- New Feature: Add TypeWrapper used to register custom Type Checker
- New Feature: Add UseWrapper used to add your TypeWrapper
- Update: remove isTimeField, add TimeWrapper
- Detail:
- now only support IsType used to check type
- 2019-02-03 16:00
- New Feature: Add TimeToUnix\UnixToTime\TimeToUnixLocation\UnixToTimeLocation used to transform Time and Unix
- New Feature: Add SetEnabledAutoTypeConvert used to set whether or not auto do type convert when field is Time and Unix
- Detail:
- if set enabled, field will auto convert in Time and Unix
- it will effective when fromField is time.Time and toField is int64
- it will effective when fromField is int64 and toField is time.Time
- it will effective when you use Mapper or MapperMap
- default is enabled
- Example:
type ProductBasic struct {
ProductId int64
CreateTime time.Time
type ProductGetResponse struct {
ProductId int64
CreateTime int64
from := &ProductBasic{
ProductId: 10001,
CreateTime: time.Now(),
to := &ProductGetResponse{}
mapper.Mapper(from, to)
- Update: Added type support when use MapperMap
- 2019-01-09 12:00
- New Feature: Add MapToJson to mapper from map[string]interface{} to json []byte
- New Feature: Add JsonToMap mapper from json []byte to map[string]interface{}
- Example:
// MapToJson
fromMap := make(map[string]interface{})
fromMap["Name"] = "test"
fromMap["Sex"] = true
fromMap["Age"] = 10
data, err := MapToJson(fromMap)
fmt.println(data, err)
// JsonToMap
var retMap map[string]interface{}
err := JsonToMap(data, &retMap)
fmt.println(retMap, err)
- New Feature: Add auto mapper reflect.Struct field, fixed for #3
- New Feature: Add mapper.SetEnabledMapperStructField used to set enabled flag for MapperStructField
- Detail:
- if set true, the reflect.Struct field will auto mapper
- fromField and toField type must be reflect.Struct and not time.Time
- fromField and toField must be not same type
- default is enabled
- Example:
type ItemStruct1 struct {
ProductId int64
type ItemStruct2 struct {
ProductId int64
type ProductBasic struct {
ProductId int64
ProductTitle string
Item ItemStruct1
CreateTime time.Time
type ProductGetResponse struct {
ProductId int64
ProductTitle string
Item ItemStruct2
CreateTime time.Time
func main() {
from := &ProductBasic{
ProductId: 10001,
ProductTitle: "Test Product",
Item: ItemStruct1{ProductId: 20},
CreateTime: time.Now(),
to := &ProductGetResponse{}
mapper.AutoMapper(from, to)
- Add Demo: example/structfield
- 2018-11-29 08:00
- 新增当json标签含有omitempty时,忽略多余信息,自动获取第一位tag信息,感谢 #2 from @zhangmingfeng
- 完善示例 example/main
- 2018-07-16 08:00
- 新增jsontime文件,用于处理需要定制Time字段json序列化格式场景
- 2018-04-09 16:00
- 新增reflectx包,增加部分便捷函数
- 2018-03-20 12:00
- 新增MapperSlice\MapperMapSlice函数,用于处理切片类转换
- MapperSlice: 将StructA类型的Slice转换为StructB类型的Slice,具体使用代码可参考Test_MapperSlice
- MapperMapSlice: 将map[string]map[string]interface{}转换为*Struct类型的Slice,具体使用代码可参考Test_MapperMapSlice
- 新增PackageVersion函数,用于输出当前包版本信息
- 调整:Mapper调整为自动Register类型,无需单独Register类型代码
- 更新mapper\mapper_test.go
- 2018-03-07 13:00
- 新增SetEnabledTypeChecking函数,用于设置是否启用字段类型一致性检查,默认为不启用
- 如果SetEnabledTypeChecking = true,则在Mapper\AutoMapper时,将对两个类型的同名字段进行类型一致性检查,如果不一致自动忽略赋值
- 更新mapper\mapper_test.go
- 更新 example/main
- 2017-11-24 11:00
- 新增MapperMap接口,该接口支持map到struct的自动映射
- MapperMap支持自动注册struct
- 目前支持自动映射类型:
- reflect.Bool
- reflect.String
- reflect.Int8\16\32\64
- reflect.Uint8\16\32\64
- reflect.Float32\64
- time.Time:支持原生time\string[]byte
- 更新 example/main
- 2017-11-17 09:00
- 新增AutoMapper接口,使用该接口无需提前Register类型
- 特别的,使用该接口性能会比使用Mapper下降20%
- 更新 example/main
- 2017-11-15 10:00
- 新增兼容Json-tag标签
- 识别顺序:私有Tag > json tag > field name
- 当tag为"-"时,将忽略tag定义,使用struct field name
- 2017-11-15 10:00
- 初始版本
- 支持不同结构体相同名称相同类型字段自动赋值
- 支持tag标签,tag关键字为 mapper
- 2017-11-14 21:00