Add histogram_matching functionality (#1395)
- fix catch type for torch.svd error (#1431)
- Fix for nested AugmentationSequential containers (#1467)
- Use common bbox format xywh (#1472)
- Fix motion blur kernel size bug for larger random generator ranges (#1540)
- Add padding_mode for RandomElasticTransform augmentation (#1439)
- Expose inliers sum to HomographyTracker (#1463)
- Switch to one-way error RANSAC for speed-up (#1454)
- Few improvements on homography tracking (#1434)
- Enable all bandit tests, add separate hook for tests (#1437)
- Merge homography_warp to warp_perspective (#1438)
- Random generator refactor (#1459)
- Fixes PyPI tarball missing required files #1421
- hotfix: remove mutable object in constructor #1423
- Add Training API (#1307)
- Added combine patches (#1309)
- Add semantic segmentation trainer (#1323)
- Add vanilla LO-RANSAC (#1335)
- Add Lambda function module (#1346)
- Add support for YUV420 and YUV422 to complement current YUV444 (#1360)
- Add raw to rgb color conversion (#1380)
- Implement separable_filter2d (#1385)
- Add MobileViT to contrib (#1388)
- Add solve_pnp_dlt (#1349)
- Add function image_list_to_tensor to utils (#1393)
- Add undistort_image function (#1303)
- Create kormia.metrics submodule (#1325)
- Add Image Stitching API (#1358)
- Add Homography Tracker API (#1389)
- Refactor library namespaces [pre-release][0.6-rc1] (#1412)
- deprecate 1.6/1.7 and add 1.9.1 (#1399)
- Improve bbox_to_mask (#1351)
- Refactor unfold->conv for morphology backbone (#1107)
- Improve focal loss for numerical stability (#1362)
- Add more border_type options for filter2D (#1375)
- Replace deprecated torch.qr (#1376)
- Add special case hardcoded implementtion for local features speed up (#1387)
- Enable non/batched connected components (#1193)
- Remove warnings during testing (#1401)
- Fix binary focal loss (#1313)
- Fix kornia.geometry.subpix.spatial_soft_argmax imports (#1318)
- Fixed a simple typo in (#1319)
- Fix path to dev requirements file in a (#1324)
- Fix bug in create_meshgrid3d along depth (#1330)
- Fix anisotropic scale error (#1340)
- Fix rgb_to_hsv for onnx (#1329)
- Fixed useless return in (#1352)
- Fixed classificationhead typo and leave out some of the guesswork (#1354)
- Fix clahe differentiability and tests (#1356)
- Fixes singular matrix inverse/solve for RANSAC and ConvQuad3d (#1408)
- Change intermediate datatype to fix imgwarp (#1413)
- Add Vision Transformer (ViT) (#1296)
- Add ImageRegistrator API (#1253)
- Add LoFTR inference (#1218)
- Added differentiable Hausdorff Distance (HD) loss (#1254)
- Add PadTo to kornia.augmentation (#1286)
- Return all learned modules by default in eval() mode (#1266)
- Enable ImageSequential and VideoSequential to AugmentationSequential (#1231)
- Specify that angles are in radians (#1287)
- Removed deprecated codes for v6.0 (#1281)
- Fix save_pointcloud_ply fn counting point with inf coordinates (#1263)
- Fixes torch version parse and add temporal packaging dependency (#1284)
- Fix issue of image_histogram2d (#1295)
- Added Basic pool request for DeFMO. (#1135)
- Added homography error metrics, and improved find_homography_iter (#1222)
- Fixed wrong param name (#1197)
- Fixed NotImplementedError for the rtvec (#1215))
- Fixes warnings and add compatibility stub in torch solve (#1235)
- Ensure CenterCrop indices are integers (#1208)
- Added tests, fixed docstrings and made some other changes (#1211)
- Upgrade to modern Python syntax (#1213)
- Code health improvements [#1199, #1200, #1198, #1202, #1203, #1205, #1208, #1210, #1214, #1220]
- Enable pyupgrade as pre-commit (#1221)
- Add bandit tool in the pre-commit (#1228)
- Add the connected components labeling algorithm (#1184)
- Partial fix for horizontal and vertical flips (#1166)
- Fix even kernel and add test (#1183)
- Fix wrong source points for RandomThinPlateSpline (#1187)
- Fix RandomElasticTransform ignores same_on_batch (#1189)
- Fixed bugs in patchsequential. Remove fill_diagonal operation for better ONNX support (#1178)
- Differentiable image histogram using kernel density estimation (#1172)
- Fix checks on wrong tensor shape condition in (#1164)
- Added mix augmentations in containers (#1139)
- Fixed non-4-dim input error for sequential (#1146)
- Moving bbox-related functionality to bbox module (#1103)
- Optimized version of hls_to_rgb and rgb_to_hls (#1154)
- Remove numpy dependency (#1136)
- Added Stereo camera class (#1102)
- Added auto-generated images in docs (#1105) (#1108) (#1127) (#1128) (#1129) (#1131)
- Added chinese version README (#1112)
- Added random_apply to augmentaton containers (#1125)
- Change GaussianBlur to RandomGaussianBlur (#1118)
- Update ci with pytorch 1.9.0 (#1120)
- Changed option for mean and std to be tuples in normalization (#987)
- Adopt torch.testing.assert_close (#1031)
- Remove numpy import (#1116)
- Add Canny edge detection (#1020)
- Added Batched forward function (#1058)
- Added denormalize homography function (#1061)
- Added more augmentations containers (#1014)
- Added calibration module and Undistort 2D points function (#1026)
- Added patch augmentation container (#1095)
- Remove lena (#1059) :)
- Resize regardless of number of dims, considering the last two dims as image (#1047)
- Raise error if converting to unit8 image to gray with float weights (#1057)
- Filter 2D->2d, 3D->3d (#1069)
- Removed augmentation functional module. (#1067)
- Make Morphology compatible with both OpenCV and Scipy (#1084)
- Added inverse for augmentations (#1013)
- Add advanced augmentations: RandomFisheye, RandomElasticTransform, RandomThinPlateSpline, RandomBloxBlur (#1015
- Correct Sobel test_noncontiguous. Nothing was tested before. (#1018)
- Fixing #795: find_homography_dlt_iterated sometimes fails (#1022)
- Refactorization of the morphology package (#1034)
- Optimised clipping in clahe and some other minor optimisation (#1035)
- Added unsharp mask filtering (#1004)
- Fixed angle axis to quaternion order bug (#926)
- Fixed type error for lab_to_rgb conversion when using coremltools. (#1002)
- Mask with unbatched motion from essential choose solution (#998)
- Added dtype for create_mesh (#919)
- Added Hardnet8 (#955)
- Added normalize boolean for remap (#921)
- Added custom weights option for rgb2gray (#944)
- Added fp16 support (#963)
- Added ImageToTensor module and resize for non-batched images (#978)
- Add more augmentations (#960)
- Anti alias resize (#989)
- Improve kornia porphology (#965)
- Improve cuda ci workflow speed (#975)
- Refactor augmentation module (#948)
- Implement fast version of crop function in augmentations (#967)
- Implement missing jit ops in kornia.geometry.transform (#981)
- Fixed RandomAffine translation range check (#917
- Fixed the issue of NaN gradients by adding epsilon in focal loss (#924)
- Allow crop size greater than input size. (#957)
- Fixed RandomCrop bug (#951)
- Deprecate some augmentation functionals (#943)
- Update docs for
(#618) - Added docs for
(#623) - Added tensor device conversion for solarize params (#624)
- Added rescale functional and transformation (#631)
- Added Mixup data augmentation (#609)
- Added
(#639) - Added
decompose 3x4projection matrix
(#650) - Added
functionality (#684) - Added
random equalize3d
(#653) - Added 3D motion blur (#713)
- Added 3D volumetric crop implementation (#689)
- Replace convolution with
(#626) - Updates Affine scale with non-isotropic values (#646)
- Enabled param p for each augmentation (#664)
- Enabled RandomResizedCrop batch mode when same_on_batch=False (#683)
- Increase speed of transform_points (#687)
- Improves
performance improvement and weights params made optional (#690) - Enable variable side resizing in
(#628) - Added
transformation asnn.Module
(#630) - Accelerate augmentations (#708)
- Fixed error in normal_transform_pixel3d (#621)
- Fixed pipelining multiple augmentations return wrong transformation matrix (#645)(645)
- Fixed flipping returns wrong transformation matrices (#648)
- Fixed 3d augmentations return wrong transformation matrix (#665)
- Fix the SOSNet loading bug (#668)
- Fix/random perspective returns wrong transformation matrix (#667)
- Fixes Zca inverse transform (#695)
- Fixes Affine scale bug (#714)
- Removed